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WASHINGTON, DC (9/7/96) - The latest issue (Sept. 2) of Current Events, a 
magazine distributed by Weekly Reader Corporation to students in public 
schools, claims Muslims were the world's first terrorists. The offending 
passage reads: "The world's first terrorist group was established 900 years 
ago and set the pattern for terrorism today." The article goes on to 
describe an 11th century Ismaili sect, the so-called "hashashin," that 
assassinated leaders throughout the Middle East. The article, that includes 
a drawing of an "Arab" holding a dagger, claims the group's leader sent his 
agents to "kill leaders of Muslim countries because he and his followers 
felt that all political leaders were enemies of true Islam." The quoted 
passages are from an article called "Tide of Terror," that attempts to 
describe the phenomenon of terrorism to young people. The article also leads 
the students to believe the downing of TWA Flight 800 was deliberate by 
saying, "...experts say planes simply don't explode in the air - unless they 
have been deliberately blown up." This claim is made despite the fact that 
investigators have yet to determine a cause for the crash. The article goes 
on to list acts of terrorism, with a disproportionate number of items on the 
list allegedly involving Muslims or the Middle East. The list includes the 
downing of PanAm Flight 103, the World Trade Center explosion and the recent 
truck bombing of a U.S. barracks in Saudi Arabia. The only other items on 
the list are the Atlanta Olympics bomb attack and the destruction of the 
Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City. No mention is made of the massacre 
of Muslims in Bosnia, the massacre of Muslim worshipers at the Ibrahimi 
mosque in Hebron, the massacre of Chechen civilians, terror bombings by 
Tamil separatists, massacres of civilians in Central Africa, IRA bomb 
attacks on civilians, the gas attack on the Tokyo subway, or the Israeli 
slaughter of civilians (including two Arab-American children) in Lebanon. 
"This publication, targeted at innocent minds, seems to link terrorism with 
the faith of Islam. This is a disservice not only to Islam, but to the 
students who will regard this biased presentation as fact. Muslim parents 
and community leaders must challenge this type of misinformation," said CAIR 
Executive Director Nihad Awad. Awad added that the article may also lead to 
hostility toward Muslim students.
Mr. Charles Piddock
Managing Editor - Current Events
Weekly Reader Corporation
245 Long Hill Road P.O. Box 2791
Middletown, CT, 06457-9291
TEL: 203-638-2400 FAX: 860-346-5826 EMAIL: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Send a copy to the Weekly Reader's editor-in-chief, Sandra Maccarone at 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (POLITE responses only. Hostile comments only 
serve to confirm existing stereotypes.)
2) CONTACT THE PRINCIPAL of your child's school. Ask that this issue of 
Current Events (Volume 96, Issue 1) not be distributed. If it is too late to 
withhold the issue, request that Muslim parents be allowed to offer 
classroom presentations on Islam. (Current Events is distributed to 6th 
through 12th grades.) Talking points: According to the Department of State 
"Patterns of Global Terrorism" report, there were 99 international terrorist 
attacks against U.S. interests in 1995. Sixty-two of these attacks took 
place in Latin America, 21 in Europe, 6 in the Middle East, 1 in Eurasia, 6 
in Asia, and 3 in Africa. The following figures for domestic terrorist 
attacks were reported by the FBI in the period 1990 to 1994: special 
interest groups (Animal Liberation Front, Earth Night Action Group, etc.), 
12 attacks; Puerto Rican groups, 12 attacks; right-wing groups, 2 attacks; 
international groups, 2 attacks. According to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco 
and Firearms (ATF) "Arson and Explosives Incidents Report: 1994," there were 
a total of 8,567 bombings in the U.S. (306 killed, 3,402 injured) from 1990 
to 1994, and a total of 1,916 bombings in 1994 alone (52 killed, 478 
injured). These figures do not support a linkage of Islam to terrorism.
CAIR chapters are forming in local communities around North America. If you 
are interested in beginning the process of building a chapter, call 
202-659-2254 to receive CAIR's "Forming a Local Chapter" brochure.
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