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Title: Public Proxies 1: library proxies

 Public Proxies 

Say NO to Government Net Censorship in Australia

ABA Family images

Update: Image in strip is from from the ABA website


A link allowing subscribing to the Stop-Censorship mailing list.

Electronic Frontiers Australia has moved its website to the United States in response to Australian Internet censorship legislation which commences on 1st January 2000.
Blinded by Smoke: The Hidden Agenda of the Online Services Bill 1999 (An article on the broad definition of the R classification)
Email "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] to be removed.
Or go to this web page:

Some submissions on the Internet Industry Association's (
IIA) 'Internet Industry Code of Practice' (5): A Code For Industry Self Regulation In Areas of Internet Content, Privacy, E-Commerce, and Related Areas": ~ddhrg/iia/codev5.html

Prosecution of student editors of Rabelais, the La Trobe University student newspaper - Fight Censorship in Australia:, (On 24 March 1999, the charges against the former editors of Rabelais were dropped by the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP), without explanation)
Latest Australian newspaper articles
Links, mailing lists, comments, sites, etc.

EFA called for Senator Alston to resign Publish/PR990701.html

"Electronic Frontiers Australia today called for the resignation of the Minister for Communications, Information Technology and the Arts, Senator Richard Alston
... There is absolutely no evidence of demand by the community for more censorship. In fact, the opposite is the case. ...
It is quite obvious that a significant factor in the introduction of this legislation was the government's need to gain Senator Harradine's crucial vote for its GST and Telstra agendas.§ The government has shown it is prepared to sell out both free speech and a burgeoning industry in order to meet other political objectives.
§ The Liberal Party webpage of Senator Alston states: "... It is the Howard Government that is tackling the big issues ..... and [giving] Australians the chance to own more stakes in Telstra - a privatisation that will wipe out nearly 40 per cent of Government debt.": senate/info/alston.html
Other webpages that comment on the sale of Telstra: Takver/soapbox/telstra1.htm (old)

Possible ways to get data through censorsing systems include:

    1. Cracks (alv, peacefire).
    2. A list is on page 3.



This page is:

Updated: 13-March-2000 

Cyber Patrol HTTP blocking proxy for children, and businesses. The proxy is by Microsystems (or Mattel, toy maker), and it has been reported on, in the media:
* legal documents, NS Lookup.
Proxy Methods List:

13-Mar-00: Academic Journal Library proxies (listed below)

About 2,100 proxies are listed on page 2.

Bypassing censoring: proxies3.htm page


    PAGE 1  (this page not updated all that much. Most updates made to page3)

  • * Library proxies. SSL-converting client-side proxy software

    ->PAGE 2  (about 180KB, updated 20-Feb-00)

  • * Lists of public proxies 2 (all are on common ports)
  • ->PAGE 3 (bypassing national censoring proxy arrays, etc.)
    Proxies on uncommon ports, Port 81 & 8081 proxies. Information on how to use Proxy Hunter 3.
  • ->PAGE 4 Some information on using shell accounts to run proxy programs, and on making lists of hostnames a little safer.

Port 80 proxies are often not valuable, and that is one port used by hackers.

A lot of people use public proxies just to bypass slow not-optional ISP caching proxies and get speed improvements perhaps by even using proxies in very distant countries. There never seems to be any complaints from using public proxies. In theory ISPs could be accepting of having customers bypass a slow caching proxy when it is most loaded and most slow.

Free Win95 software:
Proxy Hunter 2.8 (tests & times proxies). (Also here:) Plookup (DNS lookups), NoteTab (a text editor), the Cygwin GNU textutils, qWeb (download pages & headers). Descriptions: below.


 Snooz Metasearch

Access Counter
18 Mar 1999



Some Links


Note: A significant fraction of the proxies listed hasve since gone bad. To find the fastest proxies, a method is: copy the data off the page, convert it to IP numbers using Plookup, and then sort and test the interfaces or proxies using Proxy Hunter.
Public Proxies 1
  1. Group 26: Library proxies that allow bodies of academic electronic journals to be read (GMT 13-March-2000)
  1. [
  2. [
  3. [
  4. [
  5. [
  6. [
  7. [
  8. { Name->(IP1,IP2..):
  9. { Name->(IP1,IP2..):
  10. [

MOST PROXIES ARE ON PAGE 2:   (page is large)

The SORM page (83KB. Some links to free Java and Perl proxy software that might be of interest to writers of proxies. Also info on using Apache 1.3.x as a caching proxy in Windows 95, Delegate, and other items.


Checking proxies for anyonymity


Finding the fastest proxies from a list of proxies

Proxies from this website can be copied into a text editor, e.g. NoteTab. The ""s could be removed and the file could be saved under the name "a.txt", say. Plookup.exe can then convert hostnames in the file to IP numbers, and produce a file suitable for Proxy Hunter 2.8:
" -f A-P.TXT plookup -p -f a.txt".
" plookup -p -f a.txt >a-p.txt".



Proxy Hunter Warning: Use of Proxy Hunter can lead to incoming complaints.

Reducing The Quantity Of Firewall Administrators' Complaints

Removed. see proxies4.htm page



Proxy Hunter can sort lists of proxies by their speed (and determine if port-address pairs actually proxy). Proxy Hunter 2.8 or 3b5 can be downloaded here: Notes the on use of version 3 (Chinese version) are on pg4 (a must read if searching on uncommon ports would be done). (Windows 95, English version, GUI, [Microsoft Visual C++].

  • Chinese fonts (and Japanese fonts, Korean fonts, Pan European fonts):
  • Pfinder 2.0 , a Socks Proxy finder: download: pfinder.exe (28K, ver 2.0bld9.29[10Jul99], GUI); homepage. A person in China mentioned this to me by e-mail and a homepage was not found. [The author of Proxy Hunter might know how to contact the author of PFinder]. Unlike Proxy Hunter, PFinder is not able to read a file of IP numbers. One person said it found more proxies (unchecked).

