Anak Sanusi Mengaku Bapanya Pukul Pekerja KLIA

Anak Sanusi Junid iaitu A.M. Ubaidah bin Sanusi telahpun mengaku bapanya memukul dua pekerja KLIA tersebut. "Pembelaannya" boleh dilihat di (sebuah laman web pelajar Malaysia di United Kingdom).


Vitruvius * * *

Tulisan oleh A.M. Ubaidah bin Sanusi:

Assalamualaikum and Good Day,

Dear posters. I knew this would happen. Thought it would be interesting to see what versions would come out the KLIA incident before I put my own posting in, and it has not been dissaponting! (Sorry ELHEFE and others, to be fair I could not continue with our discussions when not commenting on the incident. Maybe well continue later?) Well, I'd better put forward the Sanusi family's side of the story. Hope you guys can look at this in perspective and put yourself in his shoes (i.e. if your wife, mother or close aunty was in a comma or in medical emergency and was so delayed).

First some background - 3 months ago and one month ago Sanusi Junid's mother-in-law and his step-father were both flown into KLIA on an emergency for treatment at SJMC respectively. His step-father's case was the more critical here as his gall-stone problems and heart condition almost lead to kidney failure and he suffered 2-3 collapses even following the removal procedure. In both cases, despite the need for urgency, the critically ill relatives were made to wait for far too long (around half an hour) and no apologies etc. were put forward for the delay.

On Friday, Sanusi Junid arrived at the airport with his wife accompanying their aunty and cousin from Singapore. The aunty was in a comma due to liver failure and it was advisable that she spent a minimum amount of time in transit. On good medical authority I have confirmed that a comma from liver failure indicates the possibility of a terminal condition.

On arrival, for the third time, no stretcher or suitable transfer medium were made ready by MAS staff at the gate. The crew also did not seem too distressed with the situation, despite the obvious distress of the family. Things only started moving when the captain, who incidentally was a FOREIGNER, came down and took charge of the situation. He seemed to be more caring than the Malaysians at the seen.

The family had to wait aroung 30-45 minutes after arrival before a stretcher/wheelchair was brought to the gate by the two 'victims'. On their arrival, the following conversation (more or less) took place:

Sanusi,"Kenapa lambat sangat? Kami dah tunggu 45 minit dah ni dan makcik saya tengah comma!"

MAS staff (with some insolence),"Ni dah sampai dah ni!"

Sanusi then slapped the insolent MAS staff. Instead of apologising and trying to calm things down, the second MAS staff stared accusingly at Sanusi. Sanusi slapped the second MAS staff. Claims of being kicked and abused are a bit far-fetched for those who know Sanusi and they have not been related to me as so. (Still, I wouldn't have minded the kicking either!)

They then proceeded to deliver the aunty to the hospital. The Sanusi family then decided to drop the issue. A complaint was being considered but was being weighed against the MAS staff members losing their jobs. As they had been suitably punished by the head of the family (hopefully for them to change) and nothing untoward had happened to the aunty during the delay, it was felt unfair to cause them to lose their jobs. Sanusi and wife then left for Jakarta that evening to attend to the peace efforts for Acheh and to visit another ill family member.

It is believed by the family that the MAS staff put forward their complaint as a 'pre-emptive' measure in case a formal complaint was made to MAS causing them to lose their jobs. This is of course ironic considering that the family was not planning to do anything that would cause them to so lose their jobs and indeed their complaint and the news reports would have drawn the MAS organisation's attention to them, risking them being sacked anyway! (I suspect this may be why as of yesterday night I was informed that the complaints were being withdrawn by the two staff-members)

I know that we're supposed to be all 'civilised' and not resort to violence. However, in cases when the life of your family is at peril and irresponsible people who risk the lives further have the temerity to be at the same time insolent and rude, I think anyone who is so 'kurang hajar' deserves a nice tight slap! As of yesterday night, no apologies have been forthcoming to the family on the incident.

This is the Sanusi family position. I have been frank in this posting and as accurate as I can be but the background info may be a bit off. The incident has been as accurately portrayed as possible. The family may choose to be more diplomatic in any future public communication of the incident.

More importantly, the aunty is now out of her comma and is awaiting a decision on further treatment. For the Sanusi family, this is the only outcome that we really care about. - Funny how everyone forgot the ill aunty here - to us, she's the real victim!

I look forward to more feedback on this issue. Till later ... wassalam ...

From who thinks that life-threatening irresponsibility followed by rudeness needs to be punished ... sometimes even with violence!


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