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Setelah saya membuat  analisis sendiri PM-PM sebelumnya kesimpulan saya Pak
Lah kalau jadi PM
akan menjadi seperti angin lalu macam Almarhum Tun Hussein
Onn dia bukanlah pemimpin yang kuat dan bertenaga
seperti Almarhum Tun Abdul Razak ataupun Dr. Mahathir.

Kecuali ada isu-isu besar yang timbul dan beliau mampu mempamirkan bakat
yang terpendam beliau kalau ada untuk mengatasi masalah itu.

Tentang kenyataan  Dr. Mahathir bahawa inilah penggal terakihir bagi beliau
kita tak boleh pakai 100%.
Silap-silap beliau jadi macam Lee Kuan Yew.

----- Original Message -----
From: "abuhanif" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, January 24, 2000 11:44 AM
Subject: H-Net* Badawi tiada asas yg cukup untuk ganti PM

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Just some personal opinion.

ada yg setuju ka?

             [beritamalaysia] Aus : Way clear for deputy to succeed
             Tue, 04 Jan 2000 06:08:45 GMT
             [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Yap Yok Foo)
             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
             soc.culture.malaysia, soc.culture.singapore, jaring.general

             1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8

>From The Australian
4th January 2000

Way clear for deputy to succeed Mahathir
By IAN STEWART in Kuala Lumpur

MALAYSIA'S deputy leader Abdullah Badawi has been anointed as
successor to Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad by the country's ruling

Mr Badawi was virtually assured yesterday of election as deputy
president of the United Malays National Organisation, the dominant
government party, installing him officially in position to succeed Dr

UMNO's supreme council decided at its first meeting of the new
millennium to propose that Dr Mahathir be re-nominated as party
president and Mr Badawi be nominated for the post of deputy president.
It also agreed that the two leaders should be elected unopposed at the
party elections, which will be held on May 11 in conjunction with the
annual general assembly.

The general assembly of UMNO delegates could theoretically overturn
the supreme council's decision to deny a contest for the posts of
president and deputy president - but this would be highly unlikely.

The UMNO president and deputy president have traditionally filled the
posts of prime minister and deputy prime minister during the unbroken
rule of the party and its coalition partners since Malaysia's

The election will be the first since the former heir to Dr Mahathir,
Anwar Ibrahim, was sacked, arrested and charged with corruption and

Anwar, who held the posts of deputy prime minister and UMNO deputy
president, was sentenced to six years' jail in April after being found
guilty of corruption.

He is currently on trial for sodomy. Anwar claims he is the victim of
a political conspiracy to stop him from becoming prime minister.

Mr Badawi is one of three UMNO vice-presidents but has been performing
the duties of the deputy president.

He backed a challenger for Dr Mahathir's leadership in 1987, but has
been unflinchingly loyal since the Prime Minister brought him back
from the political wilderness eight years ago, making him foreign
minister. He was named deputy prime minister and home minister in
January, after Anwar's downfall.

If the Government decides to stay in office for a full five-year term,
Mr Badawi could still be challenged in a party leadership election in

But analysts say yesterday's decision greatly strengthens his position
as successor.

Following his return to power in the recent general election, Dr
Mahathir, 74, said this would be his last term in office.

He said last month that Mr Badawi would succeed him when he stood

Mr Badawi, 60, said after the UMNO meeting that he was very thankful
for the backing.

"This means there will be a lot of work," he said with a smile.

General assembly meetings are traditionally held in June but
officials, including Mr Badawi, had called for early leadership
elections to reduce politicking. Elections for the youth and women's
wings will be held on May 10.

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