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Khilafah Magazine March 2000

Levy says he meant what he said about killing Lebanese children

During the recent upsurge in Israeli attacks upon the Muslims civilians of
Lebanon, the Israeli government expressed the real feeling that it harbours
about the Muslims. The Israeli state-run radio quoted Israeli Foreign
Minister David Levy as saying that “what I said yesterday was not a slip of
the tongue nor a bout of anger, I meant what I said.” He went on “if Israeli
citizens were attacked, our reaction would be swift and harsh.” While
speaking before the Knesset the day before this broadcast Levy said “we’ll
kill Lebanese children if our citizens were attacked.” It comes as no
surprise for us that our enemy boasts about his lust for Muslim’s blood.
Allah  forewarned us;

“They say rank hatred, but what their hearts conceal is far worse” [Al-
Imran: 118].

If that is what he said can we imagine what his heart conceals?  Our Aqeedah
does not allow us to remain unstirred by the disbelieving occupiers who
would fight us and desire to rid us from our own lands. Then our belief does
not allow us to treat these Dhalimeen anything but harshly while they
prevent the sublime mercy of Allah  from reaching the world’s people.
“Allah only forbids you, with regard to those who fight you for (your)
Faith, and drive you out, of your homes, and support (others) in driving you
out, from turning to them (for friendship and protection). It is such as
turn to them (in these circumstances), that do wrong.” [Al-Mumtahinah:8].

Were it not for the deception, suppression and silencing of mouths, and the
despair that the enemies and their agents, the rulers, have succeeded in
cultivating in the minds of the peoples, the Ummah of Muhammad  could never
allow itself to remain silent, as their rulers submit below such hated
people to clamber for small offerings of peace. It took them about half a
century of deception, acting and staging, expulsion and silencing of voices
until they managed to bring the peoples to the point of despair, hence the
submission and silence over injustice, humiliation and contempt. The people
do not conspire against themselves, rather it is the agents, the deceiving
rulers who conspire against them with their masters, the Kuffar, to bring
them to the point of despair and submission.

The Arab rulers’ all revealed their lack of manhood when they cowered under
international pressure and offered peace to the occupying Jews. Now even
those supposed men of the so-called ‘Islamic States’ of Pakistan and Iran
arrange secret meetings with the occupying Jewish foes, as happened in last
month’s Singapore Air show. Could this noble Ummah ever really submit to the
worst of creation? Never! For Allah says: “You are the best of peoples
raised up for mankind, you command the good (al-Ma’ruf) and forbid the evil
(al-Munkar), and you believe in Allah”. [Al- Imran:110].

She is the best Ummah and she carries the best Message to humankind. This is
not imaginary, rather it is fact. It stamped it’s mark on history, and
should stamp its mark on the present and future history. It is this fact
that the colonialist powers fear, a fact which they try to efface and
mislead the Muslims from, in order that we remain in a state of despair and

So vanish despair from your hearts and trust your Deen and trust your Lord
Who says: “So do not become weak (against your enemy), nor be sad, and you
will be superior (in victory) if you are indeed (true) believers”. [Al-


Compassionate amongst the believers

“(They are) strong against unbelievers, (but) compassionate amongst each
other.” [Al-Fath:29]

There are many texts in the Qur’an and the Sunnah talking about the
brotherhood of the believers, the friendliness amongst the Muslims and their
good advice to each other through good words and nice speech. Nevertheless,
when the events in the Islamic countries are followed today, one is
astonished by the severity of Muslims when accusing each other. Whether as
groups or as individuals, Muslims accuse each other of Kufr (apostasy),
ignorance, or being puppets of the foreign powers most of the time. Some
groups even started digging back in the past and trying the dead, which are
already before the Dayyan (the Ultimate Judge - Allah).

Didn’t the Muslims read what Allah said: “Muhammad is the Rasool-Allah, and
those who are with him are strong against unbelievers, (but) compassionate
among each other,” [Al-Fath:29]

“(They are) lowly with the believers, mighty against the unbelievers,”
[Al-Maidah:54] and “The believers are but brothers.” [Al-Hujurat:10]

Yet some Muslims have become mighty against the believers, lowly with the
unbelievers! Didn’t they know of what their Rasool-Allah said: “Cursing a
Muslim is fosooq (wrongdoing), and fighting him is kufr (apostasy).” “The
example of the believers in the mutual compassion, mercy and sympathy is
like the body: if a body organ suffers the whole body would lay down for it
with sleeplessness and fever.”

