----- Original Message -----
From: juvono <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: abdjalil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Abdul Rashid Northern
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Ariffin Samingon
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; aruns <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Azahar Fauzi
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Fadil Edaran (E-mail) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Fahrul
Razi / ICN SEEMAL <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; fairuz Azura
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; faizul sham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Fazli
Sent: Saturday, July 22, 2000 9:43 AM
Subject: [Fwd: [Fwd: [keADILan] Fw: Keputusan Majlois Fatwa Kebangsaan
1978 - mengenai surat berantai]]


----- Original Message ----- 
From: Roslina binti Abdul Rahman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Keputusan Majlis Fatwa Kebangsaan 1978
> Sebagai permulaan, saya menyeru anda dan saya sendiri bertaubat 
> segera dengan taubat yang seikhlasnya.
> Majlis Fatwa Kebangsaan 1978 mengesahkan surat ini ditulis oleh 
> paderi-paderi biara Blessings of St Antonio, Texas, USA pada tahun
> 1974/75 untuk mengelirukan umat Islam. Penulis asal surat ini ialah 
> mendiang Father Francis Jose de Villa, seorang paderi Katolik dari 
> Argentina berketurunan
> Arab-Syria (bekas penganut Islam, nama asalnya Mohamed Elias 
> Skanbeg). Dia pernah bertugas di Instituto Sacristo Convocione 
> Reliogioso di Brindisi, Itali sebagai mubaligh Katolik antara tahun 
> 1966-1968 di bawah Cardinal Agostino Casaroli.  Father de Villa 
> meninggal dunia pada tahun 1980 di Texas dalam usia 54 tahun.
> Menurut Allahyarham Sayyed Mohamed Raisuddin Al-Hashimi Al-Quraisy,
> penjaga makam Rasulullah SAW di Madinah antara tahun 1967-hingga 1979, 
> tidak ada penjaga makam bernama Sheik Ahmad antara tahun 1881 hingga 
> 1979.  Penjaga makam di Madinah ialah: Sayyed Turki Abu Mohamed Abdul 
> Razaque Al-Hashimi Al-Quraisy (1881-meninggal dunia 1932), anaknya 
> Sayyed Hashim Abu Faisal Abdul Jalil Al-Hashimi Al-Quraisy 
> (1932-meninggal dunia 1934), adiknya Sayyed Abdul Karim Mutawwi 
> Al-Hashimi Al-Quraisy (1934-bersara 1966) dan anak saudaranya Sayyed 
> Mohamed Raisuddin bin Mohamed bin Abdul Razaque Al-Hashimi Al-Quraisyi 
> (1967-meninggal dunia 1979).
> Bekas menteri besar Perak Allahyarham Tan Sri Mohamed Ghazali Jawi 
> bertaubat dan mengucap kalimah syahadat sekali lagi di hadapan Kadi
> Daerah Kinta pada tahun 1976 setelah beliau mengaku pernah menerima 
> dan mengirim surat ini kepada dua puluh orang kawannya. Peristiwa ini 
> berlaku tidak lama sebelum beliau meninggal dunia.  Bekas Kadi Daerah 
> Kinta meminta beliau mengucap semula kerana bimbang beliau telah gugur 
> syahadah (murtad).
> Allahyarham Datuk Shafawi Mufti Selangor mengisytiharkan bagi pihak
> Majlis Fatwa Kebangsaan bahawa barang siapa dengan sengaja menyebarkan 
> risalah ini adalah "melakukan syirik dan tidak mustahil jatuh murtad 
> melainkan dia bertaubat dan menarik balik perbuatannya itu terhadap 
> sesiapa yang telahpun dikirimkan risalah ini".  (Surat Keputusan 
> Majlis Fatwa Kebangsaan Malaysia Bil. 7/78/I).
> Keputusan ini diiktiraf oleh Majlis Raja-raja Melayu dalam 
> mesyuaratnya di Pekan pada 16 Oktober 1978, dipengerusikan oleh 
> Almarhum Sultan Idris Shah, Perak.
> Menurut Majlis Fatwa Kebangsaan 1978, menyebar surat ini "termasuk 
> dalam menyekutukan Allah S.W.T. dengan syirik yang amat besar 
> (shirk-i-kubra) serta mempermainkan Rasulullah S.A.W. serta menyebar 
> dengan niat tidak baik kekeliruan dan muslihat di kalangan umat 
> Islam.".  Lagipun,"surat ini menggambarkan pembohongan yang amat besar 
> terhadap junjungan besar Nabi Muhammad S.A.W. serta ajaran baginda 
> kerana menggambarkan SHEIK AHMAD sebagai perawi hadith sesudah 
> kewafatan baginda".
