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Sura 6. Al-An'am Section 16 (Y. Ali Translation)
130.    O ye assembly of Jinns and men! came there not unto you apostles from
amongst you setting forth unto you of the meeting of this day of yours?"
They will say: "We bear witness against ourselves."  It was the life of
this world that deceived them.  So against themselves will they bear
witness that they rejected faith.
131.    (The apostles were sent) thus for thy Lord would not destroy for their
wrong-doing men's habitations whilst their occupants were unwarned.
132.    To all are degrees (or ranks) according to their deeds: for thy Lord
is not unmindful of anything that they do.
133.    Thy Lord is Self-sufficient full of Mercy: if it were His Will He
could destroy you and in your place appoint whom He will as your successors
even as he raised you up from the posterity of other people.
134.    All that hath been promised unto you will come to pass: nor can ye
frustrate it (in the least bit).
135.    Say: "O my people! do whatever ye can: I will do (my part): soon will
ye know who it is whose end will be (best) in the Hereafter: certain it is
that the wrong-doers will not prosper."
136.    Out of what Allah hath produced in abundance in tilth and in cattle
they assigned Him a share: they say according to their fancies: "This is
for Allah and this for our `partners'"!  But the share of their `partners'
reacheth not Allah whilst the share of Allah reacheth their `partners'!
Evil (and unjust) is their assignment!.
137.    Even so in the eyes of most of the Pagans their `partners' made
alluring the slaughter of their children in order to lead them to their own
destruction and cause confusion in their religion.  If Allah had willed
they would not have done so: but leave alone them and their inventions.
138.    And they say that such and such cattle and crops are taboo and none
should eat of them except those whom so they say We wish; further there are
cattle forbidden to yoke or burden and cattle on which (at slaughter) the
name of Allah is not pronounced; inventions against Allah's name: soon will
He requite them for their inventions.
139.    They say: "What is in the wombs of such and such cattle is specially
reserved (for food) for our men and forbidden to our women; but if it is
still-born then all have shares therein.  For their (false) attribution (of
superstitions to Allah): He will soon punish them: for He is full of Wisdom
and Knowledge.
140.    Lost are those who slay their children from folly without knowledge
and forbid food which Allah hath provided for them inventing (lies) against
Allah.  They have indeed gone astray and heeded no guidance.

Sura 6. Al-An'am Section 16 (Y. Ali Commentary)
130:    c. 953. "Apostles from amongst you." This is addressed to the whole
gathering of men and Jinns. Are the Jinns but disembodied spirits of evil men?
131:    No commentary available.
132:    c. 954. On good and evil there are infinite degrees, in our deeds and
motives: so will there be degrees in our spiritual position. For everything
is known to God, better than it is to ourselves.
133:    c. 955. God is not dependent on our prayer or service. It is out of
His Mercy that He desires our own good. Any race or people to whom He gives
chances should understand that its failure does not affect God. He could
create others in their place, as He did in times past, and is doing in our
own day, if only we had the wit to see it.
134:    c. 956. Both the good news and the warning which God's apostles came
to give will be fulfilled. Nothing can stop God's Universal Plan. See n.
947 to vi. 125.
135:    c. 957. In so far as this is addressed to the Unbelievers it is a
challenge: "Do your utmost; nothing will deter me from my duty: we shall
see who wins in the end."  Passing from the particular occasion, we can
understand it in a more general sense, which is true for all time. Let the
evil ones do their worst. Let those who believe do all they can, according
to their opportunities and abilities. The individual must do the straight
duty that lies before him. In the end God will judge, and His judgement is
always true and just.
136:    c. 958. There is scathing sarcasm here, which some of the Commentators
have missed. The Pagans have generally a big Pantheon, though above it they
have a vague idea of a Supreme God. But the material benefits go to the
godlings, the fancied "partners" of God; for they have temples, priests,
dedications, etc., while the true and supreme God has only lip-worship, or
at best a share with numerous "partners". This was so in Arabia also. The
shares assigned to the "partners", went to the priests and hangers-on of
the "partners", who were many and clamorous for their rights. The share
assigned to God went to the poor, but more probably went to the priests who
had the cult of the "partners", for the Supreme God had no separate priests
of His own. It is also said that when heaps were thus laid out, if any
portion of God's heap fell into the heaps of the "partners", the priests
greedily and promptly appropriated it, while in the contrary case, the
"partners" priests were careful to reclaim any portion from what they
called "God's heap". The absurdity of the whole thing is ridiculed . God
created everything: how can He have a share?
137:    c. 959. The false gods and idols -among many nations, including the
Arabs -were supposed to require human sacrifices. Ordinarily such
sacrifices are revolting to man, but they are made "alluring" -a sacred
rite- by Pagan custom, which falsely arrogates to itself the name of
religion. Such customs, if allowed, would do nothing but destroy the people
who practise them, and make thier religion but a confused bundle of
revolting superstitions.
138:    c. 960. A taboo of certain foods is sometimes a device of the
priesthood to get special things for itself. It has to be enforced by
pretending that the prohibition for others is by the Will of God. It is a
lie or invention against God. Most superstitions are.
c. 961. Cattle dedicated to heathen gods may be reserved from all useful
work; in that case they are a dead loss to the community, and they may,
besides, do a great deal of damage to fields and crops.
c. 962. If meat is killed in the name of heathen gods, it would naturally
not be killed by the solemn rite in God's name, by which alone the killing
can be justified for food. See n. 698 to v. 5.
139:    c. 963. These are further Pagan superstitions about cattle. Some have
already been noted in v. 106, which may be consulted with the notes.
140:    No commentary available.

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