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Krisis Sipadan ini adalah suatu episod yang cukup memalukan Malaysia di 
peringkat antarabangsa. Kononnya kita mempunyai polis dan tentera dengan 
kecekapan intelligence yang  'maha' hebat. Sedangkan kumpulan pemisah sahaja 
pun sudah memadai untuk memalukan kita. Mereka bukan sekadar menceroboh 
masuk, malah dapat pulak menawan sebuah resort (yang kononnya milik kroni 
Mahathir juga- ada sesiapa yang boleh sahkan?), dan kemudiannya boleh keluar 
dari perairan kita tanpa sebarang tentangan. Itu hanya sebuah kumpulan 
pemisah. Bagai mana kalau yang menceroboh itu tentera negara 'musuh' yang 
tentunya mempunyai kelengkapan yang jauh lebih canggih. Silap-silap seluruh 
Sabah dirampas mereka dalam satu malam sahaja.

Sedikit masa dahulu orang heboh memperkatakan sebuah negara jiran di selatan 
berkeupayaan untuk 'sweep' Johor dalam satu malam sahaja. saya tidak yakin 
pada waktu itu. Tetapi , kalau krisis Sipadan ini dijadikan  benchmark 
keupayaan  surveillence dan defence kita, bukanlah sesuatu yang mustahil 
Johor juga boleh di takluki dalam satu malam sahaja.

Mahathir dan menteri-menterinya patut bertanggung jawab sepenuhnya. Cara 
mereka menangani krisis ini  amatlah memalukan - bersikap lepas tangan, 
tidak berwibawa dan dayus.  Apa tindakan yang telah kita lakukan setelah 
krisis ini terjadi? Sekadar menghantar Norian Mai ke Filipina? Mengapa 
Mahathir sendiri atau setidak-tidaknya Pak Lah yang pergi? Mengapa Mahathir 
tidak mengeluarkan sebarang kenyataan yang kukuh dan jelas tentang pelan 
tindakan Malaysia? Sudahlah begitu, Pak Lah pula tanpa sebarang rasa malu 
mengaku kononnya pihak antarabangsa 'memberi kepercayaan' kepada Malaysia 
untuk menangani krisis ini. Bodohlah seluruh dunia kalau benar apa yang Lah 
katakan itu, kerana memberi kepercayaan kepada sebuah kerajaan yang dayus 
untuk menangani krisis seperti ini.

Mahathir dan kerajaannya perlu bertangung jawab. Malulah sikit. kalau orang 
nak berdemo aman dikatakan mengancam keselamatan negara. Tetapi anacaman 
yang sebenar tidak pula dipandang serius.

Saya dengan ini mencadangkan BA melalui wakil-wakil rakyatnya mengambil 
tindakan segera, kalau boleh panggil sidang Parlimen. Kita perlu mengusulkan 
satu undi tidak percaya terhadap kerajaan Mahthir ini kerana dia telah gagal 
menjaga keselamatan negara kita dan secara tidak langsung kerajaannya pada 
hari ini telah gagal memberi jaminan keselamatan nyawa kita. Juga lancarkan 
kempen di seluruh negara untuk hilitekan kegagalan dan kedayusan kerajaan 
Mahthir ini supaya rakyat yang masih tak berapa sedar tu (terutamanya di 
selatan tanahair yang begitu terdedah dengan ancaman yang lebih kurang 
sama)tahu siapa yang sebenarnya sedang merosakkan negara ini.

Mahathir perlu meletak jawatan kerana kegagalannya ini. SEGERA!!!!

