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====== In The News ====

Acknowledging that it will likely cost some of them their jobs, on
April 19, Vermont's Senate approved a bill establishing marriage-like
civil unions for gay couples by a vote of nineteen to eleven. In the
face of numerous hostile letters and phone calls, and even vandalism
to their cars, the Senators, including two Republicans, displayed
considerable courage in approving a measure simply because they
believed it was the right thing to do regardless of the political
consequences. The vote followed passage of a similar bill in the
House, which was introduced after a ruling by the State Supreme Court
in December that same-sex couples were being unconstitutionally
denied the benefits of marriage. Provided the House approves the
slight changes made by the Senate, Democratic Governor Howard Dean
has said he will sign the bill, perhaps as early as June. Among other
things, the legislation would allow same-sex couples to form civil
unions that entitle them to the approximately 300 rights and benefits
available to married couples under state law. These couples would
still not be entitled to federal benefits available to married
couples in regard to taxes and Social Security, and it is highly
unlikely that any other state will recognize the unions, at least for
the present time. Still, the bill goes well beyond any present
legislation and is widely regarded, by supporters and opponents
alike, as a milestone for gay civil rights.

At the Vermont Legislature's Bill Tracking System Site, users can
read the full text of the Court's decision in _Stan Baker v. State of
Vermont_ and all of the related bills and amendments that have
followed. Concise but helpful reports on the bill's passage are
offered in the _Rutland Herald_, the _Los Angeles Times_, and the
_New York Times_ (free registration required). Editorials have
appeared in the _Barre-Montpelier Times-Argus_, _Detroit Free Press_,
and the _Washington Post_. Sharply opposing commentary on the
proposed civil unions can be found at the Human Rights Campaign, a
Gay and Lesbian civil rights organization, and the Family Research
Council, a conservative organization "which reaffirms and promotes
the traditional family unit and the Judeo-Christian value system."

22. Vermont Poised to Approve Same-Sex Civil Unions
The Vermont Legislative Bill Tracking System: _Baker v. State_
"Younger generation had impact on civil-unions vote" -- _Rutland Herald_
"Vermont Senate OKs 'Marriage' Rights for Gays" -- _Los Angeles Times_
"Vermont Senate Votes for Gay Civil Unions" -- _New York Times_
"Happy Unions" -- _Barre-Montpelier Times-Argus_
"Vermont takes a major step forward on gay rights" -- _Detroit Free
"Civil Union in Vermont" -- _Washington Post_
Human Rights Campaign
Family Research Council

>From The Scout Report, Copyright Internet Scout Project 1994-2000.

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