Wednesday - April 26


Tahanan '14 Hitam' buat laporan polis kenyataan PM

1pm, RABU: Beberapa pemimpin Parti KeADILan Nasional dan aktivis reformasi sedang berada di Balai Polis Jalan Dang Wangi, bersebelahan kompleks membeli-belah Campbell, untuk melaporkan kepada polis kenyataan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Dr Mahathir Mohamed, yang disifatkan "menghasut." [Laporan lanjut selepas ini]

Anwar to appeal judge's ruling on Mahathir's court appearance

10.45am, WED: High Court judge Arifin Jaka in the sodomy trial of sacked deputy prime minister Anwar Ibrahim has granted leave for the defence to file an appeal on his Friday's ruling that Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad need not appear in court as a witness. "I grant the stay of proceeding on condition that you go and file the appeal immediately, and come back for mention on Friday," said Arifin before adjourning the court this morning. The defence is expected to file the appeal to the Court of Appeal later today. [Full report to follow]

Lutfi mohon permit untuk majalah baru

1:30pm, RABU: Bekas pengarang majalah proreformasi yang diharamkan, Detik, hari ini mengumumkan beliau memohon permit Kementerian Dalam Negeri bagi sebuah majalah baru menggunakan namanya sendiri. Ahmad Lutfi Othman memberitahu malaysiakini bahawa majalah baru itu tidak berbeza daripada Detik dan akan dikendalikan sepenuhnya oleh syarikat miliknya. "Saya memohon menggunakan nama saya sendiri," katanya [Laporan lanjut selepas ini]

Harakah conducts test runs for online TV

12.30pm, WED:, the official website of Islamic-based party PAS, has taken the use of multimedia one step further with the launch of the first web television in Malaysia next week. The party's newspaper Harakah's editor, Zulkifli Sulong, told malaysiakini that has been testing the technology on its site over the past two weeks. It hopes to carry 15 minutes of TV news when it launches on May 3, World Press Freedom Day. [Full report to follow]


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