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Written by
Ibrahim Abukhattala
PhD student in the Department of Culture & Values
In Education at McGill University. Canada.

The media plays a great role in shaping nation policy and attitudes towards other 
peoples and cultures. Given the fact that Canada is a multicultural country, the media 
should commit itself to policies of fairness, righteousness, and decency, It should 
convey, honestly and adequately, to Canadians the qualities of individuals or groups 
being stereotyped. The media should foster positive social and emotional attitudes 
towards individuals from different groups and a willingness to maintain relationships 
and ethnic backgrounds. However, a closer examination of the materials presented in 
the media shows that it is, and has been, guilty of perpetuating a negative image of 
certain racial and religious groups.

One area where charges of bias in news coverage have been made concerns Islam and 
Muslims. Muslims have been subjected to unfortunate and inaccurate stereotypes that 
helped to create negative attitudes towards them by the other groups in the Canadian 
society. Being a Muslim by birth and education, and having been nurtured by Western 
education for a considerable number of years, have made a deep impression on me and 
give me a modest claim to exchange these thoughts with you and to request a mutual 
understanding, recognition and respect.

My intention is, in fact, to make an appeal to the well-known Canadian tradition of 
justice and fairness. I file this complain of bias in the media, and I hope the 
readers will not ignore the points made and will examine their own attitudes towards 
the point raised. My ultimate desire is to attempt to bridge the gap, and to eliminate 
the misunderstanding between Muslim and Non-Muslim individuals in this 
“prejudice-free” country.

Screen images both provide information and help shape values. Intentionally or 
unintentionally, images teach people whom to fear, whom to hate, and whom to love. In 
much of media’s coverage, Muslims, regardless of the country they come from, have been 
subjected to misrepresentations about their religion. The television and film media 
are often guilty of the practice of presenting all the worst possible images of 
Muslims. Therefore, I think it is worthwhile to look even briefly at the major issues 
which the media fails to cover fairly and objectively.

How Islam regards women is one topic, which is inaccurately and badly exploited and 
represented by the media. The combination of misinformation and lack of depth of 
knowledge about the role and position of women in Islam contributes to fostering the 
notion that Islam puts women firmly in a second-class position. The media does not 
bother to explain how the status of women in Islam has been greatly improved compared 
to the period before the birth of Islam when she was degraded, humiliated, and looked 
upon as nothing but a sort of property. The status which Western women have reached 
during the present time was not achieved due to kindness of men. I think it has been 
accomplished through a long struggle and sacrifice on women’s part, and when Western 
societies needed her contribution and work. In the case of Islam, this consideration 
to women’s status was decreed. However, this was not because of the threat or pressure 
of women and their organizations but rather because of the p!
rinciple of equality in Islam ideology.

I strongly believe that it is wrong and unfair that the media analyze the dictates of 
Islam, regarding women, on the basis of the actions of some Muslim at a certain time 
or place. If some Muslims abuse’s women’s rights, this injustice should not be 
attributed to Islam. This mistreatment is culture-specific and has nothing to do with 
the teachings of this religion. The diversity of the ethnic and cultural backgrounds 
of the 56 Islamic countries in the globe is reflected in the broad range of the Muslim 

However, it is essential that Westerners not judge the liberation and advancement of 
women in the Islamic world by Western standards, because this criteria reflect nothing 
but Western values. The Western definition of liberated women is different from the 
one recognized by Muslim women in Islamic societies. A fact worth mentioning to the 
public is that the history of Islam is rich with women of great achievements in all 
walks of life as early as the spread of Islam in the seventh century, and that those 
women scholars vastly contributed to the Islamic civilization.
Another favored exercise of the media is the association of Islam with violence and 
terrorism. The image of the Muslim produced especially by Hollywood movies’ is either 
that of terrorist, murderer, or bedouin who is totally incompetent in, or full of 
hatred to, the modern world. What is so disturbing about many movies is that they 
show, with absolutely no justification, all Muslims as being at war with the West. 
Media reporters misuse the Islamic term ‘jihad’ to mean a holy war. In fact it does 
not. It means struggle against unjust cause. Another wrong term is ‘fundamentalists’ 
which absolutely has no equivalence in the Arabic language. It is an English term 
refers to certain Protestant Christian who takes the meaning of the ‘Bible’ literally. 
‘Islam’ is an Arabic word derived from the root ‘s-l-m’ which means ‘peace’ and, 
furthermore, the greeting recognized by Islam is ‘salam’ which also conveys ‘peace’. 
My point here is that the Western public is not provided with adequate!
 and accurate information to make intelligent and fair judgements, and Muslims 
virtually have not made themselves available to get their part of the story across to 
the Western public. This, unfortunately, create misleading mental images of Islam. The 
most deceiving and painful lie that can be ever reported is the claim that Islam 
approves terrorism or violence. On the contrary, Islam preaches peace, amity and love. 
History documents to us that that Jews, Christians and Muslim lived together 
peacefully and harmoniously for almost eight hundred years under the Islamic Empire in 

The third major misconception is the perception of Muslims as primitive and opposed to 
all forms of progress. Although it is not my intention to go into this wrong 
impression deeply, I have to say that its root is the association and confusion 
between ‘West and ‘Modernism’. People in the Western media, unfortunately, seem unable 
to comprehend that Muslims have never rejected technology or development but in fact 
they may have rejected some Western behaviors that conflict with their religious 
teachings. History tells us that Islam created a brilliant civilization in different 
parts of the world for more than a thousand years. Islamic culture at its height was 
far superior to that of Western Europe and many of it contributions were vital to the 
European Renaissance. Hundreds of English words we use today are sign of this legacy. 
Regardless of all of this, the fact remains however that rejection to being 
‘Westernized’ is not unique to Muslims only. There are other societies such !
as the Chinese and others that have also rejected some Western ways of behavior that 
were in conflict with their beliefs.

Is it any wonder, then, that some Canadians hold many negative stereotypes about 
Muslims? As we all know, the media is a very strong conveyor of messages and is very 
effective as image reinforcer. I see it as a serious problem and that the Muslim’s 
concern is legitimate. All I long for is that this comment will provoke fresh thinking 
on the subject. I really wish the media would be able show how what binds us together 
is much more powerful than what divides us. I always remember how, in my early 
education in Islamic classes, I was taught how the three great religions: Judaism, 
Christianity and Islam share a common monotheistic vision: a belief in one divine 
‘God’ and how we share many other key values and doctrines in common, I was taught to 
believe in Christianity and Judaism and to regard their followers as ‘Peoples of the 
Book’, and not to forget to say respectfully ‘peace upon him’ whenever the names of 
‘Christ’ or ‘Moses’ are mentioned. 

Finally, I hope readers will be able to take certain responsibilities and remind the 
Canadian media which prides itself on its ability to uncover and present the facts to 
the public that it has an obligation to cover the Muslim situation in a fair and 
balanced manner.

1001 Sembang

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