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Assalamualaikum Adam
Hebatnya persediaan menghadapi y2k....semoga berjaya..
diucapkan selamat hari raya idul fitri maaf zahir dan batin untuk 
awak sekeluarga ...manalah tahu lepas ni dah tak boleh baca hasil 
tulisan awak lagi...
Salam untuk isteri


Date sent:              Wed, 29 Dec 1999 10:41:04 -0800 (PST)
From:                   Adam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:                H-Net* y2k ready ?? The darker side....
To:                     TT TT <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Copies to:              [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>  *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*
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> Assalamualaikum all
> Are you y2k ready ? I am trying to be prepared and I
> would like to share a story..
> I went to Walmart (the biggest retail store in the
> galaxy ) and bought the followings:
> --propane heater that can be  converted into a cooker
> for coooking la..
> --long life candles (12 hrs lit percandle)  Why not
> make 24 hr candle just like Seven Eleven.? Lit up 24
> hrs.
> --more batteries of all sizes for all kind of
> flash/torch lights
> --long life light stick....just like flares but non
> flammable and water/wind proof. The package cover said
> "can be used while scuba diving " ( ? ) We will see
> how this thing do in the snow flurry first then we can
> talk about scuba diving in nearby lake at 10 degree
> Farenheit.
> --fuel tank ( plastic container)yes you guess it right
> for more petrol.
> --gallons and gallons of water and more drinking water
> --almost 50 pound of propane fuel for heater and
> cooker
> stove, hopefully I will not blow up my own house.
> Anyway I can convert it into some kind of molotov
> cocktail and blow up the neigbors just in case they
> wanted to steal my air sarbat.
> and 
> I almost buy a .22 caliber bb pistol ( competition
> style as opposed to Magnum in Dirty Harry) but changed
> my mind at the very last moment before I reached the
> check out lane/cashier. I am afraid that I might shoot
> somebody or my own foot or my pc or my Dang Bini.
> Ayoyo I am too young to be a duda ( widower ) Sakit
> tau ka kena tembak dengan bb bullet Its painful to be
> shot by bb gun eventhough it is not real bullet(Travel
> velocity 460 feet per second ). Anyway I am sure all
> the netters do not want me to end up in red neck
> Sheriff's county jail for shooting up the
> neighborhood.
> Furthermore I do not want to be Bubba's lover in no
> damn jail house.  I saw that on tv once. 
> Actually I should just bought real hand gun, join gun
> safety class and NRA ( National Rifle Association )and
> be a cowboy.But since I have a Muslim name and I look
> like Taleban, (okay half baked Taleban since my beard
> is only few milimeters long) I do not think the FBI
> and the State Police will approve my hand gun permit's
> application. May be I should change my name to Adamo
> Mohematolovov, that sounded like Russian a little bit,
> hopefully that will pass FBI back ground security
> check.
> I also dropped by at my favorite Oriental store and
> stocked up. Yes I bought sardines, canned ikan bilis,
> maggie mee and more belacan. Hey who knows, the
> shipping container may get stuck in Panama channel
> somewhere and I need my belacan supply. This is the
> first time I noticed that there is  actually instant
> mee goreng. Hmmm must be nice those Indomie. How come
> there is no instant Penang Mamak Mee Goreng or Char
> Kuey Tiaw? Our people do not know how to manufacture
> instant mee goreng ka ? I also bought few more bags of
> basmati rice..actually enough to cook for iftar at the
> masjid for the entire week. I think I should donate to
> the masjid if I survive this y2k thang.
> I really do not know why I bought all those stuff but 
> it's done deal. So come Jan 1, 1900 I am ready with
> propane heat and cooker, lilin, beras and ikang sardin
> and not to mention belacan and Melaka cabai. Any
> intruders into my property will be beaten too death
> with billiard stick..sorry no shot gun and Uzi in this
> house. I think I should run to K-Mart and buy baseball
> bat. Worse of I can actually learn how to play
> baseball in the park.
> I also filled up gas/petrol in all the cars and
> withdrew some cash from the bank. My banks and phone
> companies said that they are y2k compliance but we
> will see. I really do not trust these banks, what if
> the central bank collapse and the domino effect can
> cause other banks to close down. Worst case scenario,
> the banks alarm system at the door may not work and
> nobody can open the bank's front door for the day's
> business without the crow bar and torch. 
> I wonder whether those ATM card/machine will really
> work. I hear all kind of horror story about missing
> money from ATM machines back home. If I cannot trust
> the bank run by Muslims back home how can I trust
> these non Muslims bank. Some how our PM, Dr M always
> mentioned that the foreign bankers conspired to
> destroy our economy.   Hopefully those machine will
> not only telan (swallow) my money but also all my
> debts and credit cards outstanding balance. That would
> be nice isn't it.
> If you do not hear from me on Jan 1, 00 or if I do not
> hear from any of you, we must mutually assume that y2k
> ghost has actually eaten all of us...and that is not a
> satire any more.
> Adam Mohamad 
> Jan 29 1899
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Faridah A Manan
2nd Operation Section

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