Title: (URGENT) New E-mail virus - please take action immediately

-----Original Message-----
From:   Terence
Sent:   Monday, May 22, 2000 11:44 AM
To:     Everyone
Subject:        FW: (URGENT) New E-mail virus - please take action immediately


SUBJECT: (URGENT) New E-mail virus - please take action immediately

This is to inform you that a new destructive Visual Basic Script virus
is in the wild and propagates via email. Once triggered, it overwrites
files in the directory where it is located. The files are overwritten
to have 0 bytes of information. The filenames are that of the original
files, appended with the extension ".vbs" (i.e. system.ini will be
system.ini.vbs). Due to this payload, Windows does not function
properly and upon reboot Windows will not start. The virus uses
Microsoft Outlook to email itself out to all entries in the infected
user's address book.

If you received any messages with subject "FW:<filename>" (where
filename can be any name), please open them with caution. If there is
any attachments with filetype .vbs, please IMMEDIATELY DELETE off the
message without opening the attachment. By opening the attachment,
your Windows will not boot up after the next reboot.

For more details on this virus, please visit this website:

The Messaging team is currently working on filtering these virus
messages and we will keep you updated again. Thanks.


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