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-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [sangkancil] [MGG] MCA Crisis: The Return Of The Kurang Ajar
Date: Tue, 6 Jun 2000 09:08:05 +0800 (MYT)
From: "M.G.G. Pillai" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Sang Kancil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The MCA's recalcitrant president, Dato' Seri Ling Liong Sik, cuts shot
his enforced fortnight holiday in Perth and rushes home last night.  He
had to.  The Prime Minister leaves for a week's jaunt in Japan early
tomorrow morning, and Dr Ling desperately needs his protection to
withdraw his forced resignation as transport minister.  But his return
is couched in the Chinese version of the "wayang kulit", with the
trimmings of the political knife at the MCA's "beloved" president's
throat, notwithstanding the 1,000-strong crowd who thronged him last
night at the airport.  He could not have faced this "loyal"  crowd if he
had arrived after the Prime Minister had left.  He is reluctant to
leave.  With good reason.  He tendered his resignation because he was
forced to by his critics in the MCA.  Having resigned, he tries to stay
on, hanging on to the Prime Minister's coattails.  The MCA is no more
enamoured of him.  Whatever its leaders may say in public or how close
the friendship between the two political enemies -- Dr Lim and his
deputy president, Dato' Seri Lim Ah Lek.  The show of support to make
his departure seem amicable he misinterprets:  he sees that as genuine,
and wants to stay on in the cabinet.  Success in politics comes to one
who knows when to resign.  Not stay on after the party has had enough of

     The MCA clearly has had enough of him.  Should he stay on as
transport minister, his stay as MCA president would be choppy.  If he
resigns, as he threatens to, his days as MCA president are numbered. 
MCA president, once in office, like his National Front colleagues,
become a satrap of the Prime Minister, distancing themselves over the
years from the community he claims to represent.  Dr Ling's predicament
is not unique:  every National Front party leader is in the same boat. 
He insists, even if the MCA does not, the party needs him.  The strength
of a communal party lies in the frequent changes of leadership for a
fresh look at the larger problems.  They are weak today because the
president wants to hog on to office, the perks of office too
comfortable, amassing wealth beyond the greed of Croessus too easy.  Dr
Ling, seduced by this lure, therefore wants to stay on.  But if he
stays, he would be hounded, in much the same He Who Thinks He Is Lord Of
All He Surveys is by He Who Must Be Destroyed At All Cost, over his
inept financial dealings, his son's questionable financial dealings, the
arrogance that comes with political power.  He can make what deals he
likes with the Prime Minister, but whatever that is, his links with the
MCA declines in tandem.

     He insists the Chinese community needs his services.  He need not
be in the cabinet for that.  He could lead any of the numerous public
service organisations which cry out for help.  And offer his service and
experience.  But the problem is more prosaic.  He does not want to let
go the perks of office that a cabinet minister enjoys.  After 14 years,
it does turn his life upside down, without the security detail, the
genuflexion of acolytes, the respect given him as a naked emperor, and
he cannot adjust to that.  His rush home from Perth last night (5 April
00) is another of his moves to stay in the cabinet at any cost.  He
wants a few days to decide if he must resign.  His satraps, to add to
the alleged tension and mystery, quickly interject his mind is made up,
but too important to inform the people until after he had seen his
master in Putra Jaya.  Curiously, it does not matter if he does resigns
or not from the cabinet.  He is damned politically, whatever he does. 
He dragged this crisis long enough for the MCA to want to distance
itself from him even more.  His options to manouevre is limited.  He
brought this upon himself.  But could the MCA afford the political cost
of his vaccilations?

M.G.G. Pillai

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