Different nations have already gathered against the Muslims aiming at the
eradication of their Deen. They also aim to create confusion in their
identity and a delay in their revival. So what’s with the Muslims being busy
with the mistakes of each other, taking one another as enemies and mocking
each other? Wasn’t it enough what the kuffar did to the Muslims during the
crusades or during the courts of inquisition in Spain, until they demolished
the Khilafah. Isn’t it enough what the kuffar are now doing to the Muslims
in Chechnya, Kosovo, southern Lebanon, Palestine and Kashmir: killing,
raping, looting and violating all hurumat (sanctified rights) of the

We understand that the rulers and their supporters fight each other for
position, privileges and benefits. But what would the average Muslim fight
each other for? It is true that many nations had - and still have - internal
fights, though they follow the same religion, like the Catholics and the
Protestants in Ireland. But that is not justifiable for the Ummah of
Muhammad which is the best among nations and the conveyer of the final
message to all people.

Allah says: “Say: He has power to send calamities on you, from above and
below, or to cover you with confusion in party strife, giving you a taste of
mutual vengeance, each from the other.” [Al-Anam:65]

So do we give each other the taste of vengeance instead of giving it to our
enemies? Isn’t that because we have become separate groups with different
creeds? Isn’t it because we have become different states hostile to each

Imam Ahmad narrated from Mu’ath bin Jabal (ra): I came to the place of the
Rasool-Allah and I was told: He left earlier. Everybody I passed by told me:
He passed earlier, until I found Him standing in prayer, so I stood behind
Him, and He prayed a long prayer. So I said: Oh, Rasool-Allah, you prayed a
long prayer! He said: “I prayed in both hope and fear. I asked Allah I for
three things, He granted me two of them but not the third. I asked Him not
to destroy my Ummah with drowning, and He granted this to me. I asked Him
that no foreign enemy should prevail over them, and He granted this to me.
And I asked Him not to place their vengeance amongst each other, but He
rejected this one.” And Narrated Imam Muslim that the Rasool-Allah said:
“Allah has collected the earth for me, so I saw the East and the West.
Verily, the rule of my Ummah will cover all that has been collected for me
of the earth. I was given the two treasures: the red one and the white one.
I asked my Lord that He may not destroy my Ummah with a large-scale famine,
and that He may not impose on them a foreign enemy that may violate their
security. My Lord said: Oh, Muhammad, if I issue a decree it can not be
prevented. I have granted to you that I will not destroy your Ummah with a
large-scale famine, nor will I impose on them a foreign enemy that may
violate their security even if people from all over the world gather against
them, unless they destroy each other and enslave one another.”

It is inevitable that we dispute in matters that are disputable by nature,
since people are different in terms of abilities and understanding. The
Sahaba (ra) had disputes in understanding the scriptures. But the dispute
must follow a good manner. It should be based on the rule: “If the hadith
turns out to be sound then it is my opinion (madhab) and you may throw away
my first opinion,” and the rule: “What I hold is right but can possibly be
wrong and what other people hold is wrong but can possibly be right.” Based
on these two rules there can be a discussion that may end with a good result
that convinces both sides. Thus each side should bear in mind the
possibility of abandoning his opinion and giving the other side his due
credit during the discussion. The debate will not reach the level of
hostility, accusations or fight as long as the basis for solving any dispute
is predefined. Allah has defined for us the authority that we cannot dispute
or neglect. He said:
“And in whatever thing you disagree, the judgment thereof belongs to Allah.”
[Ash-Shura:10] and “If you dispute anything among yourselves, then refer it
to Allah and His messenger if you do believe in Allah and the last day.”

It is not permissible to dispute over matters of creed, thoughts or rules
that are definite. Such disputes can happen only on a minimal scale: “My
Ummah does not unanimously agree on apostasy (dalalah).” This kind of
dispute shall not be tolerated: “Whoever reverts from his Deen, then kill
him,” to protect the Aqeedah (creed). “If the pledge of allegiance is given
to two Khulafaa (head of the state), then kill the latter among them,” to
protect the unity of Khilafah. “Whoever comes to you while your matter is
unified behind one man, and attempts to break your unity or disperse your
grouping then kill him,” in protection of the unity of the Islamic Ummah.

