Title: RE: [Re: H-Net* ARAK PERCUMA DI BALI - Petaling Jaya]

Yeah, the party is not for muslim? But when you do it at public places with all the advertisements, it bound to woo a lot of muslims who do not really understand the teaching of islam. Muslim leaders in this country always say that they champion the cause of islam yet practically they do not. All kemungkaran dan maksiat digalakkan in the name of tourist and non muslim (multi racial society). If non muslim want to do it, let's  them do it at their private premises. Looks like we, muslim are more concern for our non muslim friends rather than Allah swt. Some of us more concern on government income from tourist rather Allah's wrath.

Many of the non muslim and muslim do not follow the teaching of their religions. If they do, I believe they will not invlove themselves with all those nonsense. What have become of them is due to the weakness of our society and government, specially, to encourage rakyat to observe the teaching of their religions. Leaders are more concern on the earthy issues, become too materialistic and use religion for their own ulterior benefits.

Pls bear in mind, what future lies for our children and grandchildren?. Remember, takutkanlah Allah yg telah menjadikan kita, memberi kita rezeki, menghidupkan kita, etc, etc,etc. Allah yg MAHA berkuasa yg menghidup dan mematikan. Di dalam bulan ramadhan al mubarak in bersamaan malam malam lailatu qadar, janganlah kita menyokong programs tersebut. Janganlah kita bersubahat.Pemimpim yg mengaku orang islam janganlah hendaknya turun sama merasmikan programs tersebut. kalau ini berlaku pemimpim ini adalah orang yg hyprocrite. Cakap tak serupa bikin. Depan rakyat, especially orang kampong, cakap pasal islam berdegar degar, di buat lain pulak. 


    From:   Engku Hamid[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
    Sent:   Thursday, December 30, 1999 9:35 AM
    To:     Gina S. D; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    Subject:        Re: [Re: H-Net* ARAK PERCUMA DI BALI - Petaling Jaya]

     {  Sila lawat Laman Hizbi-Net -  http://www.hizbi.net     }
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    Bala Allah akan turun di tempat di mana maksiat
    dilakukan dengan berleluasa. Ia bakal menimpa sesiapa
    sahaja, baik yang beriman mahu pun yang kafir. Semoga
    kita terhindar dari sebarang

    Jika benarlah arak dijual secara percuma di BALI, itu
    mungkin ada unsur mengundang  bala.

    --- "Gina S. D" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
    > Yeah...and i hope your face get blown away with it!
    > I don't understand why people like you resort to
    > things like this. To even
    > suggest this.... *sigh*
    > Let  them have the party. It will be their lost not
    > yours. the party is for
    > MALAYSIANS & tourists who wants to celebrate new
    > year's eve, tak semestinya
    > for muslims. We all know, we are living in a multi
    > religious society. how to
    > prevent something that other religion does not
    > forbid? As i said, it will be
    > their loss. If ada muslims yg participate in this
    > party, (hopefully no), let
    > them face the guilt (if they have any) It's between
    > them & Allah swt. Allah
    > knows best how to punish them. let's not act as if
    > we are Allah & know
    > better as to punish them. I think the most we can
    > do, as fellow muslims, is
    > to pray to Allah swt to let our fellow brothers &
    > sisters open their heart
    > to respect this Ramadhan by not participating in
    > such parties.
    > >From: Long Jiang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    > >kita bom aja biar mampos semua.
    > >
    > >ramuan pipe bom :
    > >
    > >gula, belerang kuning, arang, ubat nyamuk, garam
    > racun (boleh dibeli di
    > >kedai
    > >hardware)
    > >
    > >cara membuatnya, blend satu per satu sehingga
    > halus. setiap satu nisbahnya
    > >satu kecuali belerang kuning digandakan.
    > >
    > >campurkan ramuan dan tuangkan ke dalam pipe yg
    > tertutup , pasangkan sumbu.
    > >
    > >boleh tambahkan belerang mancis kalau mau.
    > >
    > >boleh gunakan bungapi air kencing sebagai sumbu.
    > atau boleh gunakan serbuk
    > >ramuan yg telah diblend tadi sebagai sumbu.
    > >
    > >campakkan ke sasaran. boooom. mampus. pada muka.
    > >
    > >aku dah buat praktikalnya ---> gedegoomm !
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    Pengirim: Engku Hamid <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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