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Agar diperingatkan kpd rakan2 dan para imam yg bertarawih supaya jangan sampai
terlupa mendoakan mujahidin yg sedang berjihad fisabililah melawan Kafir

Doakan supaya Allah memenangkan Mujahidin, memperkokohkan persatuan mrk, agar
mrk thabat, sabar, tegar dlm usaha2 agar kalimah Allah menjadi tinggi. Agar
Allah mempercepatkan kekalahan, kehancuran  dan kemusnahan Kafir Rusia.

Bebaru ini diceritakan oleh seorang Doktor Muslim Pakistan yg merawat
Mujahidin di Selatan Chechnya yg bersempadan dgn Giorgia bahwa keadaan mrk
(Mujahidin)adalah seperti kisah2 para sahabat di zaman Rasulullah dahulu
dimana Mujahidin Chechnya yg berumur 20 tahun terburai isi perutnya, bila
ditanya: 'bagaimana keadaan kamu? lalu dia menjawab dgn tenang:
Alhamdulillah'. Ini adalah satu karamah Jihad dimana mujahidin tidak terasa
sakit krn redhanya terhadap Allah dan ia mengetahui tanggungjawab yg telah
difardhukan ke atasnya. selamat membaca...


A Message from the leaders of Jihad to all the Muslims 

 " We send a message out to our brothers in the Islamic World from amidst the
ruins of the capital, Grozny. We have indeed been
    shaded by the last ten nights, the blessed nights in which the people
become devoted with Du’aa` to the All Mighty of the
 heavens and the earth, with humility and devotion. We remind them of the
ordeal of their brothers in Chechnya, that they do not
  forget them in their Du’aas, and that they beseech Allah for the victory and
control for His slaves, who single Him out in all
                                  acts of worship, over the oppressive

My Muslim Brother: Help from you towards us, would be that you raise your
hands towards the heavens on a regular basis
and make Du’aa to Allah for us and beseech Him, with the following Du’aa: 

 O Allah! Who sent down The Book...Who makes the clouds drift…Who defeats the
armies....Defeat Russia! O All Mighty! O All
  Powerful! O Allah Indeed we ask that You Scatter their firing, and Shake the
earth beneath their feet, and Strike fear in their
  hearts. O Allah! Cripple their limbs and Blind their sight, and send upon
them an epidemic and calamities. O Allah! Separate
  their gatherings and Scatter their unity, and make their condition severe
amongst themselves, and make their plots go against
 them, and show us in them the amazements of your Power, and make them a
lesson for those who do not learn lessons. O Allah!
                       Hurry their destruction, and make their wealth as booty
for the Muslims. 

 O Allah! Aid our Mujahideen brothers in Chechnya. O Allah! Unify their rows,
and gather them on the word of truth. O Allah!
  Aim their firing and strengthen their determination, and make their feet
firm, and descend upon them tranquillity, and satisfy
 their hearts and guide them to that which is all good. O Allah! Make for them
from Yourself an authority, and aid them with the
 army from Yourself, for to You belong the armies of the heavens and the
earth, O Lord of the Worlds. May Salaah and Salaam
                      be upon the Messenger of Allah and upon all his
followers and companions.

                  (For the Arabic version of this Du'aa click here - the Du`aa
is in the second paragraph)


Thursday 30 December 1999 Attacks From Three Cores and Very Fierce Battles
>From Before Salatul-Fajr
Until Asr

Fierce battles occurred in Serzhen-Yurt, from before Salatul-Fajr until after
Dhuhr. The Russian attacks were from 3 cores,
advancing with vehicles supported by heavy artillery. The Mujahideen were able
to repel the attack and to chase the defeated
Russians, after they ran away leaving behind tens of bodies. The Mujahideen
were not able to accurately count the bodies due to
a continuous and a heavy air raid on the battlefield. A brother from the
foreign Mujahideen, Abu Hafs, was killed in this battle
after being hit during the Russian bombardment. Three others from the foreign
Mujahideen were hit causing them small injuries. 

As the Russian leadership claims its control over the capital, the Mujahideen
prove these claims to be wrong practically in the
battlefield. In the north west of the capital, Grozny, the Mujahideen under
the leadership of commander Umar Dok, were able to
kill more than 65 Russian soldiers and capture a Russian commander ranked as a
colonel. They destroyed 9 vehicles and
captured 17 Kalakov rifles, 1 Desheka and 1 RPG. 

A Mig-27 plane was shot down. It had been used to bombard Shatoi. (The
mountains of Khonti) 

The Russians tried to advance towards Vedeno with a huge number, and were
repelled by the Mujahideen who sent them back to
where they came from, as losers. In the village of Diboret, the Mujahideen
attacked a group from the Russians, killing 12
Russian soldiers and capturing one. Russia used a new sophisticated weapon of
destruction, which was never known to the
Mujahideen before, except that Allah protected them from it. 

Russia launched their attack on the Mujahideen in order to destroy their
reserves, but – praise be to Allah – the booty that the
Mujahideen attain due to these attacks are a lot more than what they use
whilst repelling them.

The Russian Army are suffering from a clear collapse in morale, as they are
suffering from cold and hunger and embarking on
killing without any known aim. Whereas their Russian brothers are enjoying
themselves with drums and celebrating the Christian
millennium. The Russian prisoners of war have already shown their complaints
about their situation in Chechnya. 

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