Plookup. Can clean up mixed lists of IP numbers and hostnames. It produces the lists on this page. Proxy Hunter reads and outputs only IP numbers, and Plookup can get hostnames into and out of that format. Download here: (Windows 95, command line, Ada 95).
qWeb:, code+documentation. Can download a web page through a proxy. This program is what the author uses to check whether proxies are anonymous or not. qWeb can download a single 'show headers' environment checker webpage through many proxies (inside DOS windows). It can be used when searching for SSL Tunnelling proxies, or chaining [URL-gluing] proxies.
Perl CGI Proxy 'CGIProxy' software to remove question marks from URLs: .../code/


Reliable Multiplexing of TCP over UDP or TCP
(for proxies)


    Web-Browsing can be multiplexed and wrapped with GET head when outgoing. It is becoming common for webbrowing to be monitored.






SSL converting client-side proxy software


    Proxies to which an SSL connection can be made and which then will proxy ordinary "http:" webpages.





Note: Proxies are said to be in New Zealand if their IP number is in one of the ranges listed in the file at [Ranges for China & Hong Kong are listed at]. The proxies in this section are all actually inside New Zealand. (17-Mar-99)
(All the NZ proxies in the main list of 1835 proxies are listed here (IP numbers were checked against the ranges). [Hostnames of weren't checked.]

NZ proxies that proxy 'http:' webpages

    1.  removed, out of date


    Notation used at this website

    ":A" : Anonymous, Not ":C". The distant website is not sent headers that disclose the identity of any computer on the near side. (On this page, ":A" ignores whether the "referer" header is disclosed.).
    ":C" : 'Caching', Not ":A". The proxy is likely a caching proxy. A proxy would be given a "C" if computers beyond the proxy, can find out the country or IP number or hostname of a machine on the near side of the proxy.
    [AnonyMouse e-mailed information about which proxies were not-anonymous (or caching) on about 20-April and also information of that sort was received on 12-May-99.] [The letter used on this webpage used to be "o", and then "d", and recently "c". Uppercase "C" is selected as it is easy to see and the letter suggests the word "caching".]
    H: = transparent for "http:" webpages. E.g. H:A, H:C.
    S: = transparent for "https:" webpages (SSL tunnelling). E.g. S:A, S:C
    :no = didn't proxy when tested
    :X, :o are not used on this page. It is not obvious which is which.


Notes 2   

Proxies 4 All, Proxys4all, Proxys Four All, Proxies For All

Links to pages that display headers are here:,


Some information on public proxies, browsing anonymously, and proxy software, how to test lists of proxies and so on, is at this page:

ISPs with slow non-optional caching proxies

Some ISPs, transfer internal port 80 ... browsing traffic into a slow caching proxy. A fix may be to use another port 80 proxy known to or controlled by the ISP, or to use some distant proxy not located on port 80.
Details on configuring SQUID to be a transparent caching proxy is here: Transparent Caching/Proxying.

An https page that shows headers:
An http page that shows headers:

A page allowing containing links that will perform traceroutes of www.* addresses of New Zealand ISPs: traceroute-isps.htm. (traceroutes are from




Mr David Irving

Freedom of Speech vs. DeKalb County school networks 

A network person in Georgia, in a school group in DeKalb county, (i.e. Andy) did apparently bemoan a proxies site harshly off the Internet. (VirtualAve, however, was the implementor of the decision). There is every chance that DeKalb county is repentant in misconfiguring their proxies (to borrow an idea from the bible). One use of Socks proxies is to allow use of Napster, the songs MP3 finding program.
Here is a special report on proxy use in the Americas: "Internet® Technologies Aid In Classroom Education", (pictures show transferring human knowledge without transferring germs to trainee network abuse specialists & administrators, 20-Feb-2000).

Echelon Anglo American Spy system: (France is engaged in legal action to reduce the coverage of the system)

The Internet can affect the "psychology of nations, the psychology of the individual", noted G. Yemelyanov of FAPSI, on Russian TV (Russia TV channel, 10:00 GMT 20-May-97, Moscow):

... Russian ISPs not resisting threats from FSB (was KGB) requiring the archiving of years of e-mail

Some links to Australian websites

Ports; Monitoring system intrusion

Ports containing proxies are not ports that might be tried if the possibility of intruding into a computer system was being intended. The CERT Incident Note IN-99-01 at describes the ports the program sscan checks on. [...Sscan checks these ports: 1 (tcpmux), 21 (ftp), 22 (ssh), 23 (telnet), 25 (smtp), 53 (domain), 79 (finger), 80 (www), 110 (pop3), 111 (sunrpc), 139 (netbios-ssn), 143 (imap), 1114 (Linux mSQL), 2766 (Solaris listen/nlps_server), 6000 (x11).]

Eight Steps to A Working Intrusion Detection System: (98-07-01)

Development of Java+Perl proxy stopped: Zebedee proxy (UK, Mr Winton) is interesting (Bzip2 proxy with Blowfish, no UDP, and small bugs) [Dec-99].


The eXTReMe Tracking counter system
Click on the image to view a report on the usage of this page


Snooz Metasearch   Multithreaded Add-URL   Snooz MEDLINE Search

Links and notes about proxies:



Page maintainer, Mr Craig Carey, mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?subject=PROXIES1:

This page first appeared on the Internet on 27 February 1999.
This site's webmaster is opposed to censorship.

P4ALL's public discussions on proxies


This website is hosted in USA (QWest). It was prepared in Auckland city (36S50,174E46), New Zealand

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