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>From: "bazran johan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: Thu, 03 Feb 2000 01:37:05 PST
>{  Sila lawat Laman Hizbi-Net -  http://www.hizbi.net     }
>{        Hantarkan mesej anda ke:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]         }
>{        Iklan barangan? Hantarkan ke [EMAIL PROTECTED]     }
>This guy is a clear enemy of Anwar. He certainly did not do enough 
>research. He blame Anwar for almost anything as if  within 17 yrs of Anwar 
>in govt he is only a hypocrite. he forget that Anwar was the most outspoken 
>in fighting for the following facts :
>1. low cost housing for govt servart expecially those in lower ranks
>2. Amending the anti corruption act  (most UMNO leaders were very afraid of 
>3. initiate a bonus for govt staff
>4. Introduction of bahasa baku &  KBSR
>5. fighting for a true economic  reform (unfortunately most Mahadhir crony 
>will become bankcrupt)
>6. Islamic bank, university, etc
>7. Skim bantuan fakir miskin through YPEIM,  etc
>Anwar is not perfect but at least  he is the best among the worst (BN, 
>UMNO). aftre his removal what left now  is only the rot. He is somehow  
>hypocrite before his  removal because he has to tolerate Mahadir but his 
>limit of tolerant expires when he has to make a choice  between the people 
>or the corporate crony (who need billions to inject during the crisis).  
>The 'TRUE'  Anwar is what u see after his removal. This true Anwar is 
>exactly as he was during past UMNO era....
>>From: "Gina S. D" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Date: Thu, 03 Feb 2000 15:51:28 WST
>>{  Sila lawat Laman Hizbi-Net -  http://www.hizbi.net     }
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>>>From: "Munchkin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>Subject: [sangkancil] ANWAR'S HYPOCRISY CONTINUES...
>>>Date: Thu, 3 Feb 2000 09:38:30 +0800
>>>The following letter has already appeared in malaysiakini.  Here is the
>>>full, unedited version.  To malaysiakini's credit, they did not make many
>>>Any one care to profer an opinion or two?
>>>The Munchkin
>>>I read with considerable consternation your report and written interview
>>>with Anwar Ibrahim, posted on January 26, 2000.  Anwar’s continued
>>>identification with the reform movement by reiterating his commitment
>>>towards combating corruption, cronyism and nepotism; and towards 
>>>and the rule of law has become unbearably nauseating and revolting to 
>>>fair-minded Malaysians.
>>>While no one can deny that Anwar, through his sacking, arrest and 
>>>conviction, became a catalyst for reform and change, he can never be 
>>>as the great martyr that he regards himself as.  The launch of his reform
>>>movement was part of an orchestrated survival strategy that was probably
>>>germinating in his mind prior to his removal from office, which he must 
>>>regarded, at the time, as imminent.  His deliberate tactic to immediately
>>>claim the moral high ground after his dismissal was fuelled by an almost
>>>spontaneous reaction by many Malaysians who empathised with a victim of
>>>Mahathir Mohamed’s high-handed rule.  Anwar had long been cognisant of 
>>>latent discontent towards the Mahathir regime and duly packaged his 
>>>in reformist clothing.  Long-standing critics of the government were 
>>>by die-hard Anwaristas on the Reformasi bandwagon that ignited a massive
>>>spark of political consciousness among Malaysians.
>>>One and a half years later this initially divergent support base has
>>>undergone a fusion, with long-time, independent critics finding 
>>>increasingly part of the cult of personality that has developed around
>>>Anwar.  This ominous trend is set to continue as his trial for sodomy
>>>resumes with the foreign and internet press eagerly covering his every
>>>utterance and entertaining every nod, wink, smile and scribble that he
>>>graces them with.  This deification of Malaysia’s greatest hypocrite must
>>>stop now lest we lose our historical objectivity about a man who scarcely
>>>deserves to be at the vanguard of reform in Malaysia.
>>>His views on corruption et al are not new.  As an outspoken critic of the
>>>government in the 1970s he had begun his concerted attacks on money 
>>>and the abuse of political power that he perceived as rampant in UMNO.
