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di dalam Quran memang ada perkataan fitna dan membawa lebih dari satu
maksud...antaranya syirik...pembunuhan terhadap umat islam, penyekatan
terhadap dakwah islam ...

dan fitna yg dahsyat yg disebut dlm quran ialah syirik. 

antaranya dlm surah albaqarah "..alfitnatu asyaddu minal qatl.." Fitnah
(syirik) itu lebih bahaya/teruk dari pembunuhan". ..

dan antara yg lain ialah surah alanfal  "..qotiluhum hatta la takunal fitnah
..." perangilah mrk sehingga tiada kesyirikan.

sekiranya puak2 sufi ni syirik, dan mrk ramai dan berkumpulan dan mempunyai
kekuatan dan juga menyebarkan kesesatan, maka ia wajib diperangi, walaupun mrk
mengaku islam dan mengucap syahadah dan solat dlll..


nukman naufal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Salam buat saudara berdua sekali lagi,
> Tolong beri komen. Ini lagi serious ni. Jika
> seandainya benarlah Wahabi ni sesat, anda berdua 
> dalam BAHAYA !!!!!!!!!!!!
> --- Jalalludin Rumi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2000 01:52:49 -0800 (PST)
> > From: Jalalludin Rumi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Assalamualaikum,
> > 
> > The statements below were made by the foremost
> > leaders of the
> > Wahhabi-Deobandi Movement of India in the year 1900
> > and now a days this
> > movement preaches it's hidden doctrine under the
> > skirt of the Tableegh
> > Jamaat. 
> > 
> > 1.Shaitaan has more knowledge than the Holy Prophet
> > of Islam. This is
> > proven from the Quran and Ahadith. No such proofs
> > exist as regards the
> > Prophet's knowledge. If any Muslim believes to the
> > contrary, he will
> > became a mushrik. (Barahin-e-Qatia Page 51 by Khalil
> > Ahmed Ambhetwi and
> > endorsed by Rashid Ahmed Gangohi)
> > 
> > 2.The knowledge of the Holy Prophet of Islam is
> > equivalent to the
> > knowledge of any ordinary person (i.e. Any Tom, Dick
> > or Harry). It is
> > also equal to the knowledge of a madmen, child or
> > any four-legged
> > animal. (Hifzul Iman Page 7 by Ashraf Ali Thanwi)
> > 
> > 3(a) Almighty Allah can speak lies.
> > 
> > (b) Almighty Allah has already spoken a lie !
> > 
> > (Fatawa Rashidia Part I Page 20. Taqdeesul Qadeer
> > Page 79 by Rashid
> > Ahmed Gangohi) 
> > 
> > The Kufr in the above three statements are so
> > apparent that even a
> > lay-Muslim will have absolutely no doubts regarding
> > their kufr.
> > However, 370 of the most prominent scholars of India
> > and 32 of the
> > highest Islamic Jurist of Makkah and Medina issued a
> > fatwa of Kufr on
> > this movement and it's followers 93 years ago, long
> > before the present
> > Saudi Wahhabi Najdis came into power and turned
> > everything upside down.
> > In fact, in those days Deobandis were held in the
> > same contempt as
> > Qadianis are held today by Muslims (i.e. as
> > non-Muslims), but time,
> > history and the Devils handy-work have managed to
> > conceal the truth of
> > this movement from the general Muslim populace of
> > today. To the extent
> > that Deobandis and Tableegh Jamaat are seen as heros
> > of Islam in our
> > time, whereas only 94 years ago they were considered
> > outside of the
> > fold of Islam.
> > 
> > In the 3 statements of Kufr, the great Imam of Ahle
> > Sunnat Wal Jamaat,
> > Imam Ahmad Raza Khan, listed 70 charges of Kufr with
> > proofs against
> > each of the foul-mouthed Mullahs of Deoband and
> > further presented 78
> > reasons justifying their Kufr and always keeping in
> > mind the Hadith "A
> > Muslim should not be labelled a Kaffir unless his
> > kufr becomes more
> > apparent than the mid-day sun and their remains no