And thus all the voices that involve in discrediting and accusing other
Muslims must shut. Especially those who target the workers to support the
Deen of Allah that are guardians to the Halal (permissible) and Haram
(prohibited) of Muhammad. Those workers that call for the revival of the
Ummah from its decline and the awakening of the Ummah from its sleep, so
that it assumes its position as the best Ummah sent for all people. The
Ummah must unite against its enemies (which are many) and must tighten the
rows so that no cunning enemy can penetrate them. And the Ummah must unite
in working for the resumption of the Islamic life, following the method of
Rasool-Allah :

“Verily, this is my way leading straight, so follow it.” [Al-Anam:153]


Clinton's Visit

The current world's most high profile missionary will visit Pakistan on the
25th March. To aid his call to the world, Pakistan's rulers have offered to
give him a platform. His is not a mission of mercy or a message of truth. It
is one of disbelief. He is inviting the world to subjugation and
enslavement. He is calling the people of the region to abandon whatever
remnants they have of Islam in favour of the capitalism.

The Pakistani rulers have made available for him; national television,
press, public platforms and many other resources. With echoes of how the
Latin American countries go out of their way to make the Pope of Rome's
visit fruitful for the Catholic call, Musharaf has gone out of his way to
accommodate the Clinton call.

Analogous with the Pope, Clinton will not tell the truth of his invitation.
His mission of kufr and falsehood will be veiled behind a purdah of empty
words such as peace, human-rights, globalisation, prevention of terrorism
and conflict.
Clinton's openly pronounced pillars of faith to be conveyed are; regional
peace and security, preventing of nuclear proliferation, conflict avoidance,
prevention of terrorism and the promotion of democracy.

A peek under the veil exposes him creating an environment of colonialist
exploitation. Also preventing Muslims from threatening US by gaining nuclear
competency, forbidding the marouf, which is Jihad against the India, and
preventing Islamic da'awa carriers by labelling them terrorists.

Rasool-Allah was a head of state. As Muslims we are able to compare and
contrast His behaviour and attitude with that of Pervez Musharaf. When
Quraysh had violated the treaty of Hudaybiyah, Abu Sufyan went to Madena to
seek an extension of the treaty. When he approached Muhammad He was ignored
completely, then he went to Abu Bakr who declared 'If I had only an ant I
would fight you with it'. Even Abu Sufyan's own daughter and wife of
Rasool-Allah, Umm Habbiba (ra) gave him a short shrift. She would not even
allow him to sit down in Rasool-Allah's quarters. This treatment is an
example for the Muslims to see how a criminal, terrorist, Iraqi
child-killing, atomic weapons detonating mass murder and adulterous
hypocrite should be treated. But instead we see the ruler of Pakistan crying
like a child on international TV, pleading to this man to visit.
Did Rasool-Allah offer Abu Sufyan a soap-box to promote his call?

There is shame on those who help the kuffar spread their filth amongst the

"When it is said to them: 'Make not mischief on the earth,' they say: 'Why,
we only Want to make peace!' Of a surety, they are the ones who make
mischief, but they realise (it) not." [Al-Baqarah:11-12]



Honour Crimes - Jordan

In Jordan, The Islamic Work Front passed a fatwa preventing the cancellation
of one item in the Jordanian penal code. Item-340 gives those who commit
crimes against women under the pretext of defending honour lighter
sentences, amid increasing demands raised by activists in defence of women’s
rights to remove this item which is considered a direct reason for the
phenomenon of “honour crimes” in Jordan. The fatwa read, “omitting item 340
of the punishment law is a violation of the Islamic Sharia and this might
help encourage adultery.”

A demonstration was held in Amman near the parliament, calling on PM’s to
reconsider their previous stand in which the parliament failed to pass laws
against “honour crimes”. The Islamic Work Front, which opposes change to
current laws, and having different views from the demonstrators, was
permitted to take part in the demonstration and express its position in
favour of keeping item 340. According to official figures, almost 28
Jordanian women are killed annually in “honour killings”, some suggest this
number is much greater because such killings often take place in rural and
Bedouin areas and are hidden by the society to avoid social scandals.

It may be argued that Article 340 encourages individuals to punish the
perpetrators, knowing that only a light sentence will be received. Some may
regard these killings as equitable and just. These types of murders are not
specific to Jordan. The problem has been highlighted recently in Pakistan,
where the parliament failed to pass a motion condemning the principle of
“honour killings”. This attitude reflects a wider problem. Which is that we
often have an understanding of what Islam’s judgement is on an issue but the
way Muslims implement the judgement is detached from the practical approach
that Islam also stipulated. Shariah tells us what the law is, but also tells
us the method of how to carry out the law.

