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Bismillah, Alhamdulillah...ambo berkesempatan melihat gambar2 mangsa kekejaman kafir 
spt-mana yg digambarkan oleh Dr Jemilah. ALangkah tragisnya Halmahera....kaum muslimin 
di bakar hidup2 di Masjid2...mrk dicincang dgn brutal....

Maka benarlah apa yg digambarkan Allah dlm Quran (alBaqaroh 120) bahwa kuffar dan 
bangsa kafir tidak sekali-kali redha kpd kaum muslimin. Mrk terus menerus sampai 
kiamat membenci kaum muslimin, mrk berusaha memurtadkan kaum muslimin, mrk 
membelanjakan wang yg banyak utk memadamkan cahaya Allah, mrk dengki dan mahu 
menimpakan kesakitan kpd kaum muslimin.

Kita juga pernah di-ingatkan oleh ulama mujahidin dgn kata2: "Selagi mana org2 beriman 
itu beriman dan selama mana org2 kafir itu kafir, maka selama itulah api gelora 
peperangan (jihad) akan sentiasa berkecamuk". Dan Aqidah ASWJ mengatakan bahwa Jihad 
itu tetap akan berlangsung segingga HAri Kiamat samada bersama amir yg fajir(maksiat) 
ataupun amir yg soleh.

Dan ingatlah bahwa Raja Haji dan para Mujahid yg berasal dari kepulauan Maluku, Ambon, 
Sulawesi pernah menolong umat Islam yg kini dinamakan M'sia ini ketika Portugis 
menyerang. Begitulah tuntutan aqidah alWala' wal Bara' iaitu membantu bangsa Muslim yg 
ditindas dan dianiaya di mana jua. Ada 2 saja bangsa dlm dunia ini iaitu Bangsa Islam 
dan Bangsa Kafir.

Seruan Jihad telah ditiupkan. Kem2 latihan telah tersedia di sekitar Ambon. Maka 
marilah kita buangkan fahaman taksub dan sempit "SE-MALAYSIA".

Wslm_Ibn Muhajir

"Rifle Alone - No negotiation"


Dr. Jemilah Mahmood:
Medical Relief Society


Assalamualaikum everyone

      Alhamdulillah, Karen & I returned last night. Azhar insyallah will 
arrive tomorrow followed by Wan hazmy and Al-Amin on 19th & 25th 
respectively. None of us imagined it would be so far and difficult to get 
to and we had a chance to try almost everything.. jetplanes, smallplanes, 
boats, ships, 4wds etc..

      Brothers and sisters, the war in Maluku is really brewing and as I 
write this, I expect that new advances by the mujahiddins in Ambon and 
North Halmahera are taking place.  It is a true jihad..in every sense of 
the word.

      To be frank, I had initially been quite sceptical as so little had 
been written in the press.  But now I understand and I have returned with 
the amanah of the people of Maluku to spread the truth about the wars 
there.  If you think Kosova was bad, imagine being in situations worse than 

      This is a war inspired and provocated by an international conspiracy. 
Geographically, it makes sense that with the fall of East Timor to the 
hands of the Christians, Maluku, Sulawesi and if we're not careful East 
Malaysia will follow suit.  This will provide a barrier for countries like 
Australia and the west.

      The war started with a call by the High Priests in Maluku to destroy 
Muslims and drive Islam out of Maluku which is 50%-50% Muslim-Christian. 
Muslims in Maluku are tolerant people not unlike Malays in Malaysia. They 
never expected this to happen.  They never expected to be attacked on Idil 
Fitri 1999.  They never expected to be burnt alive whilst performing solat 
tarawih last Ramadhan.

      Imagine now a land where muslims have been brutally murdered by the 
thousands.  Not only murdered and beheaded etc. but afterwards mutilated, 
hearts cut out and eaten or pounded to make a gunpowder mix for ammunition!

