Monday, May 8, 2000

Former MB should resign as UIA president
Ng Boon Hooi

6.30pm, MON: Former Kedah menteri besar Sanusi Junid should resign as Universiti Islam Antarabangsa (UIA) president pending police investigation into his alleged assault of two Malaysian Airlines customer service assistants last Friday.

Dr. Badrul Amin, a former lecturer at UIA, told malaysiakini today that as head of a respected Islamic institution of higher learning, Sanusi should be a "model for the students" and not be involved in any act that could damage the image of the university.

He said that Sanusi, who was elected Kuah state assemblyman in last November general elections, should have not acted in such a fashion as he is not only a political leader, but also the head of a university.

"He should now resign or take leave pending the investigation. If he is found guilty, the university should dismiss him immediately, and he should not be protected by any political leader," Badrul added.

According to a Sin Chew Jit Poh's report today, Shaiful Abdul Rahman and Mohd. Nazri Ishak, both 25, were sent to Banting Hospital for treatment of external injuries on the neck, waist and face following the assault just past midnight last Friday.

Shaiful later sought further treatment at the Port Dickson Hospital.

Apparently Shaiful was beaten by Sanusi for being late in sending a wheelchair requested earlier for the former mentri besar's relative. Mohd. Nazri said he was not aware that the man who assaulted him was a key Umno politician.

"I tried to push away the man's (Sanusi's) hand, to stop him from beating Shaiful. Instead the man slapped and kicked me," said Mohd. Nazri, who said that the incident took place at about 12.40am in the Kuala Lumpur International Airport.

"He is impatient, even though he has only waited for 10 to 15 minutes before the wheelchair arrived," Mohd. Azri was quoted by Sin Chew.

"I could have punched him back, but I didn't do that because he is an old man. He shrieked at me, called me an animal, and accused me of being associated with opposition parties," he added.

A police report has been filed against Sanusi at the KLIA police station.

Dr Badrul also suggested that Umno leaders should dismiss Sanusi from all posts in the party. He hoped that Umno members will look at this incident as a "serious case".

"I am not surprised with the incident because this is the ‘samseng' culture of Umno," he said.

Fong Po Kuan, a former law student of UIA, said the incident should not have happened, especially involving Sanusi who holds an important post as UIA president.

She felt that Sanusi should come out to explain in public and clarify on what had actually happened.

"He has a right to defend himself. But the public also has the right to be informed of the incident too," she said.

Yesterday, Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad said he would like to listen to Sanusi's explanation on the matter, and it was up to the Umno Supreme Council to decide whether to take action against the Kuah state assemblyman.


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