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Norazahar Abd. Razak@SIME DARBY GROUP
13-06-2000 09:31 AM

The Angels of Koran

4:166: "But God Himself testifieth concerning that which He hath revealed unto
thee; in His knowledge hath He
revealed it; and the Angels also testify. And God is sufficient witness."

God has created a tree in the seventh heaven, on each leaf of which is found one
 letter of the Holy Koran. Every leaf is
a throne carved from a precious stone, and every letter is represented by an
angel sitting on that throne. Every angel is
the key to a different endless ocean of knowledge, which has no beginning and no
 end. In every ocean there is a
complete universe with its own unique creation. The diver into these oceans is
the Archangel Gabriel. It was he who
brought to the Prophet the pearls of those oceans when he appeared to him and
said three times: "Read!" To this
command the Prophet, Peace be upon him, each time answered: "What am I to read?"
 and Gabriel said: Read: In the
name of thy Lord who createth,
Createth man from a clot.
Read: And thy Lord is the Most Bounteous,
Who teacheth by the pen,
Teacheth man that which he knew not. (96:1-5)
At that time the Archangel brought to the Prophet two green pieces of cloth from
 heaven, one of which was decorated
with all kinds of precious stones from the earth, and the other with precious
elements from heaven. He opened the first
cloth and told the Prophet to sit on it, and he handed him the second one and
told him to open it. When he opened it, he
received the Holy Koran with words of light, and the secret of that tree in the
seventh Heaven was revealed to him.
Whoever reads the Holy Koran with sincerity and piety is enabled to enter these
oceans of knowledge and light. The
Prophet Muhammad, Peace be upon him, saw a tablet made of rare pearls under the
Throne of God and another tablet
of emerald. Upon the first was the first chapter, Surat al-Fatihat, which
consists of seven verses, and upon the second
the entire Koran. He asked the Archangel Gabriel, "What is the reward of one who
 reads the Fatiha?" Gabriel said, "The
seven doors of hell will be closed for him, and the seven doors of paradise will
 be opened for him." The Prophet said:
"What is the reward of the one who recites the whole Koran?" Gabriel replied:
"For every letter that he reads God will
create an angel that will plant a tree for him in paradise." Then the Prophet
saw a triple light radiating in three
directions, and he asked what it was. Gabriel said: "One of them is the light of
 the Verse of the Throne (2:255), the
second is the Chapter Ya Seen" (Chapter 36), and the third is the Chapter of
Oneness (Chapter 112). The Prophet
asked: "What is the reward of one who reads the Verse of the Throne?" Gabriel
replied: "God said: It is My attribute,
and whoever recites it shall look at Me on Judgment Day without veil." The
Prophet then asked: "What is the reward for
one who reads the Chapter Ya Seen The answer came from God: "It consists of
eighty verses, and whoever reads it will
receive eighty mercies: twenty angels will bring him twenty mercies in his life,
 twenty more angels will bring him twenty
mercies at his death, twenty more, twenty mercies in his grave, and twenty
others, twenty mercies on Judgment Day."
The Prophet said: "What is the reward for reading the Chapter of Oneness?" The
answer came: "The angels will give
him to drink from the four heavenly rivers that are mentioned in the Holy Koran:
 the river of pure crystal water, the
river of milk, the river of wine, and the river of honey."

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