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Bismillah al-Rahman al-Rahim

On Monday the 13th of December, 1999 the Syrian authorities (Air force
intelligence) undertook raids on the houses of the Members of Hizb
ut-Tahrir in most of the cities and villages of Syria. There has been a
series of raids for some weeks now during which time numerous members of
the Hizb have been arrested, their houses have been stormed, their
families terrorised, and those managing to escape were being pursued.
The authorities deliberately began to take hostages from the families of
the members that were being pursued in order to force them to give
themselves in. As well they have taken residence in the homes of certain
members and detained their families. The arrests still continue
incessantly. What is known, until the publication date of this leaflet,
is that 800 sons of the Muslims have been arrested, amongst whom there
are a number of women who have been charged with affiliation to Hizb

The arrests have been carried out in an extremely brutal manner, to the
extent that the secret service killed a Member in his car during a
chase. They have opened fire on some and killed an officer in the army
with his two assistants. In addition to this is the vicious torture
faced by those arrested by the interrogation branch. Furthermore, the
secret service department has placed telephone surveillance equipment in
the homes of the members and their relatives.

This campaign of arrests has come in circumstances where Syria has
entered into treacherous negotiations with the Jews. In the course of
which she is recognising the usurping of Palestine by the Jews and the
establishment of relationships of complete recognition with their
entity, let alone agreeing to the presence of American forces in the

Fearing that the sincere ones in the Ummah will expose this policy of
the regime in Syria, it has undertaken a campaign of arrests in this
brutal manner.

O Noble Ummah: The Lord of Might and Honour has described you as the
best Ummah brought forth for mankind when you order the good (Ma’ruf)
and forbid the evil (Munkar). And thus you are paying a heavy price to
Kufr and its helpers by your silence over the Munkar. And part of this
price is the arrest of some of your sincere sons, your dear sons who
have assumed on their shoulders the responsibility of making the change
and bringing Islam back to the reality of life. The imposition of the
American hegemony over Syria and the region is another part of the price
you pay.

O sincere sons of the Ummah and those in positions of responsibility:
With your role you are as well paying and will pay a great part of the
price for the sovereignty of Kufr over you, at the head of which is
America. A costly price in this world and a great price in the
Hereafter, which is nothing other than the punishment of Allah and His
wrath for you. That is if you are content with this situation and you
accept it. The Messenger of Allah (saw) warned about staying silent when
he said: "Leaders will be appointed over you, and you will find them
doing good deeds as well as bad deeds. The one who hates their bad deeds
is absolved from blame, the one who disapproves of their bad deeds is
safe, but the one who approves and follows is (doomed)."

The system of kufr in Syria is weak and feeble. The kufr is working at
this time to cement its influence and authority in order to extend its
life as much as possible through a new era. So take a stance of truth
and dignity, that will give you honour in this world and dignity in the
Hereafter. Support Islam and those who carry its Call, so that Allah
will be pleased with you and makes you pleased with Him:
"Say: short is the enjoyment of this world. The Hereafter is far better
for him who fears Allah, and you will not be dealt with unjustly even
equal to the Fatila (a thread in the long slit of a date-stone).:

Hizb ut-Tahrir
Wilayah of Syria
7 Shawwal 1420
13th January, 2000

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