It is the duty of the State (Khilafah) to ensure that justice prevails by a
fair legal process. In the case of fornication or adultery the Islamic
method stipulates that four witnesses must be produced in court and it is
the Judge who will order punishment if guilt is proven. The punishment being
lashing or stoning. Where there are no witnesses the accusing husband will
have to testify four times and on the fifth time makes an oath of
condemnation (al-Li’an). If the accused wife accepts, the punishment is
given. However if the accused wife bears witness to Allah that the
accusations are a lie, the punishment will be averted. In such a case the
judge will separate them and they can never come together again. Indeed this
was the situation with the Sahabi Hilal ibn Umayyah (ra) when one night he
returned home and found a man with his wife. He witnessed with his eyes and
ears. The next day he took his case to Rasool-Allah r. What is important is
that in both situations (with or without witnesses) accusations of zina are
dealt with by the State and it exacts punishment where guilt is proved.

Islam does not encourage individuals to take punishment into their own
hands. It sets out a clear system of dealing with punishment. This is
exemplified in how Hilal (ra) dealt with his wife’s adultery. He understood
that it is the State’s responsibility to deal with the adulterer when he
took the case to the Prophet .

Bangladesh’s “language martyrs”

Thousands of Bangladeshis have taken part in a ceremony led by President
Shahabuddin Ahmed to pay homage to those known as language martyrs.
Government and opposition politicians joined hundreds of thousands of people
at the Shahid Minar mausoleum in Dhaka to lay floral wreaths. Crowds sang
songs in praise of those they regard as martyrs. The “language martyrs” were
killed, 48 years ago, by police firing at a demonstration. They were shot
following orders issued by the central government of what was then West
Pakistan. They ruled that only Urdu would be the official language of both
the eastern and western wing of Pakistan. Bangladesh split form Pakistan in
1971 following a bloody war.

21 February has long been observed as national martyrs day in Bangladesh,
this year the date had extra significance, because the UN Educational,
Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) has decided to observe it as
worldwide international mother language day. UNESCO say the day is to be
used to help protect ethnic languages from being lost in the world
globalisation process.

This exemplifies how the issue of language had been used to express
patriotic emotions but also how it had been used as an excuse for the
authority to brutalise its citizens. In the post 1971 period the whole event
has further been perverted by using it to celebrate the ignorant ideology of
nationalism. Martyrs day commemorates the fact that Muslims had unity, of
sorts, but then became even further divided. That is, one nation state
became two nation states.

What should make us suspicious is the fact that the UNO (a chapter of
UNESCO) have shown so much interest in the event. The UNO was established to
ensure that these nation states exist and that the false boarders are
re-enforced. The Security Council bolsters the barriers by physical force,
whilst UNESCO bolsters these borders by effecting the hearts and minds of
the people who live within them.

This role of UNESCO as agent provocateur in this respect is reminiscent of
the role played by the Jews of Medina. They reminded the Aws and Khazaraj
(the two tribes of the Ansar) of their old petty differences. On one
occasion a youth from amongst the Jews was sent to incite remembrance of the
battle of Bu’ath where the Aws had been victorious over the Khazaraj, and he
recited poetry to bring about division between them. As a result there was a
call to arms. When the news reached Rasool-Allah r, He r said, “O Muslims,
remember Allah, remember Allah. Will you act as pagans while I am present
with you after Allah has guided you to Islam, and honoured you thereby and
made a clean break with paganism; delivered you thereby from disbelief; made
you friends thereby?” Allah I then revealed: “... hold fast together to the
rope of Allah, and be not divided; and remember with gratitude Allah’s
favours on you; for you were enemies and He joined your hearts in love, so
that by His Grace you became brothers...” [Al-Imran:102-103]

Diplomatic status for Arab League

The French Parliament recently agreed to grant the Arab League office in
Paris diplomatic status, in a move it described as a “strong signal” to
re-launch co-operation between Europe and the Arab states. After the senate
voted on the law that authorises the French government to endorse an
agreement signed in November 1987 on the opening of an Arab League office in

In order to wield influence to further their interests in Islamic lands, a
common tool of the kuffar in the 1900’s, has been one of creating an
organisation of countries and then manipulating them through it. Following
the destruction in 1924 of the Islamic State, the Middle East was divided
into 21 Arab states. These states were themselves severely divided as a
direct result of the policies of the Western powers. The Arab League, was a
colonial organisation established by Britain in order to enforce and
perpetuate the fragmentation and the disunity between the Arabs and the
Muslims, so making them less resistant to her will. To achieve her plan
Britain invited delegates from Egypt, Iraq, Transjordan, the Saudis and the
Yemenis to a conference in London in early 1939. Anthony Eden, the then
foreign minister, suggested the idea of the establishment of the Arab
League. He said, “Britain would like to secure the friendship and
co-operation of the Arabs in the event of war. It is natural to consolidate
the cultural, political, and economic bonds between the Arab states, and the
British government will fully support any agreement to this plan.”

