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Pada akulah, sebelum kerajaan mengenakan tindalan kepada pencetak rompak, terlebih 
dahulu makhluk2 macam Siti Nurhaliza, Awie,Ziana Zain, Ida Nerina disumbatkan dalam 
penjara kerana berakhlak buruk, berpakain tak senonoh, kurang sopan, tak tahu malu, 
menyakitkan mata, menyakitkan telinga, tak ada harga diri, penyesat dan penyeru 

setan-setan macam tu kalo tak wujud dalam dunia , kita tak rugi sesenpun.

------Original Message------
From: "roslina mamat" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: February 18, 2000 1:40:53 AM GMT
Subject: RE: H-Net* The wrath of Siti Nurhaliza

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saya dulu pun minat juga dia ni ...antara penyanyi yang sopan dia sorang je 
lah yang tinggal....dia kecil molek dan manis 'leting'    suara ada  vokal 
pun ok.....
tapi semenjak dua menjak ni tak tau pasal apa saya dah kurang minat dengan 
dia..rasanya sebab trbca dalam laman reformasi dia naik helikopter pi 
Langkawi sebab ada pameran...??? (lupa pulak?) sedangkan askar-askar pulak 
terpaksa menunggu untuk naik helikopter dia dapat special treatment....yang 
saya rasa....dia dah terlalu dimanjai dikenalli sehingga dihormati 
sedemikian rupa berbanding dengan prebet-prebet askar kita tu.....istimewa 
sangat ke jadi penyanyi ni???mulia ke penyanyi ni?,,,.... saya tak menghina 
kerjaya dia...tapi kenapa kita-kita ni terlalu mengagungkan golongan ni?   
Bukan salah dia dia dimanja sedemikian rupa...kita gak yang salah....

sorrylah kalau ada orang marah....saya hanya menyatakan pandangan....

>From: "Dazrul (K.L.)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: RE: H-Net* The wrath of Siti Nurhaliza
>Date: Thu, 17 Feb 2000 10:33:25 +0800
>  *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*
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>  *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*
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>Saya terasa ingin mengulas setelah saya perhatikan tiada ulasan dari 
>yang lain.
>Nampaknya ada juga artikel yang begitu sensitif terhadap perasaan dan
>kemarahan cik Siti, sebab kes cetak rompak.
>Kesimpulan saya :
>a. Cetak rompak hukumnya haram. Kalau tak silap saya fatwa ini ada
>dikemukakan oleh ulama' terkenal. Harap netters yang lain boleh membantu
>memberikan rujukan terhadap fatwa ini.
>b. Cetak rompak takkan buat artis2 Malaysia cuma 'berpakaian
>compang-camping', 'hanya berupaya naik bas intrakota sekali sehari' atau
>'meminta sedekah' seperti contoh ekstrim sang penulis. Implikasi yang 
>hanyalah royalti yang mereka artis terima berkurangan. Persoalan saya,
>mengapa ini yang disibukkan sangat? Di negara ini tiada rezeki halal yang
>c. Artis2 yang berkenaan (kecuali segelintir) tidak banyak membantu
>perkembangan Islam dan pendidikan akhlak masyarakat, malah ada yang
>menonjolkan akhlak yang sangat buruk. Jadi, mengapa bahagian ini tidak
>diberi perhatian? Hiburan lebih utama dari agama dan akhlak?
>d. Pemimpin2 berkenaan yang ada tidak berupaya untuk menjalankan
>tanggungjawab. Sila tukarkan kepada yang boleh melaksanakan tugas dan
>amanah, berdasarkan kehendak syariat.
>Kita pun seharusnya tidak melibatkan diri dalam hal2 cetak rompak ini, 
>hanya berkisar kepada lagu2 dan video2 (yang kebanyakannya tidak bermanfaat
>langsung malah merugikan Islam) tetapi juga melibatkan perkakasan perisian
>komputer dan 'intelectual property rights' yang lainnya.
>Cadangan saya, lebih baik sensitif pada mana2 yang mendatangkan kemarahan
>(murka) Allah yang menciptakan cik Siti tu dari jadi sensitif hanya pada
>perasaan sang artis itu sendiri.
>Kembalilah pada Allah dan rasulNya.
>Wallahu a'lam
>- md2a -
>- teringat pesan ustaz Shamsuri Ahmad, jangan malu mengaku kalau tak tahu,
>dan jangan lupa sebut "wallahu a'lam" kerana yang Maha Tahu itu hanyalah
>Allah Ta'ala...
> > -----Original Message-----
> >
> > >You don't often encounter Siti Nurhaliza in a miffed mood. Malaysia's
> > >best-selling chanteuse is usually all sugary and safe. She has posed in
> > >a Red Crescent uniform, which says it all really. You know how some
> > >people smile only with their lips? Well, she seems to smile with every
> > >fibre of her being. This is why she is adored by Malaysians of all 
> > >sexes, surely a prerequisite of a genuine star.
> > >Unlike many other popsters, her career has smoothly run without any
> > >disruptive controversies. She does not have a junkie husband who blew
> > >his brains out with a shotgun. She has never made a music video which
> > >offended the Vatican. In the Malaysian context, she has never been
> > >nabbed for "close proximity" or for drunk-driving. I have to admit that
> > >she sometimes gives me a toothache, but I like her all the same.
> > >But recently she came out with an unusually strong statement. You could
> > >actually picture her Maybeline-sponsored features setting itself in a
> > >stern cast while saying it. The subject was music piracy. She said that
> > >the culprits should be jailed for life instead of the current puny
> > >punishments they stand to receive.
> > >What have we here? Is piracy really such a problem that it can incur 
> > >wrath of someone normally so sweet? I hate to disappoint you, but it 
> > >Malaysia has an appalling record when it comes to copyright protection
> > >of music and movies.
> > >Any pasar malam will be strewn with stalls selling illegal videos, VCDs
> > >and CDs. I can hear those lilting sounds now: "Laser copy, very clear
> > >one. If not clear, come back next week I change for you." The fact that
> > >the movies themselves can look like they were shot underwater, or have
> > >people walking in front of the screen, does not deter potential 
> > >I'm not going to pretend that I have never succumbed. Like Oscar Wilde,
> > >I can resist everything except temptation. For example, I wager that
> > >there isn 't a single Malaysian schoolboy who has not surreptitiously
> > >gone up to the seller and said these immortal words: "Boss, blue ada
> > >ke?"
> > >It was only later that I realised how serious a crime piracy is. Like a
> > >fool, I had assumed that I was merely buying cheaper versions of the
> > >stuff sold in those proper shops with walls. But they are not. Piracy 
> > >theft. I don't think Steven Spielberg will be reduced to penury as a
> > >result of our pasar malam traders, but I am more concerned about the
> > >welfare of our own artists, who deserve better.
> > >I am appealing, dear reader, to your conscience. Look into your heart.
> > >Are you willing to live in a society in which Awie earns so little that
> > >he can wear only pathetic rags? Can you tolerate a situation in which
> > >Ziana Zain can afford to take the Intrakota bus just once a day? Will
> > >you stand by and do nothing if Ida Nerina has to wander around the
> > >streets saying, "Gimme food, gimme food"? I hope not.
> > >The life sentence that Siti Nurhaliza proposed may seem harsh,
> > >especially since a convicted killer like former cabinet minister 
> > >Hashim can walk around free after less than two decades. But it's mad
> > >and sad that pirated things can be sold so brazenly, even near police
> > >units. We don't want to give people the impression that the police and
> > >enforcers are somehow bribed into keeping silent, do we?
> > >As someone whose livelihood can be affected by this awesome menace, 
> > >is in a better position to empathise with those who suffer at the hands
> > >of pirates. If she ever decides to give up singing she might consider a
> > >post as the Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Minister.
> > >Why not? The previous minister, Megat Junid, did next to nothing to
> > >eradicate piracy. When a raid was carried out at a plant that
> > >manufactured counterfeit goods, he even said, "We're lucky they [the
> > >pirates] didn't sue us for loss of income." The sound you then heard 
> > >of jaws dropping at our Recording Industry Association.
> > >Scoff not at Siti's chances. Just look at out current Agriculture
> > >Minister, Effendi Nawawi. He was previously famed mainly for owning a 
> > >station and marrying Tiara Jacquelina. If he can be deemed suited to
> > >deal with agricultural matters (and he probably is, for all I know)
> > >there's no reason why Siti Nurhaliza can't lead the good fight against
> > >these terrifying pirates. And I'm sure she'll do it with a smile.
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