This is what I said: 
     "If the DAP is thinking soley in selfish party terms, the risks are too great and it is definitely not worth it.
     However, if we believe that the  present election provides the golden historic  opportunity to break the political
     hegemony of the Barisan Nasional by ending its two-thirds parliamentary majority, then the risks are worth taking for
     the restoration of  justice and democracy, as well as  for the future of the people and nation.
     "If the DAP suffers unprecedented defeat in the next general election because the DAP is unable to counter and defuse
     the Barisan Nasional’s four trump-cards to confuse and mislead the voters, it will be a  tragedy for the DAP.  But it
     will be a greater tragedy for Malaysia if  the hopes of Malaysians that the new millennium will usher in a new era for
     justice and democracy is  crushed even before the new millennium has started in a month’s time!"
I stand by these words. I believe that the political decision taken by the DAP to co-operate with the PAS, KeADILan and PRM in Barisan Alternatif to smash the
Barisan Nasional political hegemony and two-thirds majority to break the four-decade mould of Malaysian politics of "divide and rule" along racial and religious lines
was the right and correct one.
This was because no opposition party, whether DAP, PAS or KeADILan on its own could smash the Barisan Nasional political hegemony by breaking its two-thirds
parliamentary majority - but collectively, the Barisan Alternatif stands a chance of achieving this political breakthrough by securing 70 to 75 parliamentary seats.

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