>Date: Fri, 21 Jul 2000 16:08:58 +0800
>Subject: [islah-net] Fw: penghinaan terhadap islam
>Stop fighting among ourselves for a while... bida'ah, sunnah,  etc.
>What are we going to do about this??
>---------------------- Forwarded by AHMAD ZAIDI/MY/BHI/TBC on 07/21/2000 04:07
>PM ---------------------------
>"naim" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 07/20/2000 12:39:03 PM
>cc:    (bcc: AHMAD ZAIDI/MY/BHI/TBC)
>Subject:  Fw: penghinaan terhadap islam
>from recent happenings inside & outside of our country, even the muslims are
>openly insulting Islam, maybe the non-muslims are just following the trend.
>How about u guys out there? any comments?
>> -----Original Message-----
>> Subject: penghinaan terhadap islam
>> (See attached file: total_sports.jpg)
>>  <<JPEG File Interchange>>
>Remember four years of good friends, bad clothes, explosive chemistry 
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