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Morning  Sickness

According to the American Medical Association, almost
half of pregnant women have nausea and vomiting during
their first trimester of pregnancy. This queasiness is
commonly known as morning sickness since it tends to
be worse early in the morning; however, many women
suffer in the afternoon and evening too. Morning
sickness is often relieved for most women around the
third month of
 pregnancy, although some women find occasional nausea
and vomiting lingers further into pregnancy. Although
doctors aren't certain as to the exact cause of
 morning sickness, it is thought that hormone surges,
changes in blood sugar, and increased stomach acids
are to blame.

What can you do to allievate morning sickness?

1.Don't forget to eat!: Eating several small meals
during the day will often lessen nausea since nausea
seems to be worse on an empty stomach.
 While it isn't always easy to eat the highly
nutritious foods optimal for a pregnant woman, you
need to do your best; try to eat foods high in
carbohydrates and protein since they are easier to
digest. Greasy, fatty foods may often worsen nausea,
so pick your meals and snacks wisely. 
2. Start Slowly: Allow yourself some extra time to get
started in the morning.
Moving around slowly helps some women avoid getting
sick. It may also help to keep some crackers by your
bed; eating something bland twenty to thirty
minutes before you get up may alleviate nausea. 
3.What's that smell?: To their dismay, many women find
the extra keensense of smell that can accompany
pregnancy worsens their morning  sickness, and foods
with strong odors aggravate their nausea. If this is
true for you, it may help to have someone else do the
grocery shopping and/or the cooking for awhile.
4.Ginger: Ginger is an old-fashioned remedy that works
for some expectingmoms. Try munching on a gingersnap
when nausea strikes or sipping a cup of ginger tea.
5.The Vitamin Shuffle: Those prenatal vitamins can
really do a number on the stomach. If you've got this
problem you may want to mention it to your doctor or
midwife; perhaps she wouldn't mind you taking your
vitamin just before bed so you can sleep through its
side-effects. You may also want to take your vitamin
with food. Some physicians will also prescribe an
 dose of vitamin B-6 to help with nausea. Be sure to
talk to your health care provider before taking extra
6. Relax: This is sometimes easier said than done
(especially for women with children!) but it's
important to give your body plenty of rest (and
 from stress) during pregnancy. 

7. A final note: If you find that you are throwing up
so often that you can't hold anything down, it is
important to talk to your doctor or midwife. While
this problem, known as hyperemesis gravidarum, is
serious, it can be treated

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