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Added 29 Feb 2000

"I pray for your victory and I have been praying to
Allah to give me a chance to be among
the Mujahideen since the Afganistan war. Keep fighting
my dear brothers until the last evil
Russian. And finally on behalf of all the Indonesian
Muslims forgive our goverment who dont
care about your struggle." 
[Brother TS, Balikpapan, Indonesia, 28 Feb 2000]

"Please warn the Mujahideen that the Russians are
thinking of deploying a fuel air bomb.
This explosion from this device is akin to a small
nuclear device . It kills by fall out and winds
which are strong enough to break ribs. What the
Mujahideen can do is keep some ear plugs
handy with which to protect their ears. If there are
other Muslims, especially from the armed
forces, please advise our brothers how they can
protect themselves from this weapon. Also,
know that Allah is the Greatest and Bigger than any
bomb. May Allah protect and bless our
Mujahideen and let the Russian bomb destroy the
immoral, cheap, lowest of low animals who
call themselves Russians. Even a pig has more dignity
than a Russian aggressor." 
[Brother AD, Canada, 28 Feb 2000]

"Insha-Allah the War in Chechnya will be the end of
Russia ,as the war in Afghanistan was
the end of USSR."
[Brother JA, New Delhi, India, 28 Feb 2000]

"We all have to die one day and there is no better way
of dying than in the battlefield in the
cause of Allah (SWT). One message for all Muslims all
around the world: 'O Muslim nation
when you listen to news about Chechnya, Kashmir,
kosovo, Palestine and other Muslim lands
where Muslims are being killed and you say this is not
happening in my city and my town.
Wallahi, Wallahi soon this war will happen in your
town and your country if you don't stop the
crusaders and infidels in other Muslim lands they will
come to your lands and towns and cities
where you live. I live in Canada and I feel well
secured and protected and so were the people
of Sarajevo 20 years ago but the whole world saw what
happened to them. If the Pakistanis
did not stop the Russians in Afghanistan with the help
of afghan brothers, Russians would
have next invaded Pakistan. Nations who don't learn
from history, those nations become
history themselves...O Muslim nation wake up and
support the army of Allah fighting in His
name in Chechnya. I will pray for you brothers and you
pray for me to join you soon in the
battlefield in the cause of Allah....Wallahi I have
nothing against Russian people, they have an
equal right to live on the land of Allah but those who
committed atrocities toward innocent
Muslims in Chechnya would be punished without mercy
exactly as the Quranic teaches. When
a cat attacks a pigeon, the pigeon closes its eyes and
thinks it is hidden from the cat. Guess
what? The pigeon becomes the food of cat and dies...oh
Muslim nation don't be a
pigeon...help these brothers with dua ..funds
..actions and more... "
[Brother S, Toronto, Canada, 27 Feb 2000]

"To the people of Chechnya and the Chechen soldiers: I
support your fight for freedom in
Chechnya and I am totally against what the Russians
are doing. I supported the NATO effort
to return the Kosovo Albanians to their land after
they were pushed out by Melosovic. Now, it
seems the Russian government is doing the same thing
that Serbia did with the Kosovo
population: Forcing the Chechens to leave their land
(or be killed and tortured). It is so
obvious to the world and it is unthinkable that such a
big country as Russia would support
this kind of genocide. Any good feelings that I had
about Russia have now gone down the
drain. I'm sure many Americans think the same as I do.
I wish you well in your fight against
the Russians. May God be with you. I am not a
politician so I have very little power to help
you directly. But I will write to my senator and
Presidient Clinton to pressure Russia to leave
Chechnya. You will also be in my prayers."
[Mr Joseph B, Michigan, USA, 26 Feb 2000]

"I'm sending you my email in front of all people to
show my 100% support and I'm not fearing
any one except Allah (SWT). OK I m arab guy and I have
read what brother Shammel said
about Arabs, I'm so sorry but I want him to know that
most of Arabs in the street is with
Chechens. I'm asking him to believe that only our
leaders who are slaves to west. Sorry about
Arabs position. I'm thanking our brothers who allow us
to show our feelings to our brothers
Insha Allah. Brothers, as long as I'm alive I will
send supporting prayers and emails till Allah
gives me chance to reach the jihad battle field, and
Insha Allah you will meet me with
Shammel and Khattab."
[Brother IJ, Palestine, 26 Feb 2000]

"To the wonderful people who give us this site, words
can't describe how much your effort is
appreciated. Only Allah, The Most High, will reward
you. The Chechen Mujahideen brothers
and sisters will be our role models, your story will
be told to our children along with the
stories of Salahuddin and Khalid Ibn Al-Waleed. 
Victory will be yours."
[Sister NY, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 25 Feb 2000]

"I am greatly moved by the courage displayed by the
Mujahideen in Chechnya. May Allah
(SWT) grant us victory against the non - believers.
Our brothers and Sisters in Chechnya,
don't be discouraged by the non support of fellow
muslim countries. We here, always
remember you and make Du'a for you. May Allah accept
our Dua's and grant us victory
against the non - believers ( Insha Allah). Many
Muslims want to help the Mujahideen in
anyway they can, i.e. financially, physically, or by
making Du'a. I myself am an Aerospace
engineer, and offer my help anyway I can. This
gesture, by me, should be a slap on the face of
all Muslim countries, who are hiding like cowards, at
a time when fellow Muslims are in dire
need of our help. The Mujahideen of Chechnya, please
inform us, on how to get to the front,
and assist you in defeating our common enemy, 'the
kuffar' (rejectors of Faith)."
[Brother SA, USA, 24 Feb 2000]

"Your Jihad is Mubarak Insha Allah. Like in
Afghanistan and other countries, the Russians
invaders are shedding blood again. It’s with our blood
that we are writing the History and
this blood will be the musk (perfume) for us in
Heaven. Chechnya will be a second
Afghanistan, but now the muslim world is more awake.
May Allah give you patience, reduce
your pains, and send down His Barakat (Blessings) and
Rahmat (Mercy) on you."
[Brother S, France, 24 Feb 2000]

Go to Top 


Added 28 Feb 2000

"We support you with all our souls. Our nation has
been tortured and murdered by Russians
in 1918-1920, in 1940-1945 and the years after the
war, escpecially in 1949. We know what
that kind of war means and we know too well the
Russian ways to fight it."
[Brother KS, Estonia Tartu, 27 Feb 2000]

"I'm from the Netherlands. I wish to congratulate my
brothers in Islam, the Mujahedeen. You
are truly Mujahedeen. Stay put! The russians got
vodka, you've got Islam. They can't kill the
mujaheddeen, they try so hard, but there second war
will be a defeat. For certain, there moral
is low, there self-esteem is low. They know that they
can't fight us! My brothers, I think of you
every day, and pray for you! We'll meet one day! ALLAH
AKBAR! For Russia, this is the
beginning of guerilla warfare in the whole region. You
know it, history will repeat itself!"
[Brother BW, Maastricht, the Netherlands, 27 Feb 2000]

"Superb website. Superb reporting. Superb pictures.
Pictures of dead russian soldiers, burning
choppers and destroyed russian military vehicles tell
us SOMETHING terrible is happening to
the 'new world order'... SOMETHING utterly unforseen,
unexpected and unplanned..... That
BEAST lying chained on the ground for several hundered
years has been prodded too many
times - palestine, algeria, kashmir, iraq, bosnia,
kosovo,... enough is enough...with every
falling shaheed, the sleeping muslim giant is
AWAKENING... Allahu Akbar!! Allahu Akbar!!
Allahu Akbar!! PAX ISLAMICA!!"
[ Brother BC, USA, 27 Feb 2000]

"...I love my two litttle boys and I know the
mujahadeen in Chechnya feel the same way about
their families. I have immense respect for the courage
and devotion the mujahadeen have for
their cause that they would willingly die in a foreign
land under miserable conditions against
a strong and merciless army. If it is OK for a
Christian to help a muslim family financially I
would like to do so, to honor the memory of those
brave men who died fighting for what they
believed in and to help their families." 
[Angie & Kevin, USA, 27 Feb 2000]

"Though we are far away, our thoughts and duas are
with you. I find difficult to find words to
express how I feel for you in my heart, but this:
"If Allah helps you, none can overcome you. If He
abandons you, who than can help you?
Therefore, in Allah let the faithfull put their
Allah is with you." 
[Brother AM, Stavaner, Norway, 27 Feb 2000]

"I write to you from Austria the land which the brave
Islamic army conquered some 350 years
ago. Now the Moslems come here in order to sell
newspapers on the street or clean the toilets
of these kuffar. Subhanallah how the times change.
What about Al-andalus, Islam came there
1250 years ago to stay, but the Moslems then forgot
the real Jihad and were beaten out by the
kuffar, only to come back again in this centuy as
cheap workers ,How can such a humilaiting
thing happen?? Only you my brave brothers and sisters
in the Iislamic land of the qoqaz are
saying no to the enemies of Allah(swt), but where is
Al-Mu'atasim who will hear the cying of
the raped widows????
Insha Allah the brave Mujahideen will be the spark
that relights the fire of the Islamic state,
which will burn the Kuffar and protect the Moslems."
[Brother AK, Graz, Austria, 26 Feb 2000]

"A last word to my brothers Shamel, Khatab and every
Mujahid on this earth go aead
because you are doing the top job in Islam.You are the
Islamic army and you will get one of
the best two things: Victory or Martyrdom." 
[Brother NA, Yemen, 26 Feb 2000]

"May Allah destroy the Russian vermin. I prayer that
every Russian in your land leaves in a
[Brother AR, London, England, 26 Feb 2000]

"...And for those who preach about false peace and
prosperity and like to think that Jihad
brings devastation and suffering and it produces no
results (and they like to give false
statements about Afghanistan) should worry about their
own fate. I ask, how much more
evidence these Muslim leaders want before they even
pass a single resolution in OIC. For God
sake now even CNN is showing footage of Russian
aggressions against the Chechens that is
beyond any human rights violations. If it was a JEW
dragged behind the truck then Yasir
Arafat would be the first one giving statements
against it. But No! he just arrested several
muslims who were protesting in support of Chechnya and
has given them to Israelis for
alleged terrorist links. SHAME ON HIM. I pray to Allah
(SWT) to give victory to Chechen
mujahideen (Ameen). Allahoakbar."
[Brother K, Ohio, USA, 26 Feb 2000]

"I can't tell you how happy and how sad I feel .I am
happy because you have awoken
something that our enemies thought had died which is
jihad and with it our dignity.You have
proven to us Muslims first and then to our enemies
second that our ummah is one no matter
what they try to do to divide us. I am sad because the
only thing I can do is to pray for you.. " 
[Sister K, Ohio, USA, 26 Feb 2000]

"You are already vitorious and Insha-Allah you wil
attain the highest levels of paradise. I
have two things to say. 
1) Where are the regular soldiers of the Muslim World?
So called Muslim nations have so
many soldiers under arms why are they not volunteering
to fight? The Muslim world is the
most highly militarized in the world! Surely there are
individual brothers out there who can go
to Chechnya immediately without needing training in
Afghanistan or elsewhere. 
2) A note to all brothers out there! Think! Many years
from now when your are dying on your
death bed (whether in hospital, at your home or
surrounded by family) and you life flashes in
front of you and you say what have I lived for?
Wouldn't you prefer fighting and dying for
Allah's cause so that at least you lived and died for
freedom and not lived on your knees for
this world!"
[Brother ZM, Wellington, New Zealand, 25 Feb 2000]

"Thank you to the Mujahideen and the administrators of
Qoqaz for providing the Muslim
youth of this Ummah with role models. Up until now the
only Muslim role models that we
have had are those of the Sahabah. It gives me great
pleasure to see that this Ummah has
produced some role models for our youth to look
[Brother FD, Boston, USA, 25 Feb 2000]

"From the bottom of my heart I thank you all for
performing the Jihad on the net with full
force.... Within less than a year Chechan Mujahideen
with the help of qoqaz.net or Azzam
publication have started pulling the Muslims from all
around the world toward Allah and of
course toward each other. This is called Islamic
revolution and Inshallah Muslim Ummah will
soon unite under one Quran and Sunnah of the Prophet
[Brother AP, USA, 25 Feb 2000]

"You are the best of the best , no matter what I do I
feel ashamed because I cannot even do
.00001% of the good you are doing in Chechnya.You are
fighting in the Name of Allah
Almighty , even if things look hard ,LailahaillAllah,
Allah will guide you , InshaAllah every
bullet will hit a Russian , InshaAllah every Russian
plot will be unsuccessful , and InshaAllah
more and more human rights groups will expose the evil
which we Muslims viewing
qoqaz.com have already seen."
[Brother MH, Maryland, USA, 25 Feb 2000]
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