As far as the people of the region are concerned such unions have brought no
benefit. Politically, the countries that make up the League are still weak.
More importantly it has served to divert the people’s sight away from the re
establishment of the Islamic Khilafah State. A service that France may this
time, be seeking to employ. Article 8 of the Arab League Constitution
provides an apt example: “Every participating member of the League must
respect the established ruling system of the other participating states in
the League, it should consider it as a right of these states and oblige
itself not to do any action that is aimed at changing their systems.”

Islamic rule is for Muslims and non-Muslims

When the Nigerian state of Zamfara announced in October that it would
implement Islamic Shari’ah, the Nigerian head, General Obasanjo, in response
to the question of Shari’ah in Zamfara state, said: “People have their own
way of doing things. But I don’t think it will last: and people should not
hit their heads against the wall.”

The recent violence throughout Nigeria that was prompted by Christians’
opposition to the imposition of Islamic laws, has raised the question of
whether religious laws can be imposed upon non-religious people. When
Khatami’s secular reformers in Iran won a majority in last month’s
elections, Western journalists raised the same question. Iran has been
praised by the West for its return to the “civilised world”. This question
is echoed over Sudan. The Sudanese government refuses to apply any Islamic
laws upon the non-Muslim people of the south. These cases highlight the
suggestion that Islam is a religion, which is unsuitable for application
upon the Kuffar. The implication being that religious laws are for religious
people only, to be submitted to voluntarily.

Sheikh Ismail Abe, of Nigeria, said “it is un-Islamic for any body, group,
organisation or government to enforce any law, particularly Islamic laws in
an area, without seeking the agreement of other non-Muslims living in the
area”. Such is the pressure from the Western nations to put down any
suggestion of Islamic ruling. Yet every society needs to have one system of
law to govern the relationship among people. No country or state within a
federation would apply one set of laws for one section of the society and
then another set of laws for another section. That would result in chaos.
Yet the demand to exclude non-Muslims in the application of the law

Muslims living in other parts of Nigeria are not exempt from the non-Islamic
laws imposed on them. The same applies to Muslims globally. The law of the
land is imposed on all citizens, and irrespective of its source.

There are major differences between a religious-theological state and the
Islamic State. The former is a holy state by “appointment” of God. The
Islamic State’s authority is derived from the Islamic Ummah, however, the
sovereignty belongs exclusively to the Shar'a. The ruling authority belongs
to the Ummah and it delegates this authority to a person. This person is not
considered priestly, perfect or infallible. He is not above questioning. Any
Muslim has the right to question the actions of the Islamic State.

The Islamic State is a State established to rule and govern the affairs of
the people, not only the Muslims, but all people. The function of the
Islamic State is to apply Islam as a creed and a system within its
jurisdiction and to carry the Islamic da’wah to other nations.

The application of the Islamic System upon the People of the Dhimma
(non-Muslim citizens of the state) should not be viewed as a religious or
theocratic application of Islam; on the contrary, it is a legal system. All
citizens of the Islamic State regardless of their sect, religion, race, and
nationality are to follow the Islamic System as a legal system and not as a
religious obligation as long as they carry the Islamic State’s citizenship.
Thus, the penal code is implemented upon the non-Muslims as it is upon the
Muslims. The validity of transactions will be based on the same standard for
Muslims and non-Muslims. The Islamic legal system looks at man as a man and
not upon his daily rituals.

The Islamic legislation can accommodate all of life’s affairs. All of this
is achievable due to Islam being revealed as a universal deen to mankind.
Allah I addressed mankind as a human, and not from any other perspective.
Thus, anyone in Dar al-Islam accepts its rules and has the same rights and
rules from the State’s point of view whether Muslim or otherwise. Any person
residing outside Dar al-Islam does not have any rights or privileges from
the State even if he is a Muslim.

