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Riot police protest against negative public portrayal

KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 7 - In an emotionally charged public protest today,  brutal, violent 
Federal Reserve Unit (FRU)
officers expressed  frustration over the stereotyping in the independent media of riot 
 policemen as brutal, violent psychopaths.
The demonstration by some 500  FRU riot police was violently broken up by another 500 
FRU riot police. 

 "As a brutal, violent riot policeman, I feel hurt by the negative  portrayal of my 
profession in some of the media," Ahmad
Terajang, 31,  told reporters at the demonstration in Dataran Merdeka. "None of us  
should have to live with stereotyping and

 He then began screaming and firing tear gas into a small crowd of  civilian 
by-standers nearby. 

 "It hurts that in this supposedly enlightened day and age, people still  make 
assumptions about other people," Bantai said, as he
slowly twisted  the neck of a nearby pensioner. "We should not rely on simple  
generalizations. Each crazed riot policeman is an

 Another demonstrating FRU officer, A Pukulsamy, 29, said that he  himself has often 
been unfairly stereotyped. "Any time I
approach a  small crowd with fully loaded tear gas guns and batons swinging, people  
just assume I'm going to harm them," he
said. "That really hurts." 

 "Yes, I sometimes do crack their skulls in the name of law and order,"  he noted. 
"But there is so much more to me." 

 "I walk into a supermarket in full riot gear and people immediately  jump to 
conclusions on the basis of the colour of my helmet
and  uniform," officer Lim Ban Tai. "We are victims of prejudice ,and this  can be 
very hurtful and frustrating," he said weeping
from the tear  gas. 

 FRU officers had last week pleaded their case and brought their  grievances to human 
rights group SUARAM. A subsequent
peaceful demo  organised by SUARAM, "Freedom for the FRU Day",  was violently broken  
up by FRU. 

"People forget that we are professionals and take great pride in our  work," said Ali 
Sepak, 32. Ali gained worldwide fame
when international  news agencies filmed him dragging a sixty-year old woman by the 
hair  along Jalan TAR and beamed the
pictures to every cable news channel in  the world. "We have brought international 
recognition to Malaysia. And  what do we
get? Bad PR." 

 According to Ali, stereotypes against brutal, violent riot policemen  don't work 
because they don't take into account the vast
diversity of  professional experience and variety of cultures among them. 

 "There are so many different kinds of brutal, violent riot policemen.  Each of us has 
our own unique reasons and motivations for
beating the  crap out of people. Some like the brisk exercise. Others like to see  the 
sight of blood. I personally like the to hear
the gurgle in their  throats as I ram my baton down their windpipes." 

 Pukulsamy  also stressed the importance of understanding and  celebrating the 
cultural differences between brutal, violent riot 
policemen and non-brutal, non-violent civilians. "All the different  peoples of the 
world have something special to offer each
other," he  said. "Our diversity is our greatest strength. Let's not make a  weakness 
out of that strength." 

 To emphasize his point, Pukulsamy fired into a nearby crowd with his  automatic 
rifle, killing nine. 

 "I'm proud to be a brutal, violent riot policeman, obviously," he said  in between 
loading ammunition. "But I'm a professional
first. Eat lead,  you Reformasi bastards!" he declared, as he fired another clip into 
a  passing schoolbus. 

 ~ By a Special Correspondent of 'Not The New Straits Times' 

  o  o 

 Sabri Zain 

 REFORMASI DIARY at http://reformdiary.cjb.net 

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