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Osman wrote:

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> ----- Original Message -----
> From: American Muslim Assistance <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Thursday, June 01, 2000 8:09 PM
> > MSA-EC - http://sunnah.org
> >
> > Chechenpress
> >
> >
> > 5/30/00
> >
> > INTERVIEWER- Mr.Maskhadov, recently there has surfaced some information
> > which claims that Russian special forces have begun hunting down the
> > commanders of Chechen units, and that some of are already under arrest.
> > Do you know anything about this?
> >
> > PRESIDENT- Perhaps at last the Russian military have realised that they
> > do not have a military victory. That there is no such hope even. As a
> > result they have turned to the dark and underhanded methods of the
> > secret services. Right at the beginning of this conflict they arrested
> > my General Representative in Moscow, Vachagayev, and they are still
> > trying to frame him on a weapons possession charge. Even here (in
> > Chechnya) he never carried a weapon. Furthermore, they (the Russians)
> > arrested the Editor of the newspaper "Ichkeria", Vakha Dadulagov, and
> > the Minister for Education, who at the same time is my envoy charged
> > with maintaining contacts with the Russian side and its government
> > representatives, Hodzh-Akhmed Yarikhanov. They also arrested, and I
> > don't feel comfortable talking about this, my brothers. They started to
> > use my older brother, who is injured and has been recuperating at home
> > right from the beginning of the war, as a "pawn". Now the
> > Speaker-of-Parliament, Ruslan Alikhadzhiev, has been incarcerated. You
> > see I understand that a "game", in the primary sense of the word, is
> > being played out. The ministers and deputies are being arrested for the
> > purpose of making declarations and denunciations against the President.
> > This is the game. As for them arresting some field commander or other-I
> > don't know any field commander who could actually be caught out.
> >
> > INTERVIEWER- You have talked about them (the Russians) playing a game.
> > Have you heard any of the people you just mentioned, for example,
> > actually denouncing you or your leadership of Chechnya?
> >
> > PRESIDENT- You see the real issue here is with whom to hold the
> > negotiations. Our local traitors: the Kadirovs of this world, and of
> > course the Russian side, are clearly trying to divide the two branches
> > of power- that is, they are trying to create division between the
> > popularly elected Parliament and the executive power of the Presidency.
> > The game is to offer Parliament extra powers in return for the
> > resignation of the President. This is absolute nonsense. It is a
> > continuation, indeed an intensification, of the same idea which was
> > thrown about right at the start of the war and which is absolutely
> > pointless.
> >
> > INTERVIEWER- In spite of all this, is there any sense in talking about
> > negotiations and dialogue at the present moment in time? After all, you
> > seem to be taking a completely different position in comparison to a
> > month or two ago?
> >
> > PRESIDENT- I swear to you that I have not changed my position in the
> > slightest. I have always held the same conscise and consistant position.
> > I don't believe that I am the sort of person who quickly changes his
> > mind. I see that today Russia is beset with huge problems, and I know
> > the way in which it tried to end the last war. I am a witness to the
> > last war, I was a participant in it, I took part in the negotiating
> > process, and was present at all of the negotiations. For the moment, the
> > Russian leadership, and in particular today's new administration, is
> > more preoccupied with forming a ministerial cabinet, reforming federal
> > structures and the system of administration- in essence, it still hasn't
> > come to grips with the legacy it has inherited. It has not realised what
> > colossal, global problems face Russia other than Chechnya. This is a lie
> > (that Chechnya is the greatest threat facing Russia) manufactured by the
> > generals. There you will find the real traitors. It will be very hard
> > for him (Putin) to realise the truth. Therefore, we are forced to wait,
> > to be patient and to always declare our willingness to sit down and
> > negotiate. Just yesterday there was massive aerial and artillery
> > bombardment directed primarily at civilian population centres and
> > forested areas. The war continues. If war is still a reality then we are
> > forced to resist the occupiers and aggressors. Today there is a real war
> > being waged here. They (the Russians) produce rumours that, for example,
> > Maskhadov has issued orders for the storming of Grozny and so on and so
> > forth... There then follows an escalation in hostilities. What other
> > options do we have left? War means war. Peace- well, we are ready for
> > it. For example, the Russian forces accuse us of systematic and
> > widespread mine-laying. While they cut down trees and forested areas,
> > and mine forest paths, roads. Our forces have professionally studied
> > where they lay these mines and then take them and place them on paths
> > and roads which the enemy uses. Recently they have adopted the tactic of
> > sending in reconissance units to find the location of our units. Our
> > forces have adopted a counter-tactic: they ambush these scouting units.