      Imagine women being raped in mosques by savages including priests who 
afterwards pass comments like "Enak juga kulit wanita Islam".. (the flesh 
of the Muslimahs were delicious) in front of their families who await their 
turn for death.  Their breasts cut off and thrown around like frisbees as 
they lie in pain awaiting the final blow that will bring death to them..

      Imagine an imam being killed and buried only to be exhumed later, 
crucified, his genitals chopped off and stuffed into his mouth with pieces 
of raw pork..the earth shook and only that act by Almighty Allah stopped 
them from going further.

      Imagine children with dirty faces and mucus running down their 
shrivelled and dry faces holding on to you crying "Bu..lapar bu..ngak makan 
tiga hari bu.." (Mother, I'm hungry... I haven't had anything for 3 days)

      Imagine a diet consisting of plain rice or if lucky with lauk kuah 
indomie (the gravy from instant noodles)or if really luxurious a small 
piece of ikan tongkol.

      Imagine brave mujahid who walk in with arrows and spears stuck in 
their shoulders, arms, legs..not wincing or crying but with kalimah "Allahu 
Akbar" on their lips.

      Imagine children as young as 8 years fighting for Allah's cause..and 
when asked why to reply "ngak guna hidup..mereka injak-injakkan agama suci 
kita" (our life is worthless.... they are 'stepping' on our beloved religion)

      Imagine thousands of refugees arriving at the coasts of ternate with 
a sackful of belongings if lucky enough.. sleeping on the steps of the 
overcrowded mosques and refugee sites.

      Imagine thousands of refugees cramped in clove drying godowns..the 
air inside being hot and stifling..some children with high fevers lying on 
hard wooden pellet which they now call home.

      Imagine the sick and wounded treated on the floors of mosques and 
make do areas with compound fractures held together with external fixtures 
made of bicycle spokes and piling steel..wounds covered with honey and 
cloth.  (By Allah's will, the wounds healed and union of the bones occurred).

      Imagine Christian doctors who for the past few years have made it 
their mission in life to snuff out newborn Muslim babies or doing caesarian 
hysterectomies in an attempt to curb the growth of the Muslim community.

      Imagine all this, dear brothers and sisters..this was what we faced 
and heard.  It seems that there is so little that we could offer but 
alhamdulillah, the fact that we even came offered so much of solace to 
them.  We look alike, we speak the same language (almost) and we worship 
the same God.. they wanted us to bring home the news of this biased and 
savage war to all of you and all Muslims in this

      The money we collected was handed to pay the down payment to purchase 
a nice house that would be used as a pusat kesihatan (health center)to 
serve the needs of the mujahiddin and refugees. As I write this, Al-Amin 
and Wan should be busy moving into the building and starting to prepare for 
cases. As I write this too, Muslim soldiers should be moving into areas in 
Ambon and North Halmahera to secure positions.

Believe me, this is not a territorial or racial war..it is a true jihad 
against the enemies of ALLAH.  Not one person
we met spoke of the property they lost but of the war against Islam.

They need our help..they need our money and our strength, our expertise
and our prayers.  Please help us to help them..surgeons, orthopedists
especially, we need to recruit a team in for April. The base is on the
island of Ternate, 100% Muslim and safe insyallah. 

It is a beautiful island and the jetties like aquariums with clear water
and colorful fish swimming below.  Please get in touch with Azhar, myself
or Zaleha to offer your services.  We feel the priority is to care for the
mujahidins hence the surgical expertise. If you ever feel any fear
remember that our time of death is already written, not a second earlier
and not a second later.  Surely a death doing jihad for Allah is the best

Will write more when I recover a little more form the trip. Hatta, we need 
you for debereaving!

Dr Jemilah Mahmood

Dr Jemilah is the President of Malaysian MERCY (Medical Relief Society)  -
a nonprofitable NGO which was involved in sending missions to Kosova and
Turkey and currently, Maluku Islands. The website is at www.mercy.org.my
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