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---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 16 Jun 2000 22:38:05 PDT
From: Parti Rakyat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>



Parti Rakyat Malaysia (PRM) berpendapat adalah sangat memalukan dan
tidak bertanggungjawab bagi Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Dr Mahathir
Mohamad, mempersembahkan kepada Yang Maha Mulia Yang Di-Pertuan Agong
supaya tempoh khidmat Tun Eusoff Chin sebagai Ketua Hakim dilanjutkan. 

Eusoff Chin telah membuat beberapa penafian terhadap tuduhan bahawa
beliau telah bercuti bersama dengan seorang peguam, Datuk Lingam, di New
Zealand pada tahun 1994. Melalui Internet, khususnya Malaysiakini, telah
dikemukakan bukti-bukti nyata bahawa tidak benar Eusoff menemui Lingam
secara kebetulan. Segala bukti tersebut jelas menunjukkan bahawa Eusoff
dan Lingam bersama-sama dalam satu penerbangan ketika pergi balik dari
Singapura dan New Zealand, dan semasa berada di New Zealand. Bahkan ada
keterangan bahawa mereka bersama-sama makan angin dalam sebuah bot. 

Eusoff memilih tidak mahu membuat apa-apa penjelasan atas bukti serta
keterangan yang diberi dalam Malaysiakini. Perdana Menteri pula tidak
menghiraukannya dan tidak mahu berusaha sama sekali melakukan
penyiasatan. Ini menimbulkan berbagai-bagai tanda tanya di kalangan
masyarakat. Mereka mahu mengetahui: adakah kemungkinannya segala bukti
dan keterangan ini benar? Jikalau begitu, adakah bererti bahawa Eusoff
tidak bercakap benar? Mengapakah Dr Mahathir tidak mahu memulakan
siasatan? Adakah beliau bimbang bermacam-macam perkara yang hendak
disembunyikan akan terbongkar? 

Sekarang perkhidmatan Eusoff sudah tentu akan dilanjutkan. Mengapa?
Mahathir mengatakan Eusoff memerlukan masa untuk menyelesaikan beberapa
hal. Tetapi mengapakan hal-hal ini tidak boleh diselesaikan sebelum
tempoh khidmatnya tamat? Seterusnya Mahathir menerangkan tempoh khidmat
ini perlu dilanjutkan supaya Eusoff boleh meneruskan khidmat baiknya.
Apakah dia khidmat itu? Tidak bolehkah ia dilakukan oleh orang lain yang
menggantinya. Kami ingin bertanya: adakah perlanjutan tempoh ini sudah
dijanjikan? Jikalau demikian mengapa?  Benarkan bahawa perlanjutan
tempoh itu diperlukan untuk melihat kes Anwar tamat dulu? 

Sama ada Eusoff menjelaskan yang sebenarnya atau tidak, dan sama ada
Mahathir melakukan siasatan atau tidak, yang nyata ialah wibawa Tun
Eusoff sebagai seorang individu dan apatah lagi sebagai Ketua Hakim
telah dipersoalkan. Oleh itu PRM berpendapat bahawa khidmatnya hendaklah
jangan dilanjutkan. Lebih penting lagi, sebuah Suruhanjaya atau Tribunal
hendaklah dibentuk oleh Yang Di-Pertuan Agong untuk menyiasat tingkah
laku Eusoff, terutama sekali berhubung gambarnya bersama Lingam serta
isteri mereka. Nama beliau perlu dibersihkan. Kredibiliti serta
integriti kehakiman perlu dipulihkan. 

Dr Syed Husin Ali
Presiden PRM
17hb Jun 2000


Parti Rakyat Malaysia (PRM) considers that it is shameful and
irresponsible for the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Dr Mahathir Mohamad, to
submit to His Majesty the Yang Di-Pertuan Agong his recommendation that
the services of Chief Justice Tun Eusoff Chin be extended. 

Eusoff Chin made several denials against allegations that he was
holidaying together with a lawyer, Datuk Lingam, in New Zealand in 1994.
Through the Internet, especially the Malaysiakini, several proofs were
provided to show that it was untrue that Eusoff just “bumped” into
Lingam. There were clear proofs that they traveled together in the same
plane to and from Singapore-New Zealand and also that they were on the
same flight when they traveled within New New Zealand. In fact, there
was also evidence that they were together during a boat cruise. 

Eusoff has chosen not to give any clarification over the proofs and
evidence provided in Malaysiakini. As for the Prime Minister, he has
chosen to ignore them completely and refuses to initiate any
investigation. These give rise to a number of questions among a lot of
people. They wish to know: is there possibility that these proofs and
evidence are true? If so, has Eusoff not been telling the truth? Why
doesn’t Mahathir want to institute an investigation? Is he afraid that
many things that he wants to hide will be exposed? 

Now it is certain that Eusoff’s services will be extended. Why? Mahathir
says that Eusoff needs more time to put things in order. But his date of
retirement has long been known. Why have things not been put to order
before that? Further, Mahathir explains that Eusoff’s extension is
required in order to enable him to continue with his good work. Pray
tell us, what is that good work? Why cannot it be done by his successor?
We wish to know, has the extension been planned or promised earlier? Is
it true that Eusoff’s extension is viewed to be necessary in order to
see the Anwar case through first? 

Whether Eusoff clarifies or not, and whether Mahathir institutes
investigation or not, the fact is that Tun Eusoff’s integrity as a
person and as a Chief Justice is now under serious question. Therefore,
PRM is of the view that his services should not be extended beyond his
retirement age. More important, the Yang Di-Pertuan Agong should set up
Commission or Tribunal to investigate into the behaviour of Eusoff,
particularly those in relation to his photograph with Lingam and their
wives. Eusoff’s name must be cleared. The credibility and integrity of
the judiciary should be restored. 

Dr Syed Husin Ali
PRM President

17th June 2000

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