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Hai- Jangan pakai sedap tulis saja. Dekat mana ada ulama ASWJ yang tolak sufi? Siapa 
kata Rasulullah s.a.w. tolak sufi?

Dari http://www.naqshbandi.org/events/articles/commngrd.htm :

Common Ground: From where does the term "Sufism" come and how it is related to Islam?

Shaykh Hisham Kabbani: In the time of the Prophet Muhammed, the word for Sufism was 
"Tazkiyatul Nafs": purification of the soul. One hundred twenty years later, the word 
was changed to "Al Tasawuf", or "Sufism". The term "Sufism" comes from four different 
Arabic sources. The first is "Ahlu Al suffah": the people of the bench. During the 
time of the Prophet, there were many people attracted to him who were trying to 
achieve spiritual advancement. The Prophet used to meet with them in the evenings. 
After he left, his followers would stay behind, sitting until morning on benches in 
the mosque located near his house, trying to recite and memorize what he had told him 
during the day. The second source is "Safa": very clear, like crystal, and 
transparent, like water. The third source is "Sufatul Kafa": the bath sponge. "Sufa" 
means sponge, and describes the soft heart of a Sufi. The fourth source is "Sufi," 
meaning wook, after the robes worn by followers who went to caves for seclusion to 
connect themselves with their Lord....

Osman Mia

-----Original Message-----
From:    ibnu muhajir [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent:    23 Jan 00 04:00:54 NZDT
Subject: Re: * Senarai 55 Ulamak Ahlusunnah Wal Jamaah Yang Menolak WAHHABI/SALAFI]


perpecahan yg didasarkan atas dasar kebenaran lebih baik dan utama dari
persatuan yg didasarkan atas dasar kebatilan..begitulah keterangan ulama..

kalau nak disenaraikan nama2 ulama ASWJ yg dari semenjak permulaan 400 hijrah
sehinggalah sekarang yg menolak faham sufi, terlalulah banyak, bukannya
setakat 55, malah 55555....

yg paling penting, Nabi kita sendiri yg menolak faham sufi yg bidaah itu .


"Osman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> E-mail di bawah ialah satu contoh taktik Wahabi: iaitu berbuat-buat seperti
perjuangan menetang Wahabi satu perjuangan yang tidak penting, dan menyuruh
kita lupakannya sahaja.
> Siapakah, atau apakah dia Wahabi? Baru ini saya terjumpa artikel di internet
yang menjelaskan perkara ini. Sila ke:
> http://www.ahle-sunnat.org.uk/WAHABI.html
> Sekian.
> Osman Mia
> http://Islam.catwise.com/osman

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