Title: FW: H-Muslimat-Net* FW: Pernyataan Terimakasih Dari Aishah

Assalamu'alaikum sekali lagi....

Ini e-mail message dari Aishah terus kepada Puan Salwani dan dipanjangkan kepada Hizbi Net.

Moga ada manfaatnya, especially kepada sesiapa yg masih "was-was" dengan kami di Muslimat.


-----Original Message-----
Sent: 20 January, 2000 1:52 PM
To: 'Mukminat Net'; 'Nor'ain Eusoff'
Subject: H-Muslimat-Net* FW: Terimakasih

Ain, pls forward to hizbi net.  A thank you message from Aishah
-----Original Message-----
From: aishah [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 20 January 2000 13:37
Subject: Terimakasih

Bismillah Arahman R-rahim

Asalaamu Alaikum Semua,

Fa inna maal  yusri yusra
inna maal yusri yusra.

Terimakasih ,  Alhumdullilah, first of all I thank Allah, for everything
that is good comes from Him.

I thank Allah for this test, for this test has taught me about Love.
Without this test I would not have realized how much love there is amongst
the muslim ummah.  There has been so much outpouring of love, generosity and
sympathy for our plight.  From both sides of the world from family, friends
and strangers we have recieved friendship, kind words, donations of
different sorts, information (islamic and cultural),Hari Raya greetings,
invitations, introductions, employment opportunities and the list goes on.
Someone even took the time to visit my in-laws (you know who you are).  Our
hearts have been touched in many ways.

I would especially like to thank Fareha of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada who
told our story to the malaysian sisters.  Although the story had been told
many times before to different email groups with Fareha's special touch it
became a blessed action.  Also I would like to thank the sisters in Malaysia
who took the time to spread the story and collect the donations (not to
mention kept me company!).

To  all the donaters and sympathizers, May Allah bless you.  You are truly
the Ansar of our hijrah.  Insha Allah one day we may even meet and create
new friendships.

Most of all I thank Allah for guiding me to the straight path by sending me
a Malaysian Muslim student to do dawah with me and show me the Truth.
May Allah continue to bless my husband with more barakah like he has
recieved from all of you.

Terimakasih from the bottom of my heart.

Wa Salaamu Alaikum
Aishah dan keluarga.

 Laman Muslimat Net di http://members.tripod.com/~muslimatnet/

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