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"Don't force law-abiding parents into revolt, Mr Blair"

  by Iqbal Sacranie

  This week the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Chief Rabbi voiced
their deep anxieties about the Government's  plans to repeal Section 28
of the Local Government Act. We in the Muslim community share their
alarm and   concern and express our firm and uncompromising opposition
to legal changes which would allow the promotion of   homosexuality in

  While sex education is taught in schools, many people are in profound
disagreement with the mechanical and   value-free manner in which this
is done. Some of us believe that the subject should be dealt with in a
very caring   and responsible manner by parents and others within a
religious framework.

  That some people indulge in homosexual practices is an undeniable fact
and older children should be made aware   of the social and health

  But we, as Muslims and as parents, find utterly intolerable the
suggestion that our children should, at a very tender   age, be
subjected to the possibility of propaganda advocating active homosexual
practices as normal and valid and   nothing more than a perfectly
legitimate lifestyle choice.

  These are dangerous and destructive notion to be pumped into the heads
of immature and impressionably young people.

  It is sometimes said that the purpose of the repeal of Section 28 is
merely to protect from bullying and prejudice in the   playground those
teenagers who are aware that they have homosexual inclinations.

  But this is an irrelevance which has, I suspect, ben introduced quite
delibeately. The bullyhing and brutalizxing of children is   obnoxious
to all decent people and it is rightly unlawful. If the law is not
strong enough, or if schools are failing in their duty  to protect the
young people in their care, the the law should be changed m, and scholls
should be required to thei their duty.

  What is even more offensive to us is to learn that our children might
in future be taught that homosexual relationships are the   equivalent
of marriage. For Muslims, this is simply not the case and never can be.
Marriage is the foundation stone of the  family and the family is the
foundation stone of society.

  So to attack or diminish the traditional concept of marriage is to
attack the norms of civilised society.

  What is surprising to us is that this is a Government which has made a
consistent ‘pro-family’ proclamations and often goes   out of its way to
advertise its support for family values…….

  So to sum up: the reason for our principled stand is that the Qur’an
condemns homosexual activity as a grave transgression.

  For the schools which we support with our taxes to teach our children
otherwise is to corrupt the minds and habits of our  youngsters – and
that is quite unacceptable. In the face of this, I believe that many
parents would undoubtedly consider  seriously withdrawing their children
from classes in which homosexuality is promoted…..

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