The Real Story Of The Rahim-Norhayati Affair

     Last night, Norhayati Mohamad Yusop made a public declaration that she was never
     involved with Rahim Tambi Chik, the disgraced ex-Chief Minister of Melaka. This
     has just added a new twist to the whole episode, which not only saw the downfall of
     Rahim, but also the jailing of Lim Guan Eng. As the say, the plot thickens, but what is
     the real story behind the Rahim-Norhayati affair - or was there even one in the first

     Well, recently I interviewed someone from Melaka, a man very much involved with
     the whole episode, and here is his story.

     “Rahim called me one day to tell me he was having an affair with this girl and that it
     was now giving him some political problems. He asked me to help resolve the
     problem. Rahim trusted me because I already had some business dealings with him.
     He had given me a 1,000 acre piece of land along the PLUS Highway not far from
     Melaka, so I had an obligation to help him out.

     Actually, in the beginning, Rahim was not having an affair with Norhayati, but with her
     elder sister, a bar girl whom Rahim was meeting often for sex. One day Rahim
     phoned her house and Norhayati answered the phone instead. She told Rahim that
     her elder sister was not home. She also told Rahim that she had been meaning to
     contact him because she needed to see him about something. Rahim then asked her
     to come to his office.

     Norhayati went to Rahim’s office that same afternoon and told Rahim she needed to
     borrow some money. Rahim told her he had no money on him then and asked her to
     come back the next day, but to come after 5.00pm when the staff had all gone home.

     Norhayati went back the next day as instructed and that was the first time they had
     sex – right there in Rahim’s office. Since then they met regularly for sex. Norhayati
     was in it just for the money.

     I, together with two other friends, kidnapped Norhayati and took her to Sungai
     Golok in Thailand. Rahim gave us RM20,000.00 cash to take care of our expenses.
     In Golok we questioned the girl at length and tape-recorded the conversation. The
     girl gave us all the details of her sex sessions with Rahim, even telling us Rahim’s
     sexual preferences, which was quite kinky and at times sick.

     I then brought the tape back to Rahim and played it for him to hear. Rahim then
     asked me to meet the girl’s parents and negotiate a settlement with them, which I did.
     The girl’s father wanted RM500,000.00 plus another RM250,000.00 for the girl. I
     also asked another RM250,000.00 for our “team”. All in all Rahim had to fork out
     RM1 million to settle this matter. I also handed the tape to Rahim and assured him
     there were no more copies though I did make one copy to keep just in case Rahim
     did not pay me my RM250,000.00.

     The girl was very “hot”. In fact, while in Golok, all three of us also had a go at her.
     She was a real nymphomaniac and enjoyed sex so much.

     The 1,000 acre land that Rahim gave me was subsequently sold to HICOM but I
     heard they could not get approval to build the industrial park that they had applied
     for. The Melaka government wanted HICOM to build low cost houses on the land,
     which was impossible on that piece of land.

     You can still see the HICOM signboard on the land beside the PLUS Highway if you
     drive to Melaka. My brother, who is the Chairman of a public listed company, and a
     partner with HICOM, arranged to sell the land to HICOM. What made me very
     angry is that I did not receive one Sen from the sale of the land”.

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