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Who Came from Najd and Prophet's Hadiths concerning Najd 

Most of Abu Bakr's reign was consequently occupied with riddah wars,
which under the generalship of Khalid ibn al-Walid not only brought the
secessionists back to Islam but also won over many who had not yet been
converted. The major campaign was directed against Musaylimah the liar,
who proclaimed Prophecy, and his followers in Al-Yamamah- in Najd. It
culminated in a notoriously bloody battle at 'Aqraba` in eastern Najd
(May 633), afterward known as the Garden of Death. The encounter cost
the Muslims the lives of many ansar (disciples of the Prophet) who were
invaluable for their knowledge of the Qur`an, which had been revealed
to the Prophet, recited to his disciples, and memorized by them but not
yet written down. Musaylimah was killed, the heart of the riddah
opposition was destroyed, and the strength of the Medinan government
was established.  
 The below ahadith are cited in the Six Books of authentic traditions
for the most part. They have been collated for the most part from the
following two books written in refutation of the Wahhabi heresy: 
The Prophet said, Peace be upon him:

1. "They [Khawarij = those outside] transferred the Qur'anic verses
meant to refer to unbelievers and made them refer to believers."

2. "What I most fear in my community is a man who interprets verses of
the Qur'an out of context."

3. "The confusion [fitna] comes from there (and he pointed to the East
= Najd in present-day Eastern Saudi Arabia)." 

4. "A people that recite Qur'an will come out of the East, but it will
not go past their throats. They will pass through the religion (of
Islam) like the arrow passes through its quarry. They will no more come
back to the religion than the arrow will come back to its course. Their
sign is that they shave (their heads)."

5. "There will be in my Community a dissent and a faction, a people
with excellent words and vile deeds. They will read Qur'an, but their
faith does not go past their throats. They will pass through religion
the way an arrow passes through its quarry. They will no more come back
to the religion than the arrow will come back to its original course.
They are the worst of human beings and the worst of all creation. The
one who kills them or is killed by them is blessed. They summon to the
book of Allah but they have nothing to do with it. Whoever kills them
is closer to Allah than they. Their sign is that they shave (their

6. "A people will come out at the end of times, immature, foolish and
corrupt. They will hold the discourse of the best of creation and
recite Qur'an, but it will not go past their throats. They will passes
through religion the way an arrow passes through its quarry. If you
find them, kill them, for verily whoever kills them will have his
reward from Allah the Day of Judgment."

7. "There will be people in my Community whose mark is that they shave
(their heads). They will recite Qur'an, but it will not go past their
throats. They will pass through religion the way an arrow passes
through its target. They are the worst of human beings and the worst of
all creation." 

8. "The apex of disbelief is towards the East [Najd]. Pride and
arrogance is found among the people of the horse and the camel [Bedouin

9. "Harshness and dryness of heart are in the East [Najd], and true
belief is among the people of Hijaz." 

10. "O Allah, bless our Syria and our Yemen!" They said: "Ya
Rasulallah, and our Najd!" He didn't reply. He blessed Syria and Yemen
twice more. They asked him to bless Najd twice more but he didn't
reply. The third time he said: "There [in Najd] are the earthquakes and
the dissensions, and through it will dawn the epoch [or horn] of

11. A version has, "The two epochs [or horns] of shaytan." Some
scholars have said that the dual referred to Musaylima the Arch-liar
and to Muhammad ibn `Abd al-Wahhab. 

12. Some versions continue with the words: "And in it [Najd] is the
consuming disease," i.e. death.

13. Some books of history mention the following version in the chapters
devoted to the battles against the Banu Hanifa: 

"At the end of times a man will come out of Musaylima's country and he
will change the religion of Islam." Note: Most of the Khawarij were
from the Najd area, from the tribes of Banu Hanifa, Banu Tamim, and
Wa'il. Musaylima was from the Banu Hanifa, and Ibn `Abd al-Wahhab is
from Tamim.