> > chance of his
> > continuing to remain within the fold of Islam." 
> > 
> > However, when the above mentioned statements were
> > carefully
> > scrutinised, the leading Imams and Jurists of Islam
> > had no hesitation
> > in declaring them as Kaffir, and warned in no
> > uncertain terms that "ANY
> > KAFFIR".
> > 
> > The names of the Ulama of Makka and Medina who
> > issued the kufr fatwa on
> > the Ulema of Deoband in 1320AH(1900 AD) are listed
> > below. And for a
> > detailed explanation of the fatwa read
> > 
> > 
> > 1. Ustaad-e-Haram - Mufti Muhammad Saeed Shafe
> > 
> > 2 Sayedul Ulama - Moulana Mufti Sheikh Ahmed Abul
> > Khair Mirdad
> > 
> > 3 Mufti Hanafia - Allama Sheihk Saleh Kamaal
> > 
> > 4. Mufti - Sheikh Ali bin Siddiq Kamaal
> > 
> > 5. Sheikud Dalail - Mufti Muhammed Abdul Haq
> > Al-Mujahir Al-Llabadi
> > 
> > 6. Mufti Sayed Ismail Khaleel - Librarian of Mecca
> > 
> > 7 Allama Mufti - Saeed Abul Hoosen Al-Marzuki
> > 
> > 8 Mufti Sheikh Abid bin Husain Maaliki
> > 
> > 9 Mufti Ali bin Husain Maaliki
> > 
> > 10 Mufti Muhammed Jamaal bin Muhhamed Husain
> > 
> > 11 Mufti Sheikh Asad bin Ahmed Daha -Teacher Haram
> > Shareef Makkah
> > 
> > 12 Mufti Sheikh Abdur Rahman Dahan
> > 
> > 13 Mufti Sheikh Muhammed Yusuf Afghani
> > 
> > 14 Mufti Sheikh Ahmed Al-Maaliki Al-Imdadi - Brother
> > in Tariqat of
> > Ashraf Ali Thanwi, Rashid Ahmed Gangohi and Khalil
> > Ahmed Ambhetwi
> > 
> > 15 Mufti Muhammed Yusuf Al-Khayaat
> > 
> > 16 Sheikh Muhammed Saleh bin Muhammed Ba-fazal
> > 
> > 17 Sheikh Abdul Karim Naji Dagistani
> > 
> > 18 Sheikh Muhammed Saeed bin Muhhamed Al-Yamani
> > 
> > 19. Mufti Sheikh Haamid Muhammed Al-Jadawi
> > 
> > 
> > 20 Mufti Hanafia - Tajuddin Liyas
> > 
> > 21 Mufti of Madina - Allama Osman bin Abdus Salaam
> > Dadistani
> > 
> > 22 Sheikh-e-Maalikia - Mufti Sayed Ahmed of Algeria
> > 
> > 23 Mufti Khaleel bin Ibrahim Karbooti
> > 
> > 24 Shaikhud Dalail - Mufti Sayed Muhammed Saeed
> > 
> > 25 Mufti Sheikh Mehmood bin Ahmed Omari
> > 
> > 26 Shaikhud Dalail - Mufti Sayed Abbas bin Sayed
> > Jaleel
> > 
> > 27 Mufti Skeikh Omar bin Hamdaan Al-Maharasee
> > 
> > 28 Mufti Sayed Hakeem Muhammed bin Muhaamed Madani
> > 
> > 29 Mufti Sheikh Muhammed Kiyan - teacher Haram
> > Shareef Madina
> > 
> > 30 Mufti Shafaeiya - Allama Sayed Shareef Ahmed
> > Barzanji
> > 
> > 31 Mufti Muhammed Aziz Maaliki - of Tunisia
> > 
> > 32 Mufti Sheikh Abdul Qader Taufeeq - Teacher
> > Masjid-e-Nabawi Shareef
> > 
> > Readers are requested that in view of the WARNING by
> > the leading Imams
> > and Islamic Jurists of Haramain Shareefain, they
> > should NOT DOUBT the
> > kufr of these Ulama of Deoband and expose their own
> > Imaan to Danger.
> > The time has arrived for us to accept the truth and
> > confront falsehood
> > instead of jumping headlong on the Salman Rushdi
> > bandwagon we should be
> > exposing the enemy within, who has had a safe haven
> > amongst us, without
> > us ever questioning or investigating the truth about
> > them. 
> > 
> > It is the duty of every Muslim to confront these
> > evil people. May Allah
> > give Muslims the wisdom and courage to accepts the
> > truth and save them
> > from supporting and praying behind those who speak
> > ill of Allah and His
> > Beloved Prophet(PBUH). Ameen !
> > 
> > Wassallam.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > =====
> > "If you find the mirror of the heart dull, the rust
> > has not been cleared from its face."
> > - Mevlana Of The Whirling Dervishes.
> > Pengirim: Jalalludin Rumi

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