> > As I said earlier, we will intensify our tactic of partisan warfare, we
> > will wear down the enemy morally, physically, materially... Another
> > example is that in Gudermes there may be a national traitor who will
> > confer with the Russians but will also confer with me. He will tell
> > them, for example, that on the 20th Maskhadov has ordered the storming
> > of Gudermes. That's fine. This is another way of wearing down the enemy.
> > Today's war is different from the last one. Even at that time the
> > generals carried themselves with honour, as generals should- in an
> > honourable manner befitting their rank and uniform. Today I cannot even
> > recognise Troshev. They are now stooping to the methods of the secret
> > services. Most certainly, this war is being waged using their dark and
> > underhanded tactics. For example, those very same traitors whom we have
> > named- the Kadirovs et al- are dangerous because they were with us in
> > the last war. They know very well Maskhadov's character- what his
> > strengths and weaknesses are. That is why they are being used.
> >
> > INTERVIEWER- Do you accept that some of your commanders may simply be
> > bought by the Russian side?
> >
> > PRESIDENT- When Berezovsky started his financial wheeling and dealing, I
> > told him that Chechens will take money but won't be bought. Then we
> > laughed for a long time. I think that when it comes to the push- will
> > the Chechen nation exist or not, to have independence or not, war or
> > defeat- then in this case it will be very hard to buy someone. You can
> > play games for the sake of money and power, but in the context of war,
> > and particularly the way in which the Russian leadership wants to
> > supress the whole nation through bribery, that's impossible.
> >
> > INTERVIEWER- Could you give a prognosis as to how long your side can
> > keep up this partisan war?
> >
> > PRESIDENT- I believe that this is the primary myth used as a form of
> > moral blackmail against the President, Parliament and Ministers- and it
> > will continue- even though I cannot see any logic behind it. Secondly,
> > they (the Russians) will try at any cost to provoke internal civil
> > strife. I am sure that I will be able to take those weapons, which they
> > (the Russians) are supplying them with, and turn them against their
> > masters.
> >
> > INTERVIEWER- Are you still in contact with representatives of
> > international organisations such as the OSCE?
> >
> > PRESIDENT- Yes, our contacts are continuing and are of benefit. The
> > Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Deputies of Parliament, and my personal
> > envoys, are in contact with the heads and representatives of all major
> > international organisations. Sometimes I am even able to phone the heads
> > of these organisations and seek advice from them.
> >
> > INTERVIEWER- Apart from telephone conversations, do you send envoys to
> > the West in order to open the way for substantive negotiations?
> >
> > PRESIDENT- Right from the start of the war my representatives, namely
> > from the Foreign Ministry, have been outside of the borders of Chechnya
> > engaging in this very task.
> >
> > INTERVIEWER- Is it possible to speak of any substantial change in
> > Western perspectives on events in Chechnya?
> >
> > PRESIDENT- I think that the West also needs to gain a better
> > understanding and knowledge of curent events in Russia. Of course they
> > rather foolishly pushed for the destruction of the Soviet structure.