13a. Abu Bakr said concerning the Banu Hanifa (the tribe of Musaylima
the Liar): "Their valley [Najd] will not cease to be a valley of
dissensions until the end of time, and the religion will never recover
from their liars until Judgment Day," and in another version: "Woe to
al-Yamama without end."

13b. When `Ali killed the Khawarij, someone said: "Praise be to Allah
Who has brought them down and relieved us from them." Ali replied:
"Verily, by the One in Whose hand is my soul, some of them are still in
the loins of men and they have not been born yet, and the last of them
will fight on the side of the Antichrist."

14. "A people that recite the Qur'an will come out of the East, but it
will not go past their throats. Every time a generation of them is cut
down another one will come until the last one finds itself on the side
of the Antichrist." 

15. "There will be a huge confusion within my Community. There will not
remain one house of the Arabs except that confusion will enter it.
Those who die because of it are in the fire. The harm of the tongue in
it will be greater than that of the sword."

16. "There will be a dissension (in which people will be) deaf, dumb
and blind (this means they will be blind and not see the true issue nor
listen to the voice of truth): whoever tries to control it, the
dissension will control him."

17. "A shaytan will appear in Najd by whose dissension the Arabian
island will quake."

18. On the authority of al-`Abbas: "A man will come out of the Wadi Abu
Hanifah [in Najd] (whose appearance is) like a bull that lunges against
its yoke. There will be much slaughter and killing in his time. They
will make the possessions of Muslims lawful for themselves and for
trade among themselves. They will make the lives of Muslims lawful for
themselves and for boasting among themselves. In that confusion the
despised and the lowly will attain positions of power. Their idle
desires will keep company with them the way a dog keeps company with
its master."

19. On the authority of Abu Sa`id al-Khudri: "Verily in the wake of
this time of mine comes a people who will recite Qur'an but it will not
go past their throats. They will pass through religion the way an arrow
passes through its quarry. They will kill the Muslims and leave the
idolaters alone. If I saw them, verily I would kill them the way the
tribe of `Aad was killed [i.e. all of them]."

20. "There will be towards the end of time a people who will say to you
what neither you nor your forebears ever heard before. Beware of them
lest they misguide you and bring you confusion."

21. "They will pass through Islam like an arrow passes through its
quarry. Wherever you meet them, kill them!" 

22. "They are the dogs of the people of Hell." 

23. "They recite Qur'an and consider it in their favor but it is
against them."

24. "There will be thirty dajjals (antichrists) after me, all claiming

25. "Some people will be standing and calling at the gates of hell;
whoever responds to their call, their will throw him into the Fire.
They will be from our own people [i.e. Arabs] and will speak our
language [Arabic]. Should you live to see them, stick to the main body
(jama`a) of the Muslims and their leader. (If there is no main body and
no leader,) isolate yourself from all these sects, even if you have to
eat from the roots of trees until death overcomes you while you are in
that state."

26. "Just before the Hour there will be many liars." Jabir ibn Samurah
said: "Be on your guard against them."

27. "The Hour will not come until thirty dajjals appear, all of them
lying about Allah and His Messenger." 

28. "There will be Dajjals and liars among my Community. They will tell
you something new, which neither you nor your forefathers have heard.
Be on your guard against them and do not let them lead you astray."

29. "The time of the Dajjal will be years of confusion. People will
believe a liar, and disbelieve one who tells the truth. People will
distrust one who is trustworthy, and trust one who is treacherous; and
the ruwaybidha will have a say." Someone asked: "Who are they?" He
said: "Those who rebel against Allah and will have a say in general

30. "If the leadership is entrusted to those unfit for it, expect the

31. "You will see the barefoot ones, the naked, the destitute, the
shepherds and camelherds take pride in building tall structures in

32. "One of the signs of the change of religion is the affectation of
eloquence by the rabble and their betaking to palaces in big cities." 

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