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>From Malaysia kini:-

Detainees forced to masturbate, says witness
Ajinder Kaur

7pm, WED: Detainees were forced to rub soap on their
genitals and masturbate each other at the Kemayan
illegal immigrants detention camp, a defence witness
in the trial of Tenaganita director Irene Fernandez
told the court today.

"The police forced the Burmese to come out to the
field, rub soap on their private parts and ordered
them to masturbate one another," Moron Mozumder said
in reply to a question by defence counsel M.

He said he saw the incident from the first floor of
the block he was detained in.

"The police beat up the detainees who refused to
masturbate," Mozumder said.

The 44-year-old Bangladeshi, who was speaking through
interpreter M.A. Ferdous, vomited and cried while
recounting his experience during his 21-month
detention in Kemayan.

Fernandez is being charged with "maliciously
publishing false news" after she released a memorandum
about tortures and deaths in the illegal immigrants
detention camps at a press conference in August 1995. 

The women rights activist and KeADILan supreme council
member faces three years in prison if convicted. She
is currently out on bail.

The trial, which began in June 1996, has become the
longest trial in the country's legal history, running
into its 227th day today. 

In a drama-filled testimony, the court was abruptly
adjourned twice when Mozumder rushed to the washroom
to throw up while relating the conditions of the
toilet facilities in the camp where he was held six
years ago.

"The toilet was scattered with faeces all over, both
fresh and old faeces, and the walls had fingermarks of
excrements," he said. 

"I had to squat with a cloth to block my nose and
mouth. My bare feet were soiled with wet and dry
faeces," he added, before rushing to the washroom and
subsequently forcing magistrate Juliana Mohamed to
adjourn the hearing.

When the court resumed later, Mozumder said that he
and other inmates were forced to scoop faeces with
their bare hands as part of a punishment by the police

"In one occasion, we were asked by the police to clean
up the faeces in the toilets with our bare hands. I
had to scoop the faeces. The smell was unbearable.
Some of us vomited. I washed my hands after that but
the smell remained because there was no soap," he
said, before rushing to the washroom to throw up

Earlier, he said that there were five toilets for the
365 ground-floor inmates of the building block he was
detained in.

"We could only use two of the five toilets, but only
one had a flush. Two other toilets had no doors and
one had stagnant water in the bowl," he said.

"We could not use the toilets from 9pm to 6am. They
gave us a bucket (1-foot diameter by 3-feet high) for
all the 365 of us to urinate into after hours. The
bucket would overflow with urine by 11pm and my body
would be splashed with urine because the bucket was
placed next to me," Mozumder added.

He also said that he was only allowed to take a shower
four times a week.

"I was given a plastic bottle to scoop water from the
tank. There were 12 to 13 of us taking shower at any
one time and were only given two minutes to bathe."

"There was no towel and no soap. I wore my underwear
during the shower and later switch to my pants, and
used my underwear to dry my body," he added.

He also told the court that he experienced physical
torture, humiliation and repeated beatings during his
detention in the camp.

The courtroom became tense with emotion when Mozumder
told the magistrate that his head was shaved upon
admission to the camp.

Puravalen: Your head was shaved completely bald?

Mozumder: Completely bald. 

Puravalen: What was your reaction?

(Mozumder broke down into tears at this point.)

Mozumder: I am a Hindu. In my religion, we shave our
heads when our parents pass away. I felt I was
motherless. Orphaned.

Mozumder also told the court that he witnessed several
incidences of corruption among the police guards in
the detention camp.

"One day, one of the inmates gave the police RM50 to
buy food. The police bought food for RM30 and kept the
balance of RM20. The inmate was beaten up when he
asked for the balance of the money," he recounted.

He added that this practice occurred repeatedly during
his detention in the camp.

Mozumber is scheduled to continue his testimony when
the trial resumes tomorrow morning.

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