> Allahyarham Datuk Sheik-ul-Islam Mufti Kedah dalam Risalat Al-Aman
> 1983/Bil 8, surat ini "paling kurang menimbulkan syirik kecil dan 
> murtad secara tidak sengaja terkeluar dari Islam, serta syirik yang 
> besar jika sengaja maka taubatnya tidak sah melainkan dibuat dengan 
> sesungguhnya.  Adapun jika seseorang itu menyalin surat ini kepada 
> umat Islam lain, jatuhlah hukum ke atasnya mentablighkan perkara 
> syirik dan khurafat.  Sesungguhnya ulamak sependapat perbuatan itu 
> sungguh besar syiriknya dan boleh mengakibatkan 
> murtad walaupun tanpa sadar si-pengirim".
> Saya nasihatkan Saudara Azlan memohon maaf kepada semua penerima 
> risalah ini kerana mungkin Saudara telah murtad.  Nauzubillah.  Saya 
> juga meminta Saudara mengisytiharkan semula syahadat Saudara di 
> hadapan seorang kadi atau imam masjid yang bertauliah demi keselamatan 
> diri dan keluarga dalam Islam.
> Wassalam.
> > >> > >
> > >> > >
> > >> > >It is the words of Sheik Ahmed, the watchman of the
> > >> > Prophet Mohammed's
> > >> > >mosque. (PBUH). On Friday night after reciting the
> > >> > Holy Quran he slept and
> > >> > >in his dream he saw the Holy Prophet (PBUH). The
> > >> > Prophet said to him,
> > >> > >"Sheik
> > >> > >Ahmed, this Friday about six thousand (6,000)
> > >> > people died, but none went to
> > >> > >heaven. The women do not follow what their husbands
> > >> > tell them anymore. The
> > >> > >believers who have money do not help the poor
> > >> > people. People do not perform
> > >> > >their pilgrimage as was prescribed. The Muslims do
> > >> > not say their prayers
> > >> > >regularly, let alone how it is supposed to be.
> > >> > Sheik Ahmed, tell all the
> > >> > >Muslims that this should not be so.
> > >> > >
> > >> > >Be true Muslims, in every respect. And spread this
> > >> > message to all Muslims
> > >> > >so
> > >> > >that it can spread and get to other Muslims in the
> > >> > world.  Anyone who
> > >> > >produces this and spreads out to other Muslims will
> > >> > see the REWARD. The
> > >> > >prophet (PBUH) will count such a person to
> > >> > Paradise. The Muslim who
> > >> > >receives
> > >> > >this letter and refuses to disperse it among other
> > >> > Muslims will not see
> > >> > >benediction. (INSYALLAH) Those who are indebted
> > >> > must write. Allah in his
> > >> > >infinite mercy will send help to pay his debt. I,
> > >> > Sheik Ahmed, if what I
> > >> > >said is a lie, may the Prophet (PBUH) not send his
> > >> > divine benediction to
> > >> > >me.
> > >> > >
> > >> > >Dear Muslim men and women, you must follow the
> > >> > religion the way the prophet
> > >> > >honoured it like the divine revelation it is. Ask
> > >> > for Allah forgiveness,
> > >> > >observe fast every Monday. Produce twenty (20)
> > >> > copies of this letter and
> > >> > >spread it to all Muslims. Anyone who does  this
> > >> > until all Muslims get a
> > >> > >copy, will INSYALLAH see the opening of the
> > >> > Prophet's desires and success
> > >> > >will follow. He will see the things he had never
> > >> > seen before.
> > >> > >
> > >> > >This is not a letter to be kept. It must be
> > >> > dispersed in large quantities..
> > >> > >A
> > >> > >man called Klavern, got this letter and gave it to
> > >> > his secretary to produce
> > >> > >twenty (20) copies and disperse them. After some
> > >> > days he saw many doors of
> > >> > >opportunities opening up for him. Another named
> > >> > Abdul-Salam got it and
> > >> > >forgot it in drawer of  his office and after a
> > >> > certain time he lost his
> > >> > >job.
> > >> > >He later remembered the letter and went and
> > >> > produced twenty (20) copies,
> > >> > >which were distributed, and within five (5) days he
> > >> > got employed and is in
> > >> > >a
> > >> > >higher position than  what he had before. Another
> > >> > man called Balemanthan
> > >> > >received it and he thought it was something useless
> > >> > and treated it without
> > >> > >respect or courtesy. He tore the letter and within
> > >> > nine (9) days he died. I
> > >> > >am appealing to anyone who comes across this letter
> > >> > to kindly circulate it
> > >> > >in large volume. This is not a joke or something.
> > >> > Its really happen to me
> > >> > >and now I'm trying to get a bless from Allah.
> > >> > INSYALLAH.
> > >
> > 
> > 
> > 
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> > 
> ----- End forwarded message -----

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