“We sent aforetime Our Messengers with Clear Signs and sent down with them
the Book and the Balance (of Right and Wrong), that men may stand forth in
justice; and We sent down Iron, in which is (material for) mighty war, as
well as many benefits for mankind, that Allah may test who it is that will
help, unseen, Him and His Messengers: for Allah is Full of Strength, Exalted
in Might (and able to enforce His Will).” [Al-Hadeed:25]

The Islamic rules are certainly the rules that came in the Qur'an to direct
people, Muslims and non Muslims, to stand forth in justice (Adl). So they
are implemented upon them, regardless of whether the majority of people
believe in their basis or not.


Language Culture and Politics

We convey our beliefs via the vehicle of language. Be this person to person,
place to place or from period to period. As humans our actions and behaviour
are directly or indirectly controlled by our beliefs. We debate, accept, and
reject beliefs through the medium of language. Language is paramount in
forging and expressing our concepts.

Language and culture
There are over 5,000 language in the world today. The ability to communicate
through language is a divine trait (Qadr) that Allah instilled in humans.

 “…He taught Adam the names of all things; then He placed them before the
angels, and said: ‘Tell me the names of these if you are right.’ ”

Western philosophy has disparate views on the origin of language. (see
“importance of Arabic” Khilafah Magazine - Nov 1999). As with most issues,
Westerners focused mainly on discussing how we developed language rather
than acknowledging that it is Qadr.

Environment and predominant culture have a distinct relationship to
language. In Eskimo there is over 30 words for snow, whereas Aztec employs a
single term for the concepts of snow, cold, and ice. Similarly Arabic has
several terms for dates. English has many formal words for; money,
intoxicating beverages and the act of copulation. In colloquial English the
number of synonyms are almost un-quantifiable. This is an indication of the
high status assigned to liquid-assets, liquor, and lust in English speaking

Indo-European languages reflect the Indo-European culture. It is thought
that 4,000 years ago there was a diaspora of Indo-Europeans from the Caspian
and Black Sea areas. Tribes with similar languages and the same culture
spread to Asia and Europe. Thus the Indian Veda scripts, Greek philosophy
and Norse mythologies are all written in related languages. Polytheism and
pantheism are common to all these cultures. Transmigration of the soul, and
the separation of the soul from the body are central themes in Hinduism,
Buddhism, Persian and Greco-Roman philosophies. The Vikings called their
gods Aser, the Persians Ahura and in Sanskrit Asura. These words being
dialectal variants of the same word. Commonality is also found in the words
for a supreme being in Sanskrit, Persian, Latin and Old Norse; deva, daeva,
deus, and tivurr respectively. These same beliefs were held by the Persians,
hence the Pagan Arabs of Jahiliya’s affinity for the Persians.
Indo-Europeans believed in “insight” as meaning having an inner
understanding of an issue. In Sanskrit the word vidya is the same as the
Greek word idèa and the Latin, Video. The visual sense, to them, was linked
to knowledge and understanding. They had a distinct bias over the other four
senses. Hence in English the term “I see” is synonymous with “I understand”.
When Christianity spread, from the Middle East, to Europe it was changed to
suit the beliefs of the Europeans. Pagan Indo-European principles have their
hallmark on 2000 years of Christianity.

Semitic languages also share certain words and concepts. The term nabi has
the same conceptual meaning in both Arabic and Hebrew, a meaning not
accurately represented in the Indo-European ‘prophet’. Nabi is the one that
brings information to humans on how to live our lives and answer questions
such as why we are here. Key to this definition is that the source of the
information is Allah I. Cultural aspects such as a seven day week starting
on yawm-al-sabbat is also common, as opposed to the Indo-European day of the
god of Saturn ‘Saturday’. The common linguistic nuances between Arabic and
Hebrew and how they differ from Europeans are too numerous to mention. This
common ground does not mean that Islam is anything other than unique. This
is reinforced by certain specific incidences in the Sirat-a-Rasool-Allah r.
For example the rebuttal of the accusations of the Jews of Medina regarding
fasting on ‘Ashura (10th of Muharam). The Jews charged Rasool-Allah r of
imitating their religion when the law came to state that it is recommended
to fast on that day. The Muslims were told to keep fast on the day before or
after in order to be different from the Jews.

Conflict and Controversies
Linguistic diversity, in theory, should create few problems. It is akin to
skin shade. It is only the most ignorant of humans that consider this to be
a source of schism. However when ignorance in the form of nationalism
emerges; bigotry always follows. This form of jahilia has characterised a
whole century of darkness. Nationalism has been the seeds of strife in the
bloodiest period that humankind has ever seen. Language has been the spark
to the powder keg in many blood lettings and the rhetoric behind many Jahil
movements. For example the Kosovo crisis, the 1976 Soweto uprising, the PKK,
Sikh separatists, Tamil Tigers and ETA movements to name a few.