>>>Mahathir’s successful recruitment of the then ABIM President was to
>>>significantly change the way in which Anwar operated.  During his 
>>>sixteen years in UMNO, Anwar succeeded in not only becoming Mahathir’s 
>>>apparent, but also part of the nefarious network of “corrupt sycpophants 
>>>cronies” which make his current diatribes against the present regime ring
>>>In order to finance his rapid rise through the party hierarchy, Anwar
>>>created a patronage structure that included former aides and family 
>>>His unabashed financial assistance to the former was most despicable. As
>>>Finance Minister he dished out shares and contracts to the likes of Ishak
>>>Ismail (former secretary of Anwar’s Permatang Pauh division), Mohamed 
>>>Yusoh (former political secretary), Nasaruddin Jalil (also former 
>>>secretary), Kamaruddin Jaffar and Kamaruddin Mohamad Nor (both Malay 
>>>Kuala Kangsar schoolmates of Anwar, the latter also Anwar’s deputy in 
>>>and Ahmad Sebi Abu Bakar (contemporary at Universiti Malaya).  Anwar was
>>>equally charitable to his family with directorships and shares dispensed 
>>>his father Ibrahim Abdul Rahman; brothers, Marzuki, Rosli and the late 
>>>and sister, Fauzan.  These appointments did not even conform to the
>>>excusable criteria of merit-based cronyism; Rosli Ibrahim, for one, 
>>>formal education (and displayed his liability for all to see) and yet was
>>>appointed as “consultant” to various listed companies.  Nor was the 
>>>interest criteria employed:  Hanif Kassim, a Singaporean fellow at Anwar
>>>think-tank, Institut Kajian Dasar, was involved with Kamaruddin Jaffar’s
>>>KLIA privatisation contract.  (FOR A FULL LIST OF ANWAR CRONIES AND WHAT
>>>Anwar’s formidable crony structure was employed ruthlessly in 1993, when 
>>>took on Ghafar Baba for the deputy presidency of UMNO.  The management
>>>buy-out of NSTP and TV3 in early 1993 by Anwar acolytes, funded by Quek 
>>>Chan’s Hong Leong group (which had acquired MUI bank through Anwar’s
>>>support), was to pave the way for an all out media blitz against Ghafar.
>>>(The evident inconsistency between Anwar’s manipulation of the press 
>>>in power and his recent sermons on press freedom should be of some 
>>>to the fiercely independent journalists of malaysiakini).  This was
>>>compounded by countless reports by UMNO analysts that the 1993 elections
>>>were the dirtiest in the party’s history due, in no small part, to Anwar 
>>>his Wawasan Team’s penchant for the crude, but effective, tactic of 
>>>delegates’ votes.  Anwar’s continued ascendance in UMNO was to continue 
>>>tandem with his corporate oppos’ covetous appropriation of Malaysia’s
>>>private sector.  Many felt that an Anwar premiership would merely 
>>>riches from the Mahthir-Daim nominees to Anwar’s own insatiable cabal.
>>>Anwar’s avarice knew no limits in his search for political power.  In the
>>>context of history, the standard Anwarista response - that Anwar had to
>>>“play the game” to succeed - is, frankly, laughable.  His predecessors as
>>>DPM, Musa Hitam and Ghafar, were not known to have played with money on 
>>>scale that Anwar had.  Sure, they never claimed the ultimate political
>>>prize, but consider the rise of Mahathir – whatever you say about him 
>>>there is no evidence that he employed money in successfully succeeding
>>>Hussein Onn.  Even if one accepts the suggestion that money is a more
>>>important factor in today’s politics, Anwar’s record cannot be 
>>>The current deputy, Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, is as clean as they come and 
>>>a real chance of succeeding Mahathir.  Rather, if it is true that money 
>>>rules the roost in UMNO electoral politics, it is largely due to the
>>>precedence that was set by Anwar.
>>>In this context, we must treat Anwar for what he is: a consummate 
>>>fighting for his survival by disingenuously appealing to ordinary 
>>>’ sense of honesty, decency and fairness.  Let us not be fooled by the
>>>chameleon that has once again changed his colour.  He is, in fact, no 
>>>than the corrupt government leaders whom he routinely lashes out at from 
>>>dock.  Claims that he has consistently spoken out against oppression,
>>>corruption and Malaysia’s “illiberal democracy” - all showcased in the
>>>ultimate intellectual ejaculation, The Asian Renaissance - are more than
>>>outweighed by the base and vile reality of his time in government.  Anwar
>>>may have given ordinary Malaysians the historical opportunity to break 
>>>the climate of fear that Mahathir has perpetuated by generating an 
>>>and passionate following.  But this following must now move on.  Anwar’s
>>>hypocrisy knows no boundaries and to continue to equate him with the 
>>>of Nelson Mandela, Vaclav Havel and Jose Rizal is to confer on them an
>>>irremissible insult.  Malaysia must never condone the way in which Anwar 
>>>treated – jailed under the draconian Internal Security Act, beaten 
>>>and convicted in a Kangaroo court.  But we must also accept that Anwar’s
>>>blatant hypocrisy disqualifies him as a future leader of our country. 
>>>Ibrahim, the man and the phenomenon, is, as he once described Mahathir,
>>>Chairil Anuar
>>>Kuala Lumpur
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