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>From: "mawar berduri" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: H-Net* Kesian Bangla Ni
>Date: Wed, 19 Jan 2000 16:48:05 PST
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>Bangladeshi says police beat him in Malaysian detention camp
>   KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 19 (AFP) - A Bangladeshi who was detained at a
>Malaysian camp for illegal immigrants told a court here Wednesday that
>police repeatedly beat him because he could not fall asleep in a stuffy 
>packed with as many as 350 other detainees.
>   Golam Maola is a witness in the trial of activist Irene Fernandez, who 
>charged with publishing false news about the treatment of migrant workers.
>   Golam, who spoke through an interpreter, has told the magistrates' court
>he was brought into Malaysia illegally by an agent three to four years ago
>but detained once he arrived.
>   He said he was kept for a day at a police station and then sent to the
>Tanah Rata detention camp.
>   Golam told the court Wednesday that between 300 and 350 detainees were
>made to sleep packed together on the bare floor of a mosquito-infested room
>without ventilation.
>   At night, he said, police turned off the lights and told everyone to go
>to sleep but he was unable to do so. He said police would walk around the
>room and beat those who did not have their eyes closed.
>   Asked by defence lawyer M. Puravalen how many times he was beaten during
>his 15-20 day stay at Tanah Rata, Golam replied: "I cannot remember. I was
>beaten many times."
>   He said police used a wooden baton to hit his head and other parts of 
>body and after one attack he felt "unbearable pain."
>   Golam said his eardrums throbbed for up to a week after one blow.
>"Because of the pain in my ear I found it difficult to walk."
>   He said one of the reasons he was unable to sleep was that he was not
>given a change of clothes.
>   "My clothes were dirty and smelly. I felt like vomiting."
>   Golam said he was given two slices of bread and a cup of tea for
>breakfast, and had to queue up for about an hour for lunch which comprised 
>little rice and a small piece of meat or vegetables.
>   Apart from a cup of boiled water for lunch, he said he was not given any
>other water and had to drink from the toilet. He tried to keep drinking
>water in a plastic container but said police beat him and told him to do
>push-ups as a punishment.
>   Fernandez, 52, is a director of a group called Women's Force and a 
>member of the opposition National Justice Party.
>   She was charged in June 1996 under the Printing Presses and Publications
>Act with publishing a memorandum entitled "Abuse, Torture and Dehumanised
>Treatment of Migrant Workers in Detention Camps."
>   Her trial, which has been going on for more than 200 days, is already
>Malaysia's longest.
>   If convicted, Fernandez faces a fine of up to 20,000 ringgit (5,263
>dollars), a jail term of up to three years, or both.
>   Her defence aims to show that the alleged abuses she highlighted 
>occurred. The trial resumes Thursday.
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