Nothing augments the spread of a language more than political power. This
has been seen with English and the British Empire.
Linguists have a maxim; ‘the difference between a language and dialect is
that a language is a dialect with an army and a navy.’ Afrikaans epitomises
this. This was spoken by peasant farmers in a small corner of Europe. The
dialect had no written tradition. Some of its speakers found themselves
translocated to the Cape of Good Hope. After the Great Trek north these
voortrekkers refined their cultural norms and adjusted their lifestyle to
farming of the harsh terrain of their new home. If it were not for the
establishment of the political authorities in Pretoria and Bloemfontein this
Dutch dialect would not have even been given a name. However it is this
language that has the infamy of bringing to the World the word, apartheid.

Islam’s spread went hand in hand with the spread of Arabic. “Whereas Latin
developed into different languages, such as Italian, French and Castilian
(Spanish) in the course of the centuries, Arabic did not split up into
separate languages over the same period and in a comparable geographical
area. The reason was that Arabic was the language of religion, Islam, as
well as of government.

This meant that in the first place the written language was shielded from
the usual linguistic decay; and secondly, that the colloquial speech did not
diverge as widely as might otherwise have been the case. As a consequence
the spoken Arabic of countries as mutually remote as Iraq, the Sudan and
Morocco, can be described as dialects rather than separate languages.” (J A
Haywood, 1965)

Islamic revival and decline
For seven centuries Muslims have been in intellectual decline. The start of
this slow decent into the abyss that we now find ourselves corresponded to
the period of the Mamluks and the start of the Ottomans, the change from
Arabic to Turkish. The power that is tied-up in the Islamic texts can only
be un-locked with the key of Arabic. Arabic is the tool used for accessing
all the knowledge contained within the Qur’an. We in turn as an Ummah are
only as strong, intellectually, as our clasp upon the knowledge of Islam.
The eroding of Arabic from our lives lead to an erosion in our understanding
of the texts.
Ataturk and the Shah of Iran both took drastic measures to eradicate Islam
from the society. Changing the script and purging the language of “Arabisms”
were central strategies for the long term suppression of Islam. In later
years the rise of the Egyptian film industry, and its accompanying corrupt
dramas and low quality Arabic further aided the decline of Arabic.
Craftsmen have a saying; ‘look after your tools and your tools will look
after you.’ This may be applied to Arabic. If we were to neglect Arabic,
which is our tool for life, we will be hindered in our progress through
life. Conversely if we are to preserve Arabic this will aid us.

The military prowess of the Turks is beyond reproach. However during the
early spread of Islam the main characteristics that differed from the
Ottoman period was the issue of delivering Arabic to the annexed lands. When
they carried Islam to others they did not merely carry the military
authority, but they also carried the political authority, the language and
the whole general culture of Islam in a very pure form. This was reflected
in the intellectual abilities of the newer communities. For example Imam
Bukhari collected, compiled and verified hadith. He could reject a hadith
based on its style of language. This goes to show that Bukhari must have had
a phenomenal understanding of Arabic in order to assess a saying based on
linguistic style. He was an exceptional individual in many respects, but in
language he excelled. We should also remember that his birth place was far
from the Arabian Peninsula. Thus the brilliance of Bukhari says more about
the calibre of the community that brought Islam to that region, than it does
about the man himself. The example of Bukhari is not isolated. looking
through history, it is a minority of scholars after the second/third
generation that came from the Arabian Peninsula.

The domination of Global culture by the English was not an accident. The
colonialists controlled and dominated with an iron fist. They also took
their languages to the colonies in order to maintain their grip.

Disraeli, the British PM at the height of the British Empire said; “Colonies
do not cease to be colonies because they are independent.” Britain at that
time was not in the business of giving away its hard fought land.
Independence was not on the agenda. Disreali though, had foresight.

The post WWII quasi independence was a granting of home rule through a
constitution written in English by English speakers for the good of the
English. British trained lawyers, judges, presidents, PMs and kings were now
running the new states.
The first rulers of Pakistan and India were more versed in English than in
the language of the masses. The reality of independence and the emancipation
from the British and the English language and culture is that the official
legal language in many countries is still English. Those that have changed
have a legal system in chaos. Fifty years after independence the so-called
“great” Arab Hashimite Kingdom of Jordan is ruled over by someone who speaks
next to no Arabic.


