Sedikit maklumat yang dipetik dari laman AMD
Why did you choose the AMD Duron™ name as the product name for this processor? What does the name mean?
Designed to prolong the life of a buyer's investment by accommodating new and more sophisticated applications, the AMD Duron processor will have the capability and flexibility to meet the computing needs of value conscious buyers today and tomorrow. Derived from the Latin root "durare," meaning "to last" and "-on," meaning "unit", we believe the AMD Duron name conveys the qualities embodied by a product that prolongs the life of a buyer’s investment, specifically: dependability, reliability and stability.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, April 28, 2000 12:30 AM
Subject: H-Net* AMD Duron !!! Baru

27 April 2000 : AMD menamakan processor untuk pasaran low end (sebelum ini mempunyai nama kod Splitfire) sebagai AMD Duron. AMD Duron adalah seperti AMD Athlon dengan ciri-ciri tambahan iaitu 64kb cache L2 bina dalam pada kelajuan CPU, 200Mhz bus sistem, dan teknologi enhanced 3DNow!™. AMD Duron akan dipasarkan dalam bulan Jun.
AMD Duron akan bersaing hebat dengan Intel Celeron dalam pasaran low-end (sub $1000). Walau bagaimana pun kekuatannya dikatakan setanding dengan Athlon klasik (yang ada sekarang ini).
AMD Duron dikilangkan di Austin dengan proses fibrik 0.18 mikron Al.
Apa padangan rakan-rakan mengenai nama ini ? Huduh tak ?

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