assalamu'alaikum. the subject was brought up earlier.  you can see the advertisemnt in The STAR - the gathering will also be in bahasa malaysia!!!!!!!!!!! what does it mean?  only God knows.... wassalam

Subject: Re: [H-Net* Peperangan yang belum tamat..]
Date:           Wed, 10 Nov 1999 19:18:25 +0800

wa'alaikumussalam dan assalamu'alaikum.... Emanuel Celebration ( a christian gathering purpoterdly to be headed by a priest from argentina) will be held at national stadium bukit jalil from 11 to 13 Dec 99.  i believe this has got to do with the dissolving of parliament to enable elections be held before the event!  our umno friends - whoever you are, wherever you are - could possibly enlighten us on the subject. jakim/pusat islam/majlis agama islam/...islam must organise nuzul qur'an at stadium bukit jalil soon after.  if they dare not do it, then muslims (whether umno or pas) should sit down together and organise that. possibly
mr hishamuddin and haji mahfuz would like to ponder into this... if umno is not keen, it confirms on umno's stand on Islam whatever come from them. then it's the muslim ummah's responsibility to arrange and organise the nuzul Qur'an gathering at the location. the ummah can! vote wisely. vote alternatively. we do not vote just for the sake of change cos we do not believe in changing just for the sake of changing. we change cos we need that change and it is NOW!  May Allah bestows his blessings and guidance to the muslim ummah of malaysia. wassalam

ibnu muhajir wrote:

salam, nak tambah sikit bang...

bila sebut perang salib, yg sedang berlaku skang ialah di Ambon - jelas antara ISlam-Kristian. malah ia berlaku seakan-akan zaman solehudin alAyubi...dgn menggunakan pedang, parang, panah, tombak dan senjata2 zaman dulu...maka dapat dilihat kepala terbelah kena kapak, leher terpotong dan kepala terkulai bercerai dari badan kena pedang...

dan di utara ambon di kepulauan mindanao berlaku juga perang salib antara ISlam-Kristian..tapi agak canggih sikit sebab guna mesen-gan dan senapang. MAlah org2 pilipino/a ni lebih fanatik dari kristian barat sehinggakan dimana2 saja digantung cross/salib tak kira samada di becanya, kereta, restoran, hotel dsbnya.

di Bosnia dan kosovo juga perang salib antara Islam-Kristian- jelas.

di Sudan iSlam-Kristian

di mesia gitu jugak sehinggakan 3 beranak dikelar lambang salib ditubuhnya.

di Chehcnya, Burma dan di KAshmir perang apa ya?

Adam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Jafri Md wrote:

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Seorang sahabat menghantar kepada saya e-mail dibawah... ada siapa-siapa nak komen?

geng... please help me forward this message to all those muslim freinds you  know.... please beware ....I pass by the federal
highway yesterday and to my greatest surprise,there was a huge banner on the side of the Plaza Pantai building stating that due to the Christmas celebration, they are having a gathering called Emmanuel Celebration.. come and witness the Power of Christ..held at the Bukit Jalil Stadium from the 11th till the 13th of December in the holy month of Ramadhan. Please advice all your known muslim relatives and friends to stay away from this gathering as this is actually a way to attract people especially muslim to become a Christian! I know all about this because I attended one before in Singapore, you would
be surprise to know out of the hundreds of people who attended that time, almost half of those at the end of the show became a Christian !.. How can we as an Islamic Country allow this such thing to be held in our city not to mention in the fasting
month. They are really showing us that they are no longer hiding to get more  people to believe in their god and its a sad thing our government can let this "thing" take place here. This event would be just like a normal show in the begining with colourful ice skating dramas , and then at the near end of the show,they will say things to make you believe and you would be amazed to see the results. Anyway I hope and wish that we would all realise and know enough not to take part in such event.Please inform all those you know...if you want our country to stay as itis...Thank you.

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