whoever you are, you can go fly kite. and before that do respect your intelligence by reading the "Press Release" below. thanks to you mr counter balance and please allow me to dedicate your email to ... is she/he frequenting jln limau manis or she/he the the main actor/actress hanging around the area. mr counter balance, why not you send your gurkhas to investigate to enlighten us here. thanking you in advance. she/he needs to poke her/his nose into melaka now...

Press Release
Reaction of the Action Front of the Muslim Doctors  Of Melaka

1. We are of the opinion that the decision of the state governement under the leadership of Dato Wira Muhamad Ali Rustam
to terminate the services of 21 Muslim Clinics who were serving the various government agencies and an emotional,
vengeful  and shortsighted move.

 2.The Owners of the 21 clinics implicated are all Muslim doctors who form 90% of the Muslim doctors in Melaka, and are also among the longest serving clinics .We deeply regret  the action and it is obviously politically motivated ,of benefit to whom? There is confusion between the doctor's roles as professionals and their political affiliations which is a personal and private matter as well as guaranteed under the laws of this countr! y.It is also obvious that no clear reason has been given for the termination . If it is for professional reasons of inefficiency , breach of trust or other misdemeanours then it would be justified but not when there are no clear cut criterion except a known or suspected political afiliation not aligned with the ruling party .

3.The doctors implicated have a long record of blameless service and in all of this time have treated their panel patients of all race creed and political affilation without prejudice as befit our profession and in accordance to our oath.

4.At the same time, our patients who come to us do not judge us by our political affilations, come to us for our professional skills and services without caring a whit for our political affiliations which do not in any way interfer with our work and services.

5. In performing our daily duties in our clinics ! we do not have the time nor the inclination to discuss politics as it is our sole
purpose to heal the sick, to counsel examine and treat our patients.

6.If we do have activities associated with our political affilations ,surely it is in our leisure time and surely it is our rights as
citizens in a democratic country.

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