Hijacking and Asylum

The Aftermath of the Ariana airline hijacking saw a distinct shift in tone
in the British media. The ugly face of xenophobic editorship changed the
victims of a terrible ordeal into opportunistic exploiters of the system.
More than half of the plane’s passengers had filed claims for asylum. The
media induced foreigner fault-finding frenzy that followed, whipped up
enough emotion for most of the public to brand these people as unwelcome

The linking of the hijacking with the emotive issue of asylum seeking
created a great out pouring of public prejudice and bigotry. The Daily Mail
definitely struck a chord within the establishment and amongst the public.
MPs are now desperate to show their credentials by proving that they will
not allow Britain to be seen as a soft target for would be asylum seekers.
The secretary of state even requested that Pakistan offer the claimants
asylum, so keen was his desire to be rid of them. The whole issue of asylum
has become a matter of fierce debate. Issues raised include ‘how long should
an application take? Pending claims cost the country millions of pounds!’,
‘what qualifies a person to be considered eligible?’, ‘how should the
applicants be treated while their application is being considered?’, etc.

The asylum seeker’s plight in the UK is that of a second class resident, not
even a citizen. An applicant is often not allowed to work and must survive
only on food vouchers to spend in local stores. Matters such as clothing,
haircuts, public transport etc. cannot be purchased. During the Gulf war
Iraqi asylum seekers were rounded up and imprisoned even though they had
been offered asylum by the UK. In the US a recent example of an Afghani
family being forcibly split apart shows the betrayal meted out to refugees,
with 5 of the 7 children being re-housed with non-Muslim step-parents.
Refugees are treated like lepers in the west, viewed as an economic burden.

The roots of the debate run much deeper than the simple racism. It stems
from their very view point towards life. When self preservation is the main
tenet of the individual’s outlook and mere birth place is the basis of
national unity a volatile brew of mistrust and hatred of “outsiders” is

Inevitably the implementation of this selfish system leads to people
isolating themselves in nation states, bundled together on this basis.
Conversely the binding together of people based on their beliefs rather than
their interests would lead to a distinct absence of ignorant bigotry.

Islam brought a system that binds the believers together in a society based
upon worshipping their Creator. However, Allah’s mercy enshrouds not only
the believers, but the disbelievers as well:  “We sent the Messenger as a
mercy to mankind” .

So, the non-Muslim citizens of the Islamic State are entitled to fair
treatment. Islam does not create an ethnically divided society with ghettos
for the immigrant communities. Ghettos are a prominent feature of many major
cities in capitalist societies. The Afrikaaners called them townships, the
American’s, Projects, and the British, Council estates. In food, clothes and
shelter all should have some dignity under the Islamic State.

Dhimmis (non-Muslim citizens) have rights of protection Rasool-Allah said,
“The one who kills a soul that has a covenant with Allah and His Messenger
has broken the covenant of Allah. And he will not smell the scent of
Al-Jannah, in spite of the fact that it can be smelled from a distance of
forty years of travel.” Rasool-Allah also said: "The one who causes harm to
a Dhimmi is as if he causes harm to me" The seeking of asylum is mentioned
by Allah “And if anyone of the idolaters seeks your protection, grant it to
him, so that he may hear the word of Allah, and afterward convey him to his
place of safety. That is because they are men without knowledge.”

Many of the cities of the former Yugoslavia became known as having numerous
Jewish inhabitants. These peoples lived there for many centuries. After the
expulsion of the Jews by Christian fanatics from Spain the Islamic state
gave them refuge. From text and from history we see that there is a great
tradition within Islam relating to helping the weak and rejected.

The asylum seeker is known as al-musta’min, the one who enters into the
safety of another land. Regardless of being a Muslim, non-Muslim, soldier,
politician, man or woman the musta’min has statutory rights. Islam has
decreed that refugees should be granted protection and allowed to practice
their faith. Muslims are obliged to teach refugees, not to terrorise them,
to protect them and take them under their care, they are not to betray them
even if war broke out between the Islamic State and their country. The
detention and persecution of the Iraqis during the Gulf war by the Western
countries shows a betrayal of those countries to the people they pledged to
grant asylum to. Protection is one of the legal contracts in Shar’a that
Allah has commanded us to honour.

“O you who believe! Fulfil your undertakings.” [Al-Maidah:1]

and Rasool-Allah said: “…whoever kills a refugee by mistake would have to
pay ‘diya’ (blood money). If the refugee is killed deliberately then the
person responsible for the death will be killed.”

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