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Chechen envoy says Russians kill 5,600 in campaign

12:37 p.m. Nov 15, 1999 Eastern

PRAGUE, Nov 15 (Reuters) - Russian attacks on the rebel province of Chechnya 
have killed 4,000
civilians and about 1,600 Chechen troops, a senior Chechen official said on 

Ilyas Akhmadov, considered foreign minister by the Chechen leadership of 
President Aslan Maskhadov,
said the civilian deaths resulted from the Russian bombing of towns and 
villages and ``shooting just
about anything that moves.''

Akhmadov, on a private visit to Prague, called on the United Nations to 
intervene to bring about
negotiations on a peaceful settlement with Moscow.

``Nothing can come out of peace negotiations (just between Russia and 
Chechnya). We need a third
party who would be able to help us with the result of peace negotiations,'' 
Akhmadov told a news
conference at Radio Free Europe headquarters in Prague.

He said he had received the casualty information personally from Maskhadov two 
days ago. 
Moscow launched a military campaign against the breakaway province eight weeks 
ago, saying it aimed
to eradicate Islamist ``terrorists and bandits'' it blames for recent bomb 
blasts in Russian cities.

Russian leaders have said they would not stop the campaign until it had 
brought the entire rebel region
under control.

Reports from Chechnya have said many civilians have been the victims of 
Russian bombing attacks,
and an estimated 200,000 refugees were fleeing the fighting, mostly into 
nearby Ingushetia in the North

Akhmadov said peace talks should result in a commission with the participation 
of the UN security
council, which would investigate the bomb attacks in Russian cities.

The commission should create a mechanism for the removal of Russian troops 
from Chechnya, and
create a demilitarised zone, he said. 
The Czech Foreign Ministry has stressed Akhmadov was in Prague purely on a 
private visit at the
invitation of Czech non-profit organisations, and that Czech officials had no 
plans to meet him.

Last week, Russia formally protested to the French ambassador in Moscow about 
Akhmadov's visit to
the Foreign Ministry in Paris, saying the visit could cloud relations between 
France and Russia.

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