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Sura 6. Al-An'am Section 15 (Y. Ali Translation)
122.    Can he who was dead to whom We gave life and a Light whereby he can
walk amongst men be like him who is in the depths of darkness from which he
can never come out?  Thus to those without faith their own deeds seem
123.    Thus have We placed leaders in every town its wicked men to plot (and
burrow) therein: but they only plot against their own souls and they
perceive it not.
124.    When there comes to them a Sign (from Allah) they say: "We shall not
believe until we receive one (exactly) like those received by Allah's
apostles."  Allah knoweth best where (and how) to carry out His mission.
Soon will the wicked be overtaken by humiliation before Allah and a severe
punishment for all their plots.
125.    Those whom Allah (in His Plan) willeth to guide He openeth their
breast to Islam; those whom He willeth to leave straying He maketh their
breast close and constricted as if they had to climb up to the skies: thus
doth Allah (heap) the penalty on those who refuse to believe.
126.    This is the way of thy Lord leading straight: We have detailed the
Signs for those who receive admonition.
127.    For them will be a Home of Peace in the presence of their Lord: He
will be their Friend because they practiced (righteousness).
128.    One day will He gather them all together (and say): "O ye assembly of
Jinns! much (toll) did ye take of men."  Their friends amongst men will
say: "Our Lord! we made profit from each other: but (alas!) we reached our
term which Thou didst appoint for us."  He will say: "The fire be your
dwelling-place you will dwell therein for ever except as Allah willeth."
For thy Lord is full of wisdom and knowledge.
129.    Thus do We make the wrong-doers turn to each other because of what
they earn.

Sura 6. Al-An'am Section 15 (Y. Ali Commentary)
122:    c. 945. Here is an allegory of the good man with his divine mission
and the evil man with his mission of evil. The former, before he got his
spiritual life, was like one dead. It was God's grace that gave him
spiritual life, with a Light by which he could walk and guide his own
footsteps as well as the footsteps of those who are willing to follow God's
light. The opposite type is that which hates God's light, which lives in
the depths of darkness, and which plots and burrows against all that is
good. But the plots of evil recoil on itself, although it thinks that they
will hurt the good. Can these two types be for a moment compared with each
other? Perhaps the lead in every centre of population is taken by the men
of evil. But the good men should not be discouraged. They should work in
righteousness and fulfil their mission.
123:    No commentary available.
124:    c. 946. Besides the teaching in God's Word, and the teaching in God's
world, of nature and history and human contacts, many Signs also come to
the ungodly, in the shape of warnings or otherwise, which the ungodly
either do not heed, or deliberately reject. The Signs in the two cases are
not the same, and that becomes one of their perverse arguments against
Faith. But God's working will be according to His own Will and Plan, and
not according to the wishes whims of the ungodly.
125:    c. 947. God's Universal Plan is the Qadha wa Qadr, which is so much
misunderstood. That Plan is unalterable, and that is His Will. It means
that in the spiritual world, there are laws of justice, mercy, grace,
penalty, etc., which work as surely as anything we know. If, then, a man
refuses Faith, becomes a rebel, with each step he goes further and further
down, and his pace will be accelerated; he will scarcely be able to take
spiritual breath, and his recovery, -in spite of God's mercy which he has
rejected,-will be as difficult as if he had to climb up to the skies. On
the other hand, the godly will find, with each step, the next step easier.
Jesus expressed this truth paradoxically: "He that hath, to him shall be
given; but he that hath not, from him shall be taken away even that which
he hath": Mark, iv. 25. John (vi 65) make Jesus say: "No man can come unto
me, except it were given unto him of my Father."
126:    No commentary available.
127:    No commentary available.
128:    c. 948. Cf. vi. 100, n. 929.
c. 949. I.e., you have misled a great number of human beings. 
c. 950. It is common experience that the forces of evil make an alliance
with each other, and seem thus to make a profit by their mutual
log-rolling. But this is only in this material world. When the limited term
expires, their unholy bargains will be exposed, and there will be nothing
but regrets.
c. 951. Eternity and infinity are abstract terms. They have no precise
meaning in our human experience. The qualification, "except as God
willeth," makes it more intelligible, as we can form some idea -however
inadequate- of a Will and Plan, and we know God by His attribute of Mercy
as well as of Justice.
129:    c. 952. See n. 950 above. Evil consorts with evil because of their
mutual bargains. But in doing so they save the righteous from further

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