aaa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Date: Fri, 17 Dec 1999 18:41:59 +0300
To: (Recipient list suppressed)
Subject: Musharrafs Reforms don't address real issues

Subject: Musharrafs Reforms don't address real issues
>As Salamu alaikum,
>What is Musharraf's reforms going to really do for Pakistan? Are they
>aimed at addressing the real problems that the people face?
>The guise under which he took power was the endemic corruption in
>Pakistan. So does the gathering of some money through unpaid loans and
>extra taxes address the heart of the Problem? No, because if the
>materialistic values of greed and self-sensual satisfaction are
>encouraged and pursued within the society, then rishwa and corruption
>will be common. Furthermore, when the people make laws, then revise them
>due to the inherrent flaws, then re-revise them due to the unfair biases
>et! ! c etc then we have toconclude that the mess of the Pakistani political
>system is at the root cause.
>Where the people to adopt a system that encouraged the same values as
>eminate from their beleif. The encourage that Allah's pleasure is more
>important than some luxurious position, or even life itself; and at the
>same time expose the fallacy of clinging on to all of the riches of this
>life to the utmost, such that they override the Shariah of Islam and
>therfore the interests of the society. Then the Pakistani people would
>no longer have to suffer the hypocritical and oppressive democratic
>system which pushes the people to seek only selfish interests and allows
>those corrupted opportunists to control the country according to their
>own personal gains.
>The Muslims should wrest the power from those dull, unliving people who
>have made the Pakistani society a seething quagmire of! ! corruption and
>bribery. Those who came to power through such bribery and force. Those
>who despise the rule of Allah as they realise that they would not be
>able to take advantage of the people anymore and themselves would have
>to submit to its Shariah.
>The Muslims of Pakistan should hold the rulers and officials accountable
>to whether they rule according to Allah's rules, and disregard these
>false 'ehtesab' reforms which never address the real issues at all.
>THe corruption will be a part of the society as it is in France, Britain
>and US because the people are ruling by their own pleasures and the
>powerful can exploit that situation to ensure thier pleasures are
>supremely achieved.
>So we must ask ourselves, Muslims of Pakistan and the whole world, whose
>pleasure do we desire? That of the corrupt officials who hold Allah's
>rules in disdain; or that blissful p! ! ermanent and everlasting pleasure of
>Allah subhaanhu wa ta'ala, to whom we and the corrupt rulers will all
>return and be given our just deserves. Then justice will be enforced
>according to Allah's desires, rather than the justice system of Pakistan
>which accounts according to a person's pleasure.
>In fact the reforms of Pakistan will only perpetuate the corruption and
>foreign powers grip on the country. The Pakistani people do not suffer
>because of bribery alone, nor low economy alone, nor lack of foreign
>investment. Rather they suffer at the hands of exploitative
>collaborators who take every opportunity to better their own condition
>at the expense of the people, taking every bribe and morsel from the
>Western colonialist powers.
>Pakistan knows well its problems, but lack the vision to see them
>solved. We don't need Musharrafs reforms, nor any more Democratic
>reforms! ! , we only need the practical and real implementation of Allah's
>Khilafah System which he ta'ala gave us as a great baraka.
>"Answer the call of the messenger when he calls you to that which gives
>you life"

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