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Alhamdulillah.. a very good artikel by sdra Abdul Rahman kita.. kita tunggu pulak 
sumbangan sdra sidi shariff dll sdra2 yg sependapat dgn-nya..

Hopefully mrk ini tidak hanya akan pandai berkokok dlm bab2 Wahabi vs Sufi sahaja.. 
tetapi sama2 menyumbangkan idea yg bernas dalam memperkatakan bab ini spt yg telah 
dibuktikan oleh sdra Abdul Rahman kita nie.

Wallahu a'lam...

--- Abdul Rahman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
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>Dear Editor,
>    On the issue of TIES between DAP and PAS, it is my belief that those
>who favour the breaking up are comprise of those who MISUNDERSTANDS
>PAS.  Their fear is mainly based upon the idea that PAS would interfere
>with their personal affairs ( or what is perceived as being personal).
>Examples like making tudung compulsory, segregation of sex, the so call
>accusation of discriminating against women and many more is often cited
>without any deep thought given.
>    While it is true that PAS is comitted to the struggle of upholding
>justice, peace and integrity, it must also be noted that PAS is also
>comitted towards building a MORAL SOCEITY.  This is because in oder to
>have GOOD LEADERS, we first must have GOOD PEOPLE. So the task of
>EDUCATING and NURTURING the people into becoming aGOOD PEOPLE is also
>one of PAS'es main agenda.
>    While not forgetting the need for material developement, PAS is also
>developing the MORAL of the people. Unfortunately, due to UMNO and BN
>policies for the last 40 years, politics is almost always discussed and
>thought INDEPENDENTLY from MORALITY.  As a result, after YEARS OF
>NEGLECT, we find leaders who CAPITALISE on the IMMORALITY of the PEOPLE
>and LEADERS.  We are very well aware of how dirt is being DUG UP just so
>that it can be used to PACIFY those who have resisted the present
>    When PAS starts to implement MORAL BUILDING POLICIES, quickly we
>find some LIBERALS namely Farish Noor, Yoon Sze, Hishamuddin Rais and
>the SECULAR MEDIA attacking such ideas in the name of FREEDOM OF
>CHOICE.  What these people does not know is that their attacks is part
>of their CONTRIBUTION towards the RUINATION of this country.
>    The liberal PHILOSOPHY of the west should never be an option for us
>in the East as we can clearly witness the failure of such philosophy.
>The decay of western soceity should have been a good reason for us NOT
>to accept their way of life.
>    Furthermore, how can we accept their disapproval when none of these
>liberals can JUSTIFY their own belief.  For instance, the issue of
>DISCRIMINATION AGAINST WOMEN.  No liberals thus far have been able to
>show that the so call EQUALITY between sexes actually BENEFITS WOMEN.
>In fact, in the West, we find women are still subject to sexual
>harassment, product selling tool, manipulation and to make things worse
>they still have to earn their living.  Many of them becomes single
>mothers having to raise their children alone.
>    In short, I do not see much good for women due to the so call
>equality between sexes is implemented.  What I can see is that it is the
>capitalists that reaping from such ideas.  With the equality of men and
>women, they have a larger pool of human resources to choose from.
>    Most of the uneasy feeling towards PAS is mainly based upon the
>IDEAS picked up from the West.  Since the West is well known for their
>easterner seems to subconcously adapted the biasness against ANY FORM OF
>    To these Western Influenced easterners, the WESTERN PHILOSHOPHY is
>like a RELIGION where it is accepted WITHOUT QUESTION.  Those who
>questions is deemed as NEAR HERETICS and those who contradicts the
>culture is deemed with labels such as FANATICS, EXTREMISTS, BIAS and
>many more.
>    What they do not realise is that they themselves are what they are
>labeling to others.  They accept Western Philosophy without question or
>analysis.  They defend the belief without looking into it deeply.  They
>themselves are FANATICS of their own belief.  Their only advantage is
>that the MEDIA is on their side.  Therefore, they can appear to be
>REPRESENTING THE TRUTH when in actual fact they are HYPOCRITES. They
>actually represents the RUINATION of a soceity.
>    In short, I do not favour HYPOCRITES criticising PAS for policies
>which CONTRADICTS beliefs that has proven to be the ruination of a
>soceity.  Just because PAS does not subscribe to the Western Liberal
>philosophy does not make PAS the destroyer of this soceity.  But it is
>the LIBERALS that needs to forgo their HOLLIER THAN THOU attitude and
>start to REEXAMINE their beliefs before calling the kettle black.
>Abdul Rahman Abdul Talib
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>Pengirim: Abdul Rahman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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