>From: Ahmad Baharudin Kasbi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: H-Net* Sipadan: 2 tebusan mati (CNN)
>Date: Tue, 2 May 2000 22:53:20 -0400
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>Two hostages reported killed in Philippines  army clash with rebels
>                   May 3, 2000
>                   Web posted at: 9:59 a.m. HKT (0159 GMT)
>                   JOLO ISLAND, Philippines (CNN) -- Muslim
>                   extremists holding 21 hostages in the southern
>                   Philippines told local radio Wednesday that two
>                   hostages died during a battle between rebels and
>                   government forces.
>                   The claim could not be independently confirmed, but
>                   the government said they are checking into the
>                   report.
>                   A rebel spokesman early Wednesday called local
>                   radio, asking for a doctor -- but later called back,
>                   claiming two hostages were dead.
>                   CNN Correspondent Maria Ressa said the
>                   spokesman claimed one white male died of a stray
>                   gunshot wound during the firefight and that a white
>                   female died of a heart attack.
>                   A rebel leader Tuesday had threatened to behead two
>                   of the captives. The hostage takers are members of
>                   the Abu Sayyaf Muslim separatist group.
>                   The fighting between the rebels and government
>                   forces intensified throughout the day Tuesday and
>                   continued early Wednesday. At least one
>                   government soldier was killed during the fighting,
>                   military officials said.
>                   Government officials said it is no secret where the 
>are being kept -- in a
>                   bamboo hut in Talipao on Jolo. The military had brought 
>400 to 500 security
>                   forces to try to secure the area and prevent anyone from
>entering or leaving
>                   Tuesday.
>                   The group of 21 hostages includes 10 tourists from 
>France, South
>                   Africa, Finland and Lebanon. The remaining hostages are 
>to be resort
>                   workers from the Philippines and Malaysia.
>                   The hostages were kidnapped Easter Sunday on
>                   the Malaysian island of Sipadan, a noted diving
>                   resort. They were shown in videotape shot over
>                   the weekend huddled in a small bamboo hut.
>                   The Abu Sayyaf group is seeking to form an
>                   Islamic state in the southern Philippines.
>                   Troops have ringed the camp where the hostages
>                   are being kept and the high tension has led to
>                   sporadic exchanges of fire with the rebels. But
>                   Tuesday's shootout was the first time there were
>                   casualties.
>                   A caller to a local radio station who claimed to be
>                   one of the gunmen holding the hostages has
>                   threatened to behead two of the captives unless
>                   the troops are pulled back.
>                   Government trying to end crises
>                   The Philippine government has been trying for
>                   days to end the Jolo hostage drama and another
>                   hostage scenario nearby -- both believed to
>                   involve Abu Sayyaf.
>                   In the longer running of the two crises, Abu
>                   Sayyaf allegedly kidnapped 27 people, many of
>                   them elementary school children, on March 20.
>                   And in the second, Abu Sayyaf allegedly seized
>                   their hostages in broad daylight.
>                                                Six
>                                                armed men forced the 21
>captives -- 10
>                                                Malaysians, three Germans, 
>                                                Africans, two French 
>                                                Finns, one Lebanese and a
>Filipina --
>                                                after a day of diving to 
>from the
>                                                island to two waiting 
>                                                Filipino officials have 
>                                                kidnappers are seeking 
>                                                Muslim areas in the 
>south, and a
>                                                ban on fishing by big
>                                                vessels in the Sulu Sea, 
>                                                Muslim's traditional 
>ground, in
>                   exchange for the 21 hostages. Initial reports had said 
>kidnappers had
>                   requested $2.4 million in ransom.
>                   Meanwhile, the captors holding the 27 hostages are
>reportedly seeking the release
>                   of three terrorists from U.S. jails, including Ramzi 
>mastermind of the
>                   1993 bombing of New York's World Trade Center.
>                   Doctor examines group of
>                   hostages
>                   On Monday, the kidnappers allowed a
>                   provincial health officer, Dr. Nelsa
>                   Amin, to examine the group of 21
>                   hostages, and to bring them medicine.
>                   Several journalists accompanied Amin.
>                   The captives told Amin during the
>                   45-minute visit that they were hungry.
>                   They pleaded for water and said they
>                   had diarrhea. It was the first time they
>                   had been examined by a physician since
>                   being kidnapped.
>                   "It's terrifying ... We sit here every day. We're sick. 
>can't eat. We can't
>                   drink, and it seems that nothing is happening. We hear 
>news," Monique
>                   Strydom, of South Africa, told the reporters.
>                   "We eat only rice, and the only water we have is the 
>from the rain," Loisy
>                   Stephone, of France, added. "It's very difficult to be 
>here. You understand,
>                   we have problems with diarrhea, all of us."
>                   Said France's Sonia Wendling: "Today is a good day 
>we had rain and we
>                   could wash, and we had lunch too ... Sometimes we're
>laughing because if not,
>                   we'll become crazy."
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