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Apa le engkau ni bedal? ini ayam jantan bersabung......mana ada telor!!??

>---------- Forwarded message ----------
>Date: Thu, 4 May 2000 00:30:55 -0700 (PDT)
>From: Bedal Bedil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: Pak Ng Ku <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Ahmad Chukari <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>  *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*
>  {  Sila lawat Laman Hizbi-Net -  http://www.hizbi.net     }
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>Kalau setakat carik carik je nak buat apa. bagus lagi
>kalau curik curik telor ayam.
>--- Pak Ng Ku <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > May I suggest a correction? Tukar kpd carik-carik
> > bulu
> > ayam.  Di sebalik bulu ayam, ada daging ayam yang
> > enak
> > kalau dipanggang atau dibuat gulai. Buat apa
> > carik-carik tahi ayam? Bukan sekadar baunya yg
> > busuk,
> > malah "hama" ayam boleh membawa penyakit. Tak gitu?
> >
> >
> > --- Ahmad Chukari  wrote:
> > > assalamu'alaikum. by then it will be too late.
> > > splitting the ummah into various groups is an
> > agenda
> > > by itself to serve their purpose. splitting time
> > is
> > > "created" by them so that we become most
> > vulnerable.
> > > by the time we "realise" of their attack it would
> > be
> > > too late. one can see that some practices are
> > > drifting us farther and farther instead of binding
> > > us together. the drifters, without us realising,
> > are
> > > planned effort to split hence weaken the ummah's
> > > unity. actually we are becoming weaker and weaker
> > > from our own doings for choosing what they want us
> > > to do. the latest incident in maluku is a good
> > > example. what's at our doorsteps now are pointing
> > > towards further weakening the ummah's unity. how
> > can
> > > one explain of km melaka's directive not allowing
> > > his people visiting kelantan and trengganu? his
> > > directive to
> > > withdraw state money from a bank alleging its
> > > employees supporting the opposition during the
> > last
> > > election? nullifying contracts for panel doctors
> > and
> > > lawyers? and who are the "victims"? it is
> > > unfortunate that ummah at high places do not see
> > > these acts as damaging to the ummah. worse still
> > the
> > > lower runks blindly follow. wallahu'alam. wassalam
> > >
> > > [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > >
> > > > aku rasa Pas ngan Umno ni, gaduh adik bradik
> > aje.
> > > Yelah umno ni seperti abang sulung yang kepala
> > batu,
> > > tunjuk kuasa, suka membuli adik adik. Yang si pas
> > ni
> > > plak macam Abang ngah jenis pantang dicuit,
> > > berdemonstrasi aje. Yang Arqam jenis tak kuasa nak
> > > lawan. Tabligh maleh nak duli. Tapi aku percaya
> > bila
> > > orang luar serang kita tentu kita bersatu hati
> > > menentang balik. Bak kata pepatah Carik carik taik
> > > ayam.
> > > >
> > >
> >
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> > > > Sign-up today at
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> > >
> > >
> >
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>Pengirim: Bedal Bedil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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