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American Muslims Asked to Protest Opening of Tunnel Near AL-AQSA Mosque and 
Dome of The Rock
WASHINGTON, DC (9/25/96) - CAIR today issued a statement condemning the 
opening of a tunnel near Al-Aqsa mosque and the Dome of the Rock in 
Jerusalem. The statement reads as follows: "The American Muslim community 
views with great concern the opening of a tunnel near the foundations of one 
of Islam's holiest sites, the Haram as-Sharif ("noble enclosure") containing 
both Al-Aqsa mosque and the Dome of the Rock. The opening of this tunnel 
could provide an opportunity for religious extremists to finally carry out 
the destruction of these sites they have attempted in the past. People of 
all faiths should recall the 1969 arson attack on Al-Aqsa mosque, the foiled 
attempt to bomb the Dome of the Rock in the 1980s and the shooting deaths in 
1990 of 17 Palestinians who challenged Jewish extremists when they sought to 
lay a 'cornerstone' at the holy sites. These were not isolated incidents, 
but are the result of an ideology that seeks to erase all traces of Islam in 
Jerusalem. (Muslim and Christian Palestinians are routinely barred from 
religious sites in Jerusalem.) The secretive nature of the tunnel's opening 
also demonstrates a disrespect for places of worship and reveals an 
intention to covertly alter the status of the city in favor of one faith. 
This unilateral action can only serve to increase tensions in the Middle 
East and throughout the Muslim world. We call on all people of conscience to 
join American Muslims in condemning this flagrant attack on religious rights 
and sensibilities." Muslims Must be on Religious Freedom Advisory Panel 
President Clinton will soon appoint (as early as the end of the week) an 
advisory committee to the Secretary of State on religious freedom abroad. 
This committee is being formed at the insistence of evangelical Christian 
groups in the United States who wish to use it to "mobilize support for 
persecuted Christians around the world." (The New York Times) The committee 
will be composed of some 20 prominent religious leaders and scholars who 
will make recommendations to the Secretary of State. According to The 
Washington Post (9/22/96): "Evangelical leaders are seeking to elevate the 
cause to a national campaign modeled on the Jewish community's ultimately 
successful effort in the 1970s and 1980s to free Soviet Jews." A non-binding 
House resolution (515), passed yesterday in support of this campaign, states 
in part: "Whereas in several Islamic countries conversion to Christianity 
from Islam is a crime punishable by death; Whereas the militant Muslim 
Government of Sudan is waging a jihad (religious war) against the Christian 
southern part of the country, enforcing Shari'a (Islamic law) against 
non-Muslim African Sudanese, torturing, starving, killing, and displacing 
over 1,000,000 people, and enslaving tens of thousands of women and 
children..." The resolution also singles out Kuwait and Iran as violators of 
religious rights, falsely claiming that a Kuwaiti court "recommended that he 
(a convert from Islam) be put to death." ACTIONS REQUESTED: (POLITE and 
RESPECTFUL responses only. It is important that responses come from 
community leaders, mosques, Islamic centers, Islamic organizations, 
educators, and activists.)
20500 Tel: 202-456-1414 FAX: 202-456-2461
EMAIL: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Demand that he put pressure on the Israeli 
government to close the tunnel.
Tell him the incident in Jerusalem points to the need for Muslim 
representatives on the State Department advisory panel on religious freedom 
abroad. Indicate which organizations should be contacted for recommendations 
on committee appointees.
SEND COPIES of the letter to Mr. Robert Nash, the White House committee 
appointments coordinator at FAX: 202-456-2259, and to Ms. Alex Arriaga, the 
State Department panel coordinator at FAX: 202-647-0431. Fax copies to CAIR.
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