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Catholic Priest Reverts to Islam

Fr. Antony was a Catholic priest in Sri Lanka. His
tale of becoming a true believer and adopting a name
Adulrahman for him is quite interesting. Being a
Christian priest he was well versed with the teachings
of the Bible. He quotes the Bible frequently as he
sits to narrate his journey to Islam. While reading
the Bible he found many contradictions in it. He goes
on quoting verses from the Bible in Sinhalese language
and points out the ambiguity.

He quotes Esaiah 9:12 which reads like this. And the
book is delivered to him that is not learned, saying,
Read this, I pray thee: and he saith; I am not
learned. This verse is a prophecy towards prophet
Mohammed (pbuh), because Mohammad (pubh) was an
unlettered prophet and when he was an unlettered
prophet and when he was asked by Angel Gabrielto read
out the first divine revelation upon him he said, I am
not learned Contrary to the Christian belief that
Jesus is God, Acts 2:22 of the Holy Bible considers
Jesus as a man. It says, Ye men of Israel, hear these
words, jesus of Nazareth, a man approved of God among
you by miracles and wonders and signs, which God did
by him in the midst of you, as ye yourself also know.

Christianity and the other religions, do not define
the prophehood according to him. Nor does Bhudda and
is silent about the other prophets. Contrary to this
it is compulsory in Islam to believe in all the
formaer Prophets and to revere them. According to
Abdulrahman this belief is quite convincing and
appealing to every body.

Abdulrahman says that there is no reason for the
restriction that a Roman Catholic priest cannot marry,
when the priests of many other sects of Christianity
can marry. Abdulrahman was pondering over the
confusions of Christian belief. Meanwhile he got an
Audio Cassette of a converted Christian priest Sri
Lanka Shareef D Alwis. Cassettes of Ahmad Deedat also
attracted him. His continuous efforts to find the
truth finally resulted in reversion to Islam. Fr.
George Antony

Abdulrahman, hails from the Rathnapura village of Sri
Lanka. He was rendering his services as a priest in
Katumayaka church. He has ten years of training of the
priesthood to his credit.

He wrote letters to his mother introducing Islam.
After months of studies she followed the path of her
son and embraced Islam. Abdurahman’s only sister is
working in Greece. His father and sister still
remained Christians.

Abdurahman gave up his highly respected career as a
priest for the sake of truth. He happily sacrificed
all material gains for the spiritual triumph. He is
now working as a trainee in Islam Presentation
Committee of Kuwait.

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