> > Then they believed, or rather deluded themselves, that they could create
> > a democratic Russia. Yeltsin only played the democratic game for the
> > sake of power. Democracy in Russia, at least for the foreseeable future,
> > is practically impossible. As long as the ordinary people of Russia
> > still enjoy seeing the state liquidate its opponents, then democracy is
> > unattainable. The people (of Russia) are not yet ready for it. Today I
> > can say that the vertical distribution of power enshrined in the Federal
> > system- well, this is the contemporary equivalent of the Politburo. The
> > leadership is in close cooperation with the communists, and the Duma has
> > just become a plaything of the government. All this needs to be
> > understood by the West so that it can detect the potential threat that
> > is re-emerging from there.
> >
> > INTERVIEWER- In spite of all this, are you still trying right now to
> > have direct meetings with representatives of the Russian government?
> >
> > PRESIDENT- Well how can I have direct contact with them, if only 2 days
> > ago they arrested the Speaker-of-Parliament and also my own personal
> > envoy whose task it was to maintain and further these contacts? What can
> > I talk to them about? They do not want this and they are not ready for
> > it. If they are not ready for this then what other option is left? They
> > have chosen war. The war goes on. We are resisting to the best of our
> > abilities. If they incline towards peace then I am ready. I never wanted
> > to break these contacts.
> >
> > INTERVIEWER- If the negotiations will after all be put off until some
> > distant date in the future, meaning that the negotiating process has
> > yielded practically nothing so far, are you willing to wage an endless
> > partisan struggle? Do you have the ability to do this?
> >
> > PRESIDENT- What other option do we have left? We not only need to wage a
> > partisan war, but we need to do it successfully. If we do not wage this
> > struggle successfully we will certainly be liquidated. You see you
> > cannot possibly imagine what is being perpetrated here. It is utter
> > barbarity and sadism. What is being done here by the military, the
> > interior ministry forces, and the contract soldiers,is absolutely
> > frightening- it is very hard to take in. I also want to say one more
> > thing. There are a lot of journalists and correspondents on the Chechen
> > border. They are constantly being told by the Russian side that it is
> > dangerous for them here, that the Chechen side will not guarantee their
> > safety. Therefore I issued a decree stating: "In my capacity as
> > President of Ichkeria, I declare to all the representatives of the media
> > and of international humanitarian organisations that the Armed Forces of
> > the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria, who are currently engaged in resisting
> > the Russian forces, will not stand in the way of your work. In fact we
> > guarantee to support and protect them in the areas in which they work."
> > Secondly, I have prepared a decree authorising the setting up of an
> > official government information agency " CHECHENPRESS" with the sole
> > right to distribute Presidential and governmental statements. In the
> > same vein, "Kavkaz-Tsentr" and others, are not authorised by me to make
> > any statements whatsoever on behalf of the Chechen side.
> >
> > INTERVIEWER- How many fighters does the Chechen side currently field?
> >
> > PRESIDENT- Today our units are opperating in small mobile groups and are
> > organised into sectors. In all, we have approximately 12,000 to 15,000
> > men all over Chechnya.
> >
> > INTERVIEWER- There is information that an armed unit of Afghan
> > volunteers is about to be sent into Chechnya.
> >
> > PRESIDENT- I think that the Troshevs and Manilovs are trying to scare
> > themselves. I have no such information and, frankly speaking, we are not
> > in need of this type of assistance.
> >
> > INTERVIEWER- Are there right now a lot of foreign mercenaries fighting
> > alongside Chechen units, in particular Arabs?
> >
> > PRESIDENT- I said this before and I'll say it again: what are
> > mercenaries? People you need to pay in dollars. But we don't have such
> > dollars in order to pay for contract soldiers or mercenaries. There
> > isn't a single Chechen soldier who is being paid to fight- they are all
> > volunteers. I believe that the 40-50 Arabs who are fighting here are
> > also volunteers. Their number in this war is the same as in the previous
> > one and does not exceed 50-60 people.
> >
> > http://www.chechengovernment.com/News.asp
> >
> >
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