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Rahsia lah beb.

>zaidah mohd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: RE: H-Net* The wrath of Siti Nurhaliza
>Date: Fri, 18 Feb 2000 15:14:07 +0800

>  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>mana buktinya>>>>>>>>>>
>Thanks you,
>  <<...>>
>Selamat menyambut  Alaf Baru
>                    2000
> > ----------
> > From:       zaidah mohd[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent:       Thursday, February 17, 2000 8:25 PM
> > Subject:    RE: H-Net* The wrath of Siti Nurhaliza
> >
> >
> >  *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*
> >  {  Sila lawat Laman Hizbi-Net -  http://www.hizbi.net     }
> >  {        Hantarkan mesej anda ke:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]         }
> >  {        Iklan barangan? Hantarkan ke [EMAIL PROTECTED]     }
> >  *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*
> >  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> > dengar khabar ada gambar siti bogel dalam it. kalau macam tu teruk betul
> > dia
> > ni.
> > bantu kita dengan http://www.sendmoreinfo.com/id/401353
> >
> >
> > >From: "roslina mamat" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > >Subject: RE: H-Net* The wrath of Siti Nurhaliza
> > >Date: Thu, 17 Feb 2000 13:40:53 MYT
> > >
> > >
> > >*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*
> > >{  Sila lawat Laman Hizbi-Net -  http://www.hizbi.net     }
> > >{        Hantarkan mesej anda ke:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]         }
> > >{        Iklan barangan? Hantarkan ke [EMAIL PROTECTED]     }
> > >*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*
> > >~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> > >betullllll
> > >
> > >saya dulu pun minat juga dia ni ...antara penyanyi yang sopan dia 
> > je
> > >lah yang tinggal....dia kecil molek dan manis 'leting'    suara ada
> > vokal
> > >pun ok.....
> > >tapi semenjak dua menjak ni tak tau pasal apa saya dah kurang minat
> > dengan
> > >dia..rasanya sebab trbca dalam laman reformasi dia naik helikopter pi
> > >Langkawi sebab ada pameran...??? (lupa pulak?) sedangkan askar-askar
> > pulak
> > >terpaksa menunggu untuk naik helikopter dia dapat special
> > treatment....yang
> > >saya rasa....dia dah terlalu dimanjai dikenalli sehingga dihormati
> > >sedemikian rupa berbanding dengan prebet-prebet askar kita
> > tu.....istimewa
> > >sangat ke jadi penyanyi ni???mulia ke penyanyi ni?,,,.... saya tak
> > menghina
> > >kerjaya dia...tapi kenapa kita-kita ni terlalu mengagungkan golongan 
> > >Bukan salah dia dia dimanja sedemikian rupa...kita gak yang salah....
> > >
> > >sorrylah kalau ada orang marah....saya hanya menyatakan pandangan....
> > >
> > >
> > >>From: "Dazrul (K.L.)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > >>Subject: RE: H-Net* The wrath of Siti Nurhaliza
> > >>Date: Thu, 17 Feb 2000 10:33:25 +0800
> > >>
> > >>
> > >>  *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*
> > >>  {  Sila lawat Laman Hizbi-Net -  http://www.hizbi.net     }
> > >>  {        Hantarkan mesej anda ke:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]         }
> > >>  {        Iklan barangan? Hantarkan ke [EMAIL PROTECTED]     }
> > >>  *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*
> > >>  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> > >>Assalamu'alaikum
> > >>
> > >>Saya terasa ingin mengulas setelah saya perhatikan tiada ulasan dari
> > >>saudara
> > >>yang lain.
> > >>
> > >>Nampaknya ada juga artikel yang begitu sensitif terhadap perasaan dan
> > >>kemarahan cik Siti, sebab kes cetak rompak.
> > >>
> > >>Kesimpulan saya :
> > >>
> > >>a. Cetak rompak hukumnya haram. Kalau tak silap saya fatwa ini ada
> > >>dikemukakan oleh ulama' terkenal. Harap netters yang lain boleh 
> > >>memberikan rujukan terhadap fatwa ini.
> > >>b. Cetak rompak takkan buat artis2 Malaysia cuma 'berpakaian
> > >>compang-camping', 'hanya berupaya naik bas intrakota sekali sehari' 
> > >>'meminta sedekah' seperti contoh ekstrim sang penulis. Implikasi yang
> > >>timbul
> > >>hanyalah royalti yang mereka artis terima berkurangan. Persoalan saya,
> > >>mengapa ini yang disibukkan sangat? Di negara ini tiada rezeki halal
> > yang
> > >>lain?
> > >>c. Artis2 yang berkenaan (kecuali segelintir) tidak banyak membantu
> > >>perkembangan Islam dan pendidikan akhlak masyarakat, malah ada yang
> > >>menonjolkan akhlak yang sangat buruk. Jadi, mengapa bahagian ini tidak
> > >>diberi perhatian? Hiburan lebih utama dari agama dan akhlak?
> > >>d. Pemimpin2 berkenaan yang ada tidak berupaya untuk menjalankan
> > >>tanggungjawab. Sila tukarkan kepada yang boleh melaksanakan tugas dan
> > >>amanah, berdasarkan kehendak syariat.
> > >>
> > >>Kita pun seharusnya tidak melibatkan diri dalam hal2 cetak rompak ini,
> > >>tidak
> > >>hanya berkisar kepada lagu2 dan video2 (yang kebanyakannya tidak
> > >>bermanfaat
> > >>langsung malah merugikan Islam) tetapi juga melibatkan perkakasan
> > perisian
> > >>komputer dan 'intelectual property rights' yang lainnya.
> > >>
> > >>Cadangan saya, lebih baik sensitif pada mana2 yang mendatangkan
> > kemarahan
> > >>(murka) Allah yang menciptakan cik Siti tu dari jadi sensitif hanya 
> > >>perasaan sang artis itu sendiri.
> > >>
> > >>Kembalilah pada Allah dan rasulNya.
> > >>
> > >>Wallahu a'lam
> > >>
> > >>- md2a -
> > >>
> > >>- teringat pesan ustaz Shamsuri Ahmad, jangan malu mengaku kalau tak
> > tahu,
> > >>dan jangan lupa sebut "wallahu a'lam" kerana yang Maha Tahu itu 
> > >>Allah Ta'ala...
> > >>
> > >>
> > >> > -----Original Message-----
> > >> >
> > >> > >by AMIR MUHAMMAD
> > >> > >You don't often encounter Siti Nurhaliza in a miffed mood.
> > Malaysia's
> > >> > >best-selling chanteuse is usually all sugary and safe. She has 
> >
> > >>in
> > >> > >a Red Crescent uniform, which says it all really. You know how 
> > >> > >people smile only with their lips? Well, she seems to smile with
> > every
> > >> > >fibre of her being. This is why she is adored by Malaysians of all
> > >>three
> > >> > >sexes, surely a prerequisite of a genuine star.
> > >> > >Unlike many other popsters, her career has smoothly run without 
> > >> > >disruptive controversies. She does not have a junkie husband who
> > blew
> > >> > >his brains out with a shotgun. She has never made a music video
> > which
> > >> > >offended the Vatican. In the Malaysian context, she has never been
> > >> > >nabbed for "close proximity" or for drunk-driving. I have to admit
> > >>that
> > >> > >she sometimes gives me a toothache, but I like her all the same.
> > >> > >But recently she came out with an unusually strong statement. You
> > >>could
> > >> > >actually picture her Maybeline-sponsored features setting itself 
> > a
> > >> > >stern cast while saying it. The subject was music piracy. She said
> > >>that
> > >> > >the culprits should be jailed for life instead of the current puny
> > >> > >punishments they stand to receive.
> > >> > >What have we here? Is piracy really such a problem that it can 
> > >>the
> > >> > >wrath of someone normally so sweet? I hate to disappoint you, but 
> > >>is.
> > >> > >Malaysia has an appalling record when it comes to copyright
> > protection
> > >> > >of music and movies.
> > >> > >Any pasar malam will be strewn with stalls selling illegal videos,
> > >>VCDs
> > >> > >and CDs. I can hear those lilting sounds now: "Laser copy, very
> > clear
> > >> > >one. If not clear, come back next week I change for you." The fact
> > >>that
> > >> > >the movies themselves can look like they were shot underwater, or
> > have
> > >> > >people walking in front of the screen, does not deter potential
> > >>punters.
> > >> > >I'm not going to pretend that I have never succumbed. Like Oscar
> > >>Wilde,
> > >> > >I can resist everything except temptation. For example, I wager 
> > >> > >there isn 't a single Malaysian schoolboy who has not
> > surreptitiously
> > >> > >gone up to the seller and said these immortal words: "Boss, blue 
> > >> > >ke?"
> > >> > >It was only later that I realised how serious a crime piracy is.
> > Like
> > >>a
> > >> > >fool, I had assumed that I was merely buying cheaper versions of 
> > >> > >stuff sold in those proper shops with walls. But they are not.
> > Piracy
> > >>is
> > >> > >theft. I don't think Steven Spielberg will be reduced to penury as 
> > >> > >result of our pasar malam traders, but I am more concerned about 
> > >> > >welfare of our own artists, who deserve better.
> > >> > >I am appealing, dear reader, to your conscience. Look into your
> > heart.
> > >> > >Are you willing to live in a society in which Awie earns so little
> > >>that
> > >> > >he can wear only pathetic rags? Can you tolerate a situation in
> > which
> > >> > >Ziana Zain can afford to take the Intrakota bus just once a day?
> > Will
> > >> > >you stand by and do nothing if Ida Nerina has to wander around the
> > >> > >streets saying, "Gimme food, gimme food"? I hope not.
> > >> > >The life sentence that Siti Nurhaliza proposed may seem harsh,
> > >> > >especially since a convicted killer like former cabinet minister
> > >>Mokhtar
> > >> > >Hashim can walk around free after less than two decades. But it's
> > mad
> > >> > >and sad that pirated things can be sold so brazenly, even near
> > police
> > >> > >units. We don't want to give people the impression that the police
> > and
> > >> > >enforcers are somehow bribed into keeping silent, do we?
> > >> > >As someone whose livelihood can be affected by this awesome 
> > >>Siti
> > >> > >is in a better position to empathise with those who suffer at the
> > >>hands
> > >> > >of pirates. If she ever decides to give up singing she might
> > consider
> > >>a
> > >> > >post as the Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Minister.
> > >> > >Why not? The previous minister, Megat Junid, did next to nothing 
> > >> > >eradicate piracy. When a raid was carried out at a plant that
> > >> > >manufactured counterfeit goods, he even said, "We're lucky they 
> > >> > >pirates] didn't sue us for loss of income." The sound you then 
> > >>was
> > >> > >of jaws dropping at our Recording Industry Association.
> > >> > >Scoff not at Siti's chances. Just look at out current Agriculture
> > >> > >Minister, Effendi Nawawi. He was previously famed mainly for 
> > a
> > >>TV
> > >> > >station and marrying Tiara Jacquelina. If he can be deemed suited 
> > >> > >deal with agricultural matters (and he probably is, for all I 
> > >> > >there's no reason why Siti Nurhaliza can't lead the good fight
> > against
> > >> > >these terrifying pirates. And I'm sure she'll do it with a smile.
> > >> > >
> > >> >
> > >> >
> > >>
> > >>  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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> > >>Pengirim: "Dazrul (K.L.)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > >
> > >______________________________________________________
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> > >Pengirim: "roslina mamat" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
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> >  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> >
> > Pengirim: "zaidah mohd" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> >
> >
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