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--- aaa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Date: Mon, 06 Dec 1999 18:36:31 +0300
> To: (Recipient list suppressed)
> From: aaa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Assalaamu alaykum
> The OSCE, UN, US, NATO etc talk and dither
> while Muslims are being slaughtered openly by
> the Russians in Chechnya. If it were Jews,
> would they have sat idly by?
> Wake up Muslims, unless we protect our own and
> stand in strength under one leader we will be
> finished by our enemies!
> Reuters
> Sunday December 5 11:06 AM ET 
> Rebels Say Battle for Chechen Capital Begins
> By Maria Eismont
> SLEPTSOVSK, Russia (Reuters) - Chechen rebels
> said on Sunday the battle
> for their capital was under way now that
> Russian forces have the city
> surrounded.
> ``Chechen commanders believe the fight for
> Grozny has begun,'' the
> pro-rebel Kavkaz.org web site said. Russia's
> chief commander in Chechnya,
> general Viktor Kazantsev had proclaimed
> Saturday that the town was under a
> full blockade.
> Kavkaz.org acknowledged that Russia now
> controls all roads from the
> capital, but said rebels were still able to
> move in and out by skirting
> Russian positions.
> It said 800 guerrillas had gone to reinforce
> the city overnight and
> fighting was already underway in districts on
> Grozny's outskirts.
> Russia's declaration that Grozny was encircled
> coincided with fresh
> allegations of civilian deaths. Russia has
> denied reports its troops
> massacred 40 refugees Friday.
> The fighting, the worst since Russia's failed
> campaign against Chechen
> separatists in 1994-96, has sparked Western
> concern and the head of
> European security body the OSCE is to visit the
> North Caucasus, which
> includes Chechnya, this month.
> Russian troops had faced relatively little
> opposition for the first two
> months of the campaign, but as they came closer
> to Grozny over the past
> week rebel resistance -- and Russian artillery
> and air strikes -- have
> intensified markedly.
> Village A Smoking Ruin
> NTV television showed pictures of the village
> of Alkhan Yurt, on Grozny's
> western outskirts, which Russian troops
> occupied over the weekend. The
> village was a total ruin, with billowing clouds
> of smoke rising over
> shredded roofs.
> Itar-Tass news agency quoted officials at
> Russia's Mozdok base outside
> Chechnya as saying identity checks were being
> carried out in the town of
> Argun, just a few km (miles) to the east of
> Grozny.
> Russian officials said they took the town
> Friday and rebels have confirmed
> they withdrew. NTV said battles were taking
> place for control of the road
> between Argun and Grozny.
> NTV also said Chechen fighters were making
> efforts to break out of Grozny
> to the town of Urus-Martan, around 15 km (nine
> miles) to the south and one
> of the rebels' main strongholds.
> Interfax news agency said Bislan Gantimirov, a
> convicted embezzler
> pardoned by President Boris Yeltsin and
> released from prison in October
> who has since gone to Chechnya to lead a
> pro-Moscow militia, had taken
> control of the village of Gekhi, near
> Urus-Martan. The report could not be
> confirmed.
> Russia Denies Massacre Russia's offensive has
> again been overshadowed by
> reports of civilian deaths, the latest from
> refugees who said people in a
> column of cars and a bus fleeing Grozny were
> mown down Friday at
> point-blank range by masked Russian troops.
> A woman who said she survived the attack told
> Reuters in Sleptsovsk in
> neighboring Ingushetia that soldiers with the
> badges of the Russian OMON
> special police had opened fire. She said the
> soldiers had killed 35 to 40
> people Friday after the refugees left Grozny
> and were near the village of
> Goiti, some nine miles away.
> ``I will never forget yesterday, especially how
> my neighbor died before my
> eyes on the road,'' Aiza Bakayeva told Reuters.
> U.S.-sponsored Radio Liberty also reported 40
> refugees had been
> slaughtered at point blank range near Grozny.
> It said a wounded survivor
> had told its Russian-language service that
> masked Russian troops had
> opened fire on the civilians.
> Russian officials said they could not be blamed
> for the attack as their
> forces had not yet taken that area.
> ``This information is a total lie,'' the
> Russian news agency RIA quoted
> Alexander Veklich, a spokesman for Russia's
> North Caucasus forces, as
> saying Saturday.
> Current OSCE head, Norwegian Foreign Minister
> Knut Vollebaek, said he was
> satisfied a date had finally been named for his
> trip to the North
> Caucasus. Permission for a visit was won at an
> OSCE summit in Istanbul
> last month, but a firm date of Dec. 14-15 was
> set by Russia only Saturday.

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