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   [Najm] The United States did not make do with the bombardment. It issued 
an arrest warrant against Usamah Bin-Ladin and promised a $5 million prize 
to whoever provides information leading to his arrest. It tried to freeze 
his financial assets. Usamah Bin-Ladin began his odyssey in Afghanistan when 
he was 22 years old. Now, he is 42 years old. He was the paramount Arab 
Afghan. The number of Arab Afghans in Afghanistan is diminishing. Those who 
met him said that he is no longer the same man.
['Atwan] I believe that the Nairobi and Dar es Salam bombings changed 
Bin-Ladin. He was aware that the Americans were targeting him, but not with 
this intensity. There was not a single piece of evidence that he was behind 
the al-Khubar and Riyadh bombings. He may have been wanted by the Americans. 
But, there was no powerful evidence incriminating him. I think that the 
situation now is different. Nonetheless, even prior to these two incidents, 
the man took all the necessary security precautions. For example, I know 
that he built a camp in the open air to give the impression that it was his 
base when he was interviewed by CNN. It was not a base. I am aware of this. 
He did not allow the CNN team to bring its own camera. The team left for the 
camp and found the camera waiting for it. It was Bin-Ladin's camera. He 
asked the team members not to bring anything with them. The CNN team members 
were inspected, pursued, and monitored indirectly to make sure that they 
were neither followed nor monitored by the US intelligence service. The man 
knows how to take care of his security concerns. I hope that he will be 
successful in his efforts in this regard. He is taking his own precautions. 
I know that he is now in a secure place, that his moves are banned, not 
because Taleban wants to restrain his moves, but because it wants to protect 
him. Taleban officials have strong convictions that the press and press men 
are the trap that could track his whereabouts and bring about his 
[Isma'il] It goes without saying that he feels that is under siege. He as 
well as the Afghan Taleban-led government have admitted that his moves in 
Afghanistan are not restrained. Nonetheless, he is banned from engaging in 
any action originating in Afghan territory against any country whatsoever 
regardless of whether or not it has recognized the Taleban-led government. 
All that he is currently doing on Afghan territory is confined to addressing 
appeals, engaging in media-related activities, and issuing fatwas, along 
with a group of Afghan or other clergymen, promoting fighting, which Taleban 
cannot ban or restrain, because this is enshrined in Koranic verses and 
traditions of the prophet.
[Najm] The base was destroyed, but Bin-Ladin survived. He is trying to 
mobilize more supporters even though he has fears that their number may 
shrink in the future.
[Bin-Ladin] When jihad was obscured for a long time, we saw the emergence of 
a generation of students who did not experience the heat of jihad. They were 
affected by the US media that invaded Islamic countries. Without even 
engaging in combat, they suffered a psychological defeat. They acknowledge 
the necessity for jihad. Nonetheless, they say that they cannot fulfill such 
an obligation. The people who had the honor of engaging in jihad in 
Afghanistan, Bosnia-Herzevogina, or Chechnya--we had such an honor--are 
certain that the nation nowadays can, God willing, engage in jihad against 
the enemies of Islam, particularly, the external archenemy, the 
Crusader-Jewish alliance.
[Najm] All this brings us back to the Arabian Gulf, which some call the 
Persian Gulf. Shiites are living on one of its coasts, while the other coast 
is inhabited by a combination of Sunnites and Shiites. Holy shrines are 
located to the west of the gulf: In Mecca, Medina, and Jerusalem. Similarly, 
holy shrines are located to the north: In al-Najaf and Karbala'. There are 
also holy shrines in the east: In Qom and Mashhad. Afghanistan is a stone's 
throw away. Iraq is under siege. Weapons are deployed at sea, on land, and 
in the air. An oil artery is running through its waters. It is the 
embodiment of wealth and conflict. What we forget in the midst of routine 
details is the cumulative effect of things. When somebody drops a stone in a 
river, this may cause the river course to change once and for all. 
Washington and Usamah Bin-Ladin are part of this mosaic. To them, the 
targets have been delineated and